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The Road to Commercializing Windows 10 IoT Core

Key points and steps for commercializing Windows 10 IoT Core, from prototype to manufacture, including software image creation, device provisioning, and adapting to hardware choices and security needs.

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The Road to Commercializing Windows 10 IoT Core

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  1. The Road to Commercialization Windows 10 IoT Core Jason Farmer Principal Program Manager Lead B8085

  2. DIY DIY https://www.pinterest.com/pin/62839357275907807/ https://www.pinterest.com/pin/AStkj-V4S-l9ZIRHg_NYUJu49nsj763KPTe_4LytfW5cJ84NRQ205Gc/ Really nailed it Source: Vitamin-Ha.com Source: craftfail.com

  3. Contoso Digital Sign Company High-level Product choices: Price point target Hardware and OS selection Software and Security architecture Cloud plan Shipping regions and countries Device lifetime and support Prototype Create your image Secure Set up updates Register Manufacture

  4. Prototype Create your image Secure Set up updates Register Manufacture

  5. IoT Core Intel Atom E3825 - MBM Digital sign sample Prototype Create your image Secure Set up updates Register Manufacture

  6. Prototype Create your image Secure Set up updates Register Manufacture

  7. Key points for commercializing Windows 10 IoT Core Prepare to build your own secured software image with OS, drivers, apps, and your config Setup 3rd party software relationships (incl: SoC drivers) Know how to pass-through EULA terms to your customer Establish plan for support and updating Prototype Create your image Secure Set up updates Register Manufacture

  8. Create a custom Windows 10 IoT Core image Prototype Create your image Secure Set up updates Register Manufacture

  9. Acquire drivers and build apps Prototype Create your image Secure Set up updates Register Manufacture

  10. Provisioning and Managing devices at scale IoT Hub Device Provisioning Service Enables IoT devices to receive provisioning information automatically without manual interaction when the device first connects to a network. Service: Contoso.com HW ID: 123ABC Azure IoT Hub Device Provisioning service Azure IoT Hub Device ID: DigitalSign(Key) 123ABC 123ABC 3 URL, Device Name, SymKey HW with ID “123ABC” was produced I am “DigitalSign(Key)”: [Data] & [DM] 4 I am device “123ABC” 1 2 Shipping Customer Manufacturer

  11. Set up security Prototype Create your image Secure Set up updates Register Manufacture

  12. Provisioning packages UpdatePolicy.ppkg Prototype Create your image Secure Set up updates Register Manufacture

  13. Coming Soon! NEW! IoT Core Update Service Device Description Name of OCP (OEM Cab Packages) to associate with this device Prototype Create your image Secure Set up updates Register Manufacture

  14. Coming Soon! Download contains targeting data to be injected into your device image Prototype Create your image Secure Set up updates Register Manufacture

  15. IoT Core imaging with recovery Steps Create .ffu with empty recovery files Extract .wim files Recreate .ffu with recovery files SV IHV UEFI+ Drivers OEM/ISV OEM Apps BSP Microsoft Provisioning included OS Core Recovery Recovery Imggen Imggen Actual wim files Empty files ExtractWim Final FFU (with Recovery) Interim FFU (without Recovery) Prototype Create your image Secure Set up updates Register Manufacture

  16. Boot partitions Device layout • GPT/MBR • EFIESP • OEM specific partitions Main OS partition New partition for Recovery WinPE as SafeOS Stored as .wim file Recovery Images Stored as .wim files MainOS and Data restored • C:\ • WinPE.wim • Recovery Images • MainOS.wim • Data.wim Recovery • C:\Data Data partition Prototype Create your image Secure Set up updates Register Manufacture

  17. Have firmware vendor set up SMBIOS reporting Prototype Create your image Secure Set up updates Register Manufacture

  18. ADK-AddonKit Key tools Command Description Prototype Create your image Secure Set up updates Register Manufacture

  19. Demo Need VIDEO here of CMD running scripts Prototype Create your image Secure Set up updates Register Manufacture

  20. ADK-AddonKit project file structure Packages Common/Packages Architecture independent, platform independent packages Source-<arch>/Packages Architecture specific, platform independent packages Source-<arch>/BSP/<bspname>/Packages Architecture specific, platform specific packages Products Named products under Source-<arch>, architecture specific Tools Contains scripts for building packages, images(.ffu) Templates Templates used by tools to create new bsp/product Prototype Create your image Secure Set up updates Register Manufacture

  21. Test and flight software and hardwarebefore release Prototype Create your image Secure Set up updates Register Manufacture

  22. Ex unoplures—Out of one: Many Work with your manufacturer to implement a manufacturing plan Prototype (<20) Small Run (<1000) Boutique (<5000) Production (>5000) Customization level Increases Command Description Prototype Create your image Secure Set up updates Register Manufacture

  23. Operate your IoT solution Driver and Servicing Team Portal UWP Application Development Team Portal Operations and Support team portal Command Description Prototype Create your image Secure Set up updates Register Manufacture

  24. Command Description Prototype Create your image Secure Set up updates Register Manufacture

  25. Accelerating IoT commercialization Nominate projects! www.microsoftiotinsiderlabs.com IoT & AI Insider Labs Accelerate IoT projects on Windows or Azure Technical and business assistance Help with small and large scale manufacture IoT & AI Insider Labs Locations in Redmond, WA; Shenzhen, China; Munich, Germany Engineering on staff (embedded, EE, hardware, software, application development, cloud, machine learning) Cloud data implementation, analytics, cognitive services and ML

  26. We need to fix this table design in Rushmi’s deck Related IoT //Build Sessions

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