What is Spina Bifida? • Spina Bifida, also known as Myelomeningocele, is a result from a failed closure of the neural tube on the spine. A section of the spinal cord stands out and is not covered by skin, and the spinal nerves can be somewhat paralyzed. The deformation occurs quite soon in pregnancy during the closure of the neural tube (spinal cord). The defect could occur at any place along the spinal column.
Is it common for children? • Myelomeningocele happens to approximately 1 out of every 1,000 pregnancies. Those who take folic acid before the pregnancy have reduced the incidence of this defect. • “Folic acid fo·lic acid (fō'lĭk, fŏl'ĭk) n. A yellowish-orange compound of the vitamin B complex group, occurring in green plants, fresh fruit, liver, and yeast. Also called folacin, folate, vitamin B .”
There is no cure. • Since the nerve tissue cannot be repaired or replaced, there is no cure for Spina Bifida. The only treatments available included surgery, medication, and physiotherapy.
Is it noticeable? • Yes, the lower end of the cord has an abnormal attachment to surrounding structures. The spinal cord becomes stretched and very damaged. • There is also a thickening in the end section of the spinal cord. • The AFP test is performed between 16 and 18 weeks of pregnancy. Alfa-fetoprotein is a substance made by the developing fetus. This will tell you if your baby will have spina bifida.
Signs & Symptoms • Pain (in the back and /or legs) • Weakness in the legs • Numbness and/or other changes in sensation in the legs and/or back • Orthopedic deformities in the legs, feet, and back • Change in bladder or bowel function
Sources Page • http://www.daviddarling.info/encyclopedia/S/spina_bifida.html • http://www.med.umich.edu/fdtc/diagnoses/fetal_diagnoses/myelomeningocele.shtml?gclid=CLW_gOSj-KQCFQp75QodzHqohQ • http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/spina_bifida/spina_bifida.htm • http://www.spinabifidaassociation.org/site/c.liKWL7PLLrF/b.2700275/k.5F64/Spina_Bifida_Occulta.htm
Sources Page 2 • Human Diseases and Conditions; Pages 793-796