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The communication process. You will see a smaller version of the picture above on the slides that contain the most important information that YOU WILL NEED to copy AND study ! Getting ALL of these notes (whether you are absent OR out of class) is YOUR responsibility!.
You will see a smaller version of the picture above on the slides that contain the most important informationthat YOUWILLNEED to copy AND study! Getting ALL of these notes (whether you are absent OR out of class) is YOUR responsibility!
Define communication as a process • Define meaning and message (in communication) • Discuss how breakdown occurs in communication • Describe the Four Oral Communication Situations • Dissect the Five Principles of Communication OBJECTIVES: By the end of this lesson, you SHOULD be able to:
Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages in order to share meanings(Why iscommunication a process?)
Communication is a processbecauseit moves forward from a beginning point. Something has to happen FIRST! __________________________________ Communication has to start somewhere right?! That beginning point is the sender , which is the first person to initiate communication, whether it’s verbal or nonverbal!
The process of communication involves 2 or more people **attemptingto share THEIR ideas, feelings, and attitudes.
Speaker/Sender—one who sends a message. • Listener/Receiver—one who receives and interprets the message. ____________________________________ • In the process of communication, WEplay bothof these roles in the communication process. • In both roles, WE interact with each other trying to understand what the other means while trying to get our individual points across. ROLES…
The PROCESS of communication begins when you first meet someone…
When you FIRSTmeet someone, what things do you notice about them?
Those ideals or things you notice about people that you meet for the first time help shape your FIRST IMPRESSIONof them.
MEANING… Meaningcan be defined or interpreted in 2 ways: _________________________________________________ (1) WHATthe sender/speaker wants the receiver/listener to know. (2) HOW the receiver/listener understands the sender’s message.
A message is the WAYmeaningis conveyed (shown). • A message can be verbal or nonverbal. • Messages are the CENTER of the communication process. • WITHOUTa message, there can be NOcommunication! MESSAGES…
Meaning… If you andother(s) you are communicating with do NOT share the samemeaning/understanding for words and phrases, you will have difficulty communicating and experience a breakdown in communication. (Side Note: This is what usually happens in conversations) FYI:
Defined: Misunderstandings in the process of communicating. Common Causes of Communication Breakdown: (1)Differentunderstandingsof the same words, phrases, messages . **Different understandings are perhaps due to personal experiences. (2) Common words sounding alike but mean different things…they are called HOMOPHONES! COMMUNICATION B-R-E-A-K-D-O-W-N…
Is it possible for people to communicate with differentmeanings/understandings of the same words? Yes or No? (If yes how? or If not why NOT?)
DISCUSSION BREAK… • Funny • Borrow • Smart • Expensive • Justice • Peace • Friendship • Responsibility
One student listened very carefully as the teacher discussed the exam for the following day. The teacher said, “Knowscale factor class!” The student thought, “Thank goodness, noscale factor.” Scenario I
Joseph says, “Ms. Stephens’s class is hard.” And, Mario says, “I agree, her class is hard.” Scenario 2
When Joseph says that Ms. Stephens’s class is “hard,” he may mean that there is a lot of homework/projects or she is strict. However, when Mario agrees, he REALLYmeans that Ms. Stephens’s class is “hard” perhapsbecause the terminology/vocabulary is extremely unfamiliar or he struggles to understand the material which makes the course difficult. There IS A DIFFERENCE…
In North America, the “ok” sign signals “good job” or “well done” right? • Well in parts of South America, this same, “ok” sign, is an obscene (rude) gesture. • In France, that same “ok” sign means that something is worthless. Scenario 3
4 Oral Communication Situations: • Interpersonal Communication • Group Communication • Public Communication • Interpretive Communication
Interpersonal means “betweenpeople”. Therefore, interpersonal communication occurs between 2 people! EXAMPLES: • Talking to friend on the telephone • Meeting someone at a party • Discussing personal issues with best friend • Studying/observing interpersonal communication helps you understand more about the communication process that occurs when individuals talk to each other. INTERPERSONAL…
