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ReDSS and IGAD collaboration Solutions analysis and learning framework

Empowering displacement-affected communities through collaborative, adaptive, and locally-led durable solutions programming and policies in East Africa. A consortium focusing on training, tools development, and continuous learning.

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ReDSS and IGAD collaboration Solutions analysis and learning framework

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  1. ReDSS and IGAD collaboration Solutions analysis and learning framework to improve durable solutions programing and policies

  2. REGIONAL DURABLE SOLUTIONS SECRETARIAT (ReDSS) • Goal: to improve programming and policy in support of durable solutions for displacement affected communities in East and Horn of Africa • Consortium of 12 organizations • Coordination and information hub not an implementing agency that acts as a catalyst and agent provocateur to stimulate forward thinking and policy development on durable solutions in East Africa.

  3. f ReDSS engagement with IGAD: creating a space for open dialogue and learningaround durable solutions, local integration and transitional solutions

  4. 2017 key learning tools • Solutions analyses to inform (re)integration planning and programming in Somalia and Ethiopia in partnership with IGAD, governments, UN & key actors • Urban study to address solutions in urban context • Solution programing tools – collective outcomes • Online solutions dashboard • Website and bi monthly update • Solutions tutorial • 5 Learning events • 8 One pagers with key figures and recommendations Constant monitoring of learning uptake and impacts (how people learned, which tools they used per category: practitioners, donors, governments, etc)

  5. Durable Solutions Training for practitioners and policy makers Impact Key success factors: bring humanitarian and development actors together/ mix of UN, NGOs, donors and from all sectors and responsibilities Training tailored per country, context, and audience Constant partners engagement (UN Habitat and NRC on HLP, Governments and UN RCO/ UNHCR and UNDP on coordination,…) 5 Technical trainings for practioners held in Ethiopia, Tanzania and Somalia (140 participants) 4 policy makers’ trainings held in Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia and Tanzania (93 government officials trained) In partnership with IGAD, governments, UN, WB, donors, NGOs

  6. Key Principles • Collaborative: Ensure work is generated and grounded in a collaborative and collective process involving all relevant members and external actors; • Adaptive: Embed adaptive working approaches where ReDSS strategies and activities are designed assuming change is inevitable; • Iterative: Promote the use of iterative decision-making to adapt durable solutions approaches continuously; • Locally-led: Enable a context-specific and problem-oriented approach to strategies and activities for improved programming and policies for durable solutions. Adaptive learning at the centre –to be flexible and responsive to changing contexts and needs doing more of ‘what works’ and less of what doesn’t

  7. Core elements to inform Solutions planning and programing Creating durable solutions requires a multi- stakeholder and sectoral, rights and needs based programming approach The process must be viewed as a collective action rather than mandate driven based on an inclusive, participatory and consensus building approach National, regional and local authorities have the primary responsibility and need to be supported to to play their leadership and coordinating role Developing area based Solutions analysis is paramount due to limited absorption capacity, protection concerns, persistent security & access issues Community engagement is critical to inform (re)integration analysis and programing to make solutions lasting, locally relevant and supportive of social cohesion and to adopt a ‘displacement affected communities’ approach- inclusive of returnees, IDPs and host communities Gender/age-sensitive: Interventions should take into account the gender and age dynamics at play & give special attention to the concerns of women & youth Involve development actors from the start to inform medium to long term sectorial priorities complementing humanitarian interventions

  8. The quality of the process leading to durable solution is a key element necessary for its sustainability • Achieving durable solution is a process that is first and foremost determined by receiving governments and societies • The creation of conditions conducive to durable solutions requires the collective action of multiple political, humanitarian, development, governance, peace-building and private sector actors • The objective is to move away from care and maintenance towards self reliance and resilience of displacement affected communities • Building the self-reliance and resilience of the displaced equips and prepares them towards (re)integration • Preparedness before displacement occurs is crucial/ early solutions

  9. resilience + protection (safety/ dignity/ voluntariness/ rights) durable solutions processes sustainable (re)integration

  10. 2018 Priorities • Research, analysis and knowledge management To increase the availability, accessibility and utilisation of relevant and timely analysis and information on durable solutions • Programme support and learning To provide high quality support on programme development and design; collective monitoring; and learning that adds value to collective programming on durable solutions • Policy influence To facilitate and undertake constructive and influential policy dialogue with key national and regional policy actors and processes in the East and Horn of Africa • Internal and external coordination To strengthen ReDSS as an inclusive, collaborative, coordinated hub for quality information, analysis and learning on durable solutions

  11. Key Programs and Partners Somalia • EU REINTEG Knowledge Management • Danida Durable Solutions Programme Learning Ethiopia • EU & UNHCR CRRF Knowledge Management & Area based Planning Uganda • EUTF Uganda Solutions Analysis Regional / Global: Danida (DRC); ECHO Solutions

  12. Durable Solutions tutorial & Online Dashboard Links • Online solutions dashboard • Solutions tutorial

  13. How to get more information • ReDSS website (www.regionaldss.org) – access to all ReDSS studies & briefing papers • Social media - Twitter account (ReDSS_HOAY) • Bi- monthly newsletter – sent externally to over 900 contacts – register on our website here: http://regionaldss.org/index.php/bi-monthly-updates/ • ReDSS Secretariat contact: info@regionaldss.org

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