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Texas Slave Population, 1860

Design a poster encouraging runaway slaves from Texas to seek freedom in Mexico. Use images and symbols to overcome literacy barriers and effectively communicate the opportunity for emancipation.

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Texas Slave Population, 1860

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  1. Warm Up How many Texas counties had at least a fifty percent slave population in 1860? What regions of Texas had the most slaves? Where might a slave from one of these regions run away to? Texas Slave Population, 1860

  2. Trade and Grade Chp 16 • Chp 16 WS (minus brief essay—I will grade)

  3. p. 362

  4. Engage Resources Document 1 Green Cumby WPA Slave Narrative Primary Source Adventures: Runaway Slaves University of North Texas Libraries

  5. Document 2 Primary Source Adventures: Runaway Slaves Texas Republican,Marshall,March 25, 1859 University of North Texas Libraries

  6. Document 3 Primary Source Adventures: Runaway Slaves Tri-Weekly Telegraph,Houston, October 19, 1858 University of North Texas Libraries

  7. Document 4 Primary Source Adventures: Runaway Slaves Northern Standard,Clarksville, January 6, 1855 University of North Texas Libraries

  8. Document 5 Primary Source Adventures: Runaway Slaves Northern Standard,Clarksville, May 5, 1855 University of North Texas Libraries

  9. Document 6 Primary Source Adventures: Runaway Slaves Northern Standard,Clarksville,October 24, 1857 University of North Texas Libraries

  10. Review the following: 1st. Slavery is abolished in the republic.2nd. Consequently, those who have been until now considered slaves are free.3rd. When the circumstances of the treasury may permit, the owners of the slaves will be indemnified in the mode that the laws may provide. And in order that every part of this decree may be fully complied with, let it be printed, published, and circulated. Given at the Federal Palace of Mexico, the 15th of September, 1829. President Vicente Guerrero • What is significant about this statement? • What was happening in Texas when this decree was passed? • Could this decree impact Texas during the 1850s? Process - Task: Individually, design a poster (Manila or Construction Paper) representing the Mexican Decree of 1829. Your goal is to encourage runaway slaves to leave Texas and to come to Mexico for their freedom. Be sure to consider the fact that most slaves could not read or write, so traditional advertisements with words (less words=more images/symbols) would be difficult for slaves to understand.

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