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Introduction to Religion REL 2000 November 6, 2009 Valerie J. Johnsen

Discover the significance of protest and reform within religious contexts, from monasticism to secession, addressing the dilemma of evil through various theodicies.

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Introduction to Religion REL 2000 November 6, 2009 Valerie J. Johnsen

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  1. Introduction to Religion REL 2000 November 6, 2009Valerie J. Johnsen Introduction to Religion

  2. Protest and Reform • Protest and reform from within • Accommodation • Monasticism • Church within a Church • Protest leading to secession • Laxity • New Revelation

  3. Extra Credit Opportunity #2 • Read Chapter 11 carefully. • Take notes on today’s movie, “God on Trial” • Turn in a 1 page paper (typed and properly formatted) discussing the movie using the examples of Monotheistic Theodicy we discuss today (and that are in the text.) • DUE: November 13th Worth 3 points

  4. Why is there evil? - Theodicy • Three Types of Theodicy • Theodicy of “Mystical Participation” • Future, This-Worldly Theodicy • Other-Worldly Theodicy

  5. Examples • Dualist theodicy • Karma-Samsara Theodicy • Monotheistic Theodicy • Examples from Book of Job • Suffering as a punishment for sin • Suffering as a test and condition of Soul-making • Suffering is beyond our understanding • Theodicy of Protest • Free Will Defense

  6. God On Trial Buchenwald, 1945. Wiesel is on the second row from the bottom, seventh from the left.

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