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Sector Profile

This report provides an overview of the labour sector profile of AgriSETA, including achievements in skills development and challenges for the future. It also includes the annual financials and audit results of SETASA.

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Sector Profile

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  1. Labour Sector Profile SETASA: 100% OF LEVY INCOME: R76 MILLION TOTAL 1 861 ENT. 108 270 EMPL. FRUIT: 13% 246 ENT. 18 871 EMPL. GRAIN: 25% 254 ENT. 18 723 EMPL. SUGAR: 15% 36 ENT. 11 538 EMPL. POULTRY: 12% 214 ENT. 22 009 EMPL. MILLING: 10% 216 ENT. 8 751 EMPL. TOBACCO: 8% 27 ENT. 3 495 EMPL. RED MEAT: 10% 376 ENT. 8 252 EMPL. OTHER: 7% 492 ENT. 16 631 EMPL. AGRISETA (Setasa) Report to PC on Labour: Annual Report 04-05

  2. 18 MEMBERS: EMPL. & LABOUR 4 MEMBERS & CEO 6 BLACK & COLOURED, 6 WHITE 12 STAFF MEMBERS SETA Profile AGRISETA (Setasa) Report to PC on Labour: Annual Report 04-05

  3. NSDS 2001 – 2005 Achievements • Indicator 1.1 – No of Workers at NQF 1 18 148 workers, Achieved: 74%, Dol score: 4/5 • Indicator 1.2 – No of workers on structure learning programmes 48 172 workers, Achieved:116%, Dol score: 5/5 • Indicator 1.3 – No of enterprises that achieved national standard of people development 11 enterprises, Achieved: 55%, DoL score: 4/5 AGRISETA (Setasa) Report to PC on Labour: Annual Report 04-05

  4. NSDS 2001 – 2005 Achievements • Indicator 2.1 – No of large enterprises that received skills development grants 121 enterprises, Achieved: 116%, DoL score: 5/5 • Indicator 2.2 – No of medium enterprises that received skills development grants 101 enterprises, Achieved: 175%, DoL score: 5/5 • Indicator 2.3 – No of learnerships available to workers in sector 41 registered, Achieved: 450%, DoL score: 5/5 AGRISETA (Setasa) Report to PC on Labour: Annual Report 04-05

  5. NSDS 2001 – 2005 Achievements • Indicator 3.1 – No of small enterprises that received skills development support 836 enterprises, Achieved: 268%, DoL score: 5/5 • Indicator 5.1 – No of unemployed young people that entered learnerships or apprenticeships 1 481 learners, Achieved: 99%, DoL score: 4/5 • OVERALL: Achieved: 93%, Dol score: 5/5 AGRISETA (Setasa) Report to PC on Labour: Annual Report 04-05

  6. Annual Financials & Audit Results • SETASA financials: • SDL Income = R62 918 m • Total Investment Income = R5 531 m • Total revenue = R86 582 m • Total expenses = R89 007 m • Expenses as percent of SDL Income = 141% • Net surplus / (deficit) = (R2 425m) • Total Cash & Cash equivalents = R87 532m AGRISETA (Setasa) Report to PC on Labour: Annual Report 04-05

  7. Annual Financials & Audit Results • AG notes to SETASA Annual Financials: • Qualifications: None • matters of emphasis: Due to differences in interpretation of SD Regs , SETASA did not meet GAAP requirements. These will be clarified with AG in order to ensure standardised interpretation. AGRISETA (Setasa) Report to PC on Labour: Annual Report 04-05

  8. Committed Funds and Projects • R45 458 m of the available 87 532 m has been committed to 9 projects. • ABET, HIV/Aids, Learnership development, Levy/grant management system, Relationship skills, SMME Dev., SSP Research, Stakeholder capacity development, Unit standard development. • Balance to be re-committed by AgriSETA. AGRISETA (Setasa) Report to PC on Labour: Annual Report 04-05

  9. Key Challenges for 2005 - 2006 Key challenges for AgriSETA for 2005/-06 and beyond are: • Extensively support the Agricultural Land reform processes in an integrated manner via a LARGE SCALE STRATEGIC NSF PROJECT. • With financial support roll-out ABET PROGRAMMES to at least 10 000 per annum • Capacitate learning centres (esp. Agric Colleges) into CENTRES OF EXCELLENCE. • High quality, relevant and in-depth AGRICULTURAL AND AGRICULTURAL PROSESSING RESEARCH. • Create infrastructural linkages with the secondary component to make DOWN-STREAM ACTIVITIES MORE ACCESSIBLE TO SMALL FARMER. • Impact on EXTENSION AND MENTORING services. AGRISETA (Setasa) Report to PC on Labour: Annual Report 04-05

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