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Introduction to IC Test

Introduction to IC Test. Tsung-Chu Huang ( 黃宗柱 ) Department of Electronic Eng. Chong Chou Institute of Tech. Email: tch@dragon.ccut.edu.tw 2004/03/29. Syllabus & Chapter Precedence. Introduction. Modeling. Logic Simulation. Fault Modeling. Fault Simulation.

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Introduction to IC Test

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  1. Introduction to IC Test Tsung-Chu Huang (黃宗柱) Department of Electronic Eng. Chong Chou Institute of Tech. Email: tch@dragon.ccut.edu.tw 2004/03/29

  2. Syllabus & Chapter Precedence Introduction Modeling Logic Simulation Fault Modeling Fault Simulation Testing for Single Stuck Faults Design for Testability Test Compression Built-In Self-Test (I)

  3. Related to Faults • System Failure: System doesn't work. • Error: Incorrect operation of a system, that possibly works. • Design errors • Physical Faults • Physical Fault: incorrect operation of a modeled element due to Fab. • Fabrication errors • Wrong components • Incorrect wiring or shorts • Physical Defects • Classified according to time stability: • Permanent • Intermittent • Transient • Physical Defect: • Fabrication defects • Physical failure

  4. Physical Faults • Logical Faults: the effect of physical fault on the behavior of the modeled system. • Faults that affect the objective function • Delay faults • Modeling physical faults to logical faults: • Complexity reduction • Technology-independent • Tests may be used even if behavior unknown • Views: • Structural faults • (Wire, transistor) Short/open • Stuck-at • Bridging fault • Functional faults • Simultaneous occurrence: • Single-fault assumption • Multiple-fault

  5. Inductive Fault Analysis N Well Investigate what and how more physical faults induce to high-level faults.

  6. Fault Detection of Combinational Circuits Combinational Network N Faulty Network Nf with a fault f

  7. Test Vector 0 0 1 1 1 0 * 1 1 1 1 • A test (vector) t detects a fault fZf(t)≠Z(t). • Example: a fault with a component error

  8. Sensitization A F I Hi 1 B H 0 0/1 J Hj 0 1 C L G K D f E Sensitized path • A line whose value in the test t changes in the presence of the fault f is said to be sensitized to the fault f by the test t. • Example: C17 in ISCAS85 benchmark

  9. Detectability & Redundancy • A fault f is said to be detectable if there exists a test t that detectf; otherwise, undetectable. • A combinational circuit that contains an undetectable stuck fault is said to be redundant, since such a circuit can always be simplified by removing at least one gate or gate input. • Trivially (directly) redundant gate (input):

  10. Detectability & Redundancy Ckt Ckt M Ckt • Some meaningful redundant circuits: • TMR (Triple modular redundancy) for fault-tolerant design. • Hazard masking gate • Dummy circuits for matching or cancellation.

  11. Practically Undetectable • Redundancy identifying ~ test generation : NP-complete! • NP-complete: a problem is said to be NP-complete if no polynomial-time algorithm exists. • (Usually it can be solved in polynomial-time for most instances, but at least one instance needs exponential time.) • In a practical sense, there is no difference btw an undetectable fault and a detectable one that is not detected by an applied test set. • To have a fair test efficiency for a test tool, the definition of the redundant faults (circuits) should be cared.

  12. Fault Equivalence x z y • Two faults f and g are said to be functionally equivalent (under all possible inputs x E X) Zf(x)=Zg(x). • For any t, Zf(t)≠Zg(t)  f and g are distinguishable. • For fault analysis it is sufficient to consider only one reprehensive fault from every equivalency class. • For a gate with controlling value c and inversion i, all the input s-a-c faults and the output s-a-(c^i) are functionally equivalent. • Equivalence Fault collapsing: Reduction of faults required to analyze based on equivlance.

  13. Fault Dominance A Z B • Let Tg be the set of all tests that detect a fault g. • F dominates g Zf(Tg)=Zg(Tg). Dominant Equivlent • For a gate with controlling value c and inversion i, the output s-a-(!c^i) dominates any input s-a-!c. • Dominance Fault collapsing: Reduction of faults required to analyze based on dominance.

  14. Fault Detection of Sequential Circuits Combinational Network N Faulty Network Nf with a fault f

  15. Fault Detection of Sequential Circuits Single Clock, Synchronous, DFF-based PI: Primary Inputs PO: Primary Outputs N Z X Combinational Circuit L PPI: Pseudo PI PPO: Pseudo PO Q D M M y Q Q Q Q D D D D Y PS: Present State NS: Next State Clk Initialization sequence Initial State So

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