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11.4 Life and Culture of Middle Ages. Vernacular Language. “Of this time and place” Language becomes regional – so English, French, German etc Dialects emerge Troubadours
Vernacular Language • “Of this time and place” • Language becomes regional – so English, French, German etc • Dialects emerge • Troubadours • Wandering Minstrels who travelled around singing songs and helped to develop the vernacular language – their songs were the first form of vernacular language.
Examples of Vernacular Language • Fabliaux – short comic stories in rhymed verse. • Show foolishness of humans • Animal stories popular – Reynard the Fox • Miracle Plays – short dramas with religious theme. • Enhanced Easter – held in market place • - Noye’s Fludde – (Noah’s Flood)
Song of Roland • National, epic French poem • Knight of Charlemagne—hero of poem, dies fighting the Moors
Dantes Divine Comedy • Inferno (Hell) • Purgatorio (Purgatory) • Paradiso (Heaven) • Roman poet Virgil guide thru Hell and Purgatory • Beatrice, his ideal love, guides him thru Heaven
Levels of Hell – What goes where? • Murderers • Treachery against kin • Fortune tellers • Thieves • Counterfeiters and Alchemist • Suicides • Treachery against Lords • Hoarders • Flatterers • Blastphemers / perverts
Dante’s List • 1. Flatterers • 2. Hoarders • 3. Thieves • 4. Fortune Tellers • 5. Murderers
Dante’s List • 6. Suicide • 7. Counterfeiters • 8. Blasphemers/Perverts • 9. Treachery against Kin • 10. Treachery against Lords
Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales • Story of pilgrims on visit to shrine of Thomas Becket • All classes in society represented in telling story • Pokes fun and is satirical. • Page…263
Romanesque (11th-13th) • Architecture style used vaults, arches, domes, & columns. • Few windows. Dark.
Gothic architecture • Began in 1100’s. • Named after barbarian Goths • Reaching up to heaven, a monument to God. • Walls high and thin with large windows.
Universities • Developed in 12th and 13th Centuries • “Universitas”—Latin for an association of people. • Became place for learning and teaching • Paris • Oxford • Bologna • Salerno
Scholasticism • Reconcile faith and reason. • Christianity with Aristotle’s philosophy. • St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologica summarized religion at the time. • Each point used reason/faith.
Feudalism Gives Way to Patriotism • Under feudalism, all people were loyal to their feudal lord. People did not pay much attention to which “country” they lived in. • As feudalism began to decline, Kings began to organize their kingdoms into organized nation. This fueled “Patriotism” the feeling of loyalty to a country as a whole.
In England. . . • Power of King Up • Feudal Lords Down • # of Serfs Down • # of Free Peasants Up • = Death of Feudalism
The Hundred Years’ War • Named for a series of conflicts between 1337 and 1453 between England and France • Causes: • English King held 2 territories in France, that made him the vassal of the French King • His mother was Fr king’s sister • When the last Capetian died, Edward III (K of E) tried to claim the French throne • The Fr chose Philip 4- cousin –Salic Law • He brought an army to Flanders, and the conflict had begun
End of the Hundred Years’ War • Despite many English victories, by 1453 the English had lost all French land except Calais • By 1553, they had lost Calais as well • Ultimately, this was a major defeat for the British
New Weapons During the War • Longbow • Gunpowder • Cannon
Growing Power of Parliament • Over time Parliament, especially the House Commons gained more power than the king • King needed their power to tax, which gave them ultimate power
Wars of the Roses • Civil War between ruling families • Yorks (white roses) vs. Lancasters (red roses) • Delayed the growth of strong central govt. in England • Most fighting done by nobles and private armies
Victory to. . . . The Tudors? • Henry Tudor (Lancaster) ended the wars by defeating Richard III (York) at Bosworth Field (1485) • Tudor seized the throne, married a daughter of the House of York and became Henry VII, the founder of the Tudors
Joan of Arc • During the wars, a civil war broke out between the royal families ~ Orleans and Burgundy • Joan of Arc said she heard voices of saints telling her to defend Orléans • French held Orleans
Joan of Arc • Burgundian forces captured her and turned her over to the Church as a heretic • She was convicted and burned at the stake in 1431 • But, she had helped to create a strong monarchy (Charles VII)
The Estates General • Created in 1302 by Philip IV (modeled after English Parliament) • Named for the groups that attended the meetings ~ 1st Estate (Clergy), 2nd Estate (Nobles), 3rd Estate (Commoners) • When monarchy was weak, E.G. began to control finances and pass laws, as Monarchy regained power, E.G. lost out, never gained authority to pass taxes
Louis XI • Ruled from 1461-1483, nicknamed “Universal Spider” because he was skilled at conspiracy and intrigue
Louis XI • Built an alliance against Duke of Burgundy (Chars. The Bold) and eventually led to his death, then Louis seized this territory
Spain • By 1400, 4 Christian kingdoms had developed in Spain ~ Portugal, Castile, Navarre and Aragon • 1469 Isabella of Castile married Ferdinand of Aragon • Fought the Moors in 1492 and captured Grenada
In 1492. . . • In the late 1400s, early 1500s, Isabella and Ