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Explore Tony's experience of being let down by someone he admired, his struggle to forgive, and the impact on his relationships. Witness his evolving identity and faith in the face of social prejudice and ethnic barriers.
Journal #3 • Write about at time when someone you looked up to let you down or disappointed you. How did you feel? Were you able to forgive them? Did it affect your relationship? How do you think Tony’s relationship with Andrew will change?
Chapter 15 • Tony is sick and recovering from pneumonia. Ultima mostly takes care of him. Andrew only visits him once. • Gabriel went to the sheriff and accused Tenorio of killing Narciso, but the sheriff and coroner quickly decide that Narciso was drunk and accidentally killed himself. Tony feels like nobody really cares because Narciso was the town drunk
Maria teaches Tony his catechism prayers, both in English and in Spanish, even though she does not understand them in English. She thinks this will help him become a better priest. • Eugene and Leon arrive for two days, because they got in a car wreck. Gabriel realizes they will never make his dream come true, and they leave two days later, and take Andrew with them.
Social Prejudice: Since Narciso was the town drunk, nobody really cared to look into his death. His worth was measured by his reputation. To Tony however, who saw Narciso as a good and brave man, and as one of the “magic people”, he can’t help but wonder about the injustice of this. • Andrew: He leaves, thereby affirming Tony’s loss of innocence (from the dream). Since he refused to help Narciso, Tony unconsciously blames him for indirectly causing Narciso’s death, and is having a hard time forgiving him.
Ethnic Identities: As Maria makes Tony learn his prayers in both English and Spanish, Tony realizes more and more that he is part of an ethnic group. Tony sees that language can act as a huge barrier • Anglo vs Hispanic
Chapter 16 • “I could not understand why Narciso, who did good in trying to help Ultima, had lost his life; and why Tenorio, who was evil and had taken a life, was free and unpunished. It didn’t seem fair. I thought a great deal about God and why he let such things happen.” pg 179 • Tony is having more and more doubts about Catholicism, but believes his first Communion will lead him to understand everything