Key word…”GROUP”…3 or more (**but no more than 10-15) EXAMPLES: • Student council meetings • Class projects in small groups • In life, you will have to work in groups to solve problems or plan events. • Agree to disagree in group communication • Not everyone can be the “leader”…elect a leader and be the best follower • There’s a common goal to achieve, so differences must be put aside. GROUP
Standing and speaking before a group or crowd of people causes you to take part in PUBLIC communication. • Speaking in public REQUIRES you to be informed and organized. • You MUST be able to connect with your audience. Different forms of public speaking include: • Informative (i.e., teachers teaching; principal’s announcements) • Persuasive(i.e., commercials) • Demonstrative (i.e., infomercials) PUBLIC
Base word…”interpret” means _____________________. • When you read a story aloud, recite a poembefore an audience, or quote a passage by a famous person, YOU are involved in interpretive communication. Interpretive Communication involves: Bringing literature to life by: • understanding written material very well • knowing HOW to interestingly present literature for listeners INTERPRETIVE…
In the month of January, many commemorate Dr. King’s life by reading and discussing his famous, “I have a dream” speech. ____________________________ Marion Barber gives a brief explanation to Channel 5 News about his performance during the playoffs. ____________________________ Sam and Jackie plan to go to the movies Friday night. ____________________________ Departments are meeting to plan student goals and expectations for the upcoming school year. ____________________________ Which is which? You decide…
Transactional Complex Unavoidable Continuous Learned 5 PRINCIPLES of Communication:
Transactional refers to the process which involves exchange • Communicators exchangemessages (send and receive messages) simultaneously (at the same time). • Again each communicator plays both sender and receiver in the process of communication Principle #1—Transactional
Communication is complex (meaning difficult) becausecommunication involves a series of complicated processes. • Each process affects the other which makes communication complex! • There are SIX reasons WHY communication is complex. Principle #2—COMPLEX
Communication ISCOMPLEXbecause: (1) Symbolic: meaning is communicated through symbols, which are always open to interpretation (2) Personal/Cultural: • A person’s personalbackground can affect communication with them due to their personal experiences that may be different from yours in several areas. • Likewise, a person’s culture(and the practices included) adds barriers to effectively communicating with them. (3) Irreversible: One cannot take verbal and nonverbal messages back. • After it’s said and done, one can ONLY send messages (verbal and nonverbal) to try and correct mistakes or misunderstandings to the original. (4) Impossible to Duplicate : interaction happens once in exact way—conditions will never be the same
Communication IS COMPLEXbecause: (5) Circular—communication involves original messages and feedback to those messages.FEEDBACK IS NECESSARYto confirm that communication has occurred! NOTICE …I wait to hear a response when I ask, “Does everyone understand what they are supposed to do?” before moving forward. No answers means awkward moments of silence! (6) Purposeful—There is ALWAYS a reason behind a message. Communication helps us to meet needs such as: • securing food and shelter • get and give information • belong • be respected and valued as a person
It is impossible NOT to communicate! When you think you’re not, you ARE! Principle #3 UNAVOIDABLE
Communication is ONGOING; it keeps going Once you’ve initially communicated with a person, future communication is FOREVERimpacted by your initial communication. Communication continues to influence future interaction and shape our relationships with others. Principle #4:CONTINUOUS
You learn to communicate by observing and mimicking (imitating) the verbal and nonverbalbehaviors of people around you. • If you are around yelling/loud talking, laughter, fighting/arguing, dancing, studying, cooking, etc., you learnto do those things. • It is definitely possible to improve your verbal and nonverbal communication skills just as it is possible to improve your reading and writing skills…through PRACTICE! Principle #5:A LEARNED Skill
Thank you… • …for your UNDIVIDED attention! • You are APPRECIATED! • Round of applause for yourselves!