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ETT 429 Spring 2007

ETT 429 Spring 2007. Introductions. Agenda . Introductions Class Overview Course Syllabus Success in this Class Technology Standards for All Illinois Teachers Online Discussion Board Posting Technology Confidence Survey Next Class Agenda. Introductions. Form groups of 3 or 4

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ETT 429 Spring 2007

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ETT 429Spring 2007 Introductions

  2. Agenda • Introductions • Class Overview • Course Syllabus • Success in this Class • Technology Standards for All Illinois Teachers • Online Discussion Board Posting • Technology Confidence Survey • Next Class Agenda

  3. Introductions • Form groups of 3 or 4 • Each member introduces themselves to the group – name, interesting fact, degree/career aspirations • Feel free to chat with each other – get to know your classmates • Each group will present their findings • Every member must present another to the class

  4. Success in this Class • Need for more effort. • Downloading presentations. • Practice, practice, practice – at least 2 hours a week. • Do not hesitate to see the instructor at his office during office hours (Wednesdays 2-3pm) if you have any questions or concerns. • Do the assignments/projects on/before the due dates.

  5. Online Discussion Board Posting (1) • WebBoard in-class activity (http://coe2.cedu.niu.edu/~al-shboul) • Let's get to know each other. This introduction is a two part assignment. The first part is to respond to Online discussion-General posting, rename it to have your full name as the subject line, and answer the following questions.

  6. Online Discussion Board Posting (2) • Try to be as detailed as possible as this is a way that you are going to get to know each other and form groups for later projects. • The second part of the assignment is to respond to someone else’s introduction posting. • Try and relate to something that they say or an experience they describe.

  7. Online Discussion Board Posting (3) • Both postings are due by the end of tomorrow, Thursday, January 18. • Questions to respond to: 1. Name2. Academic program and year3. Reason for taking this class4. Technology area most interested in learning about and why

  8. Online Discussion Board Posting (4) • Questions to respond to (Continue) 5. Technology area least interested in learning about and why6. Best experience with technology in an educational setting7. Worst experience with technology in an educational setting8. Two interesting facts about yourself

  9. Online Discussion – General Rubric

  10. Next Class Agenda • Hardware/Software Basics • File Management

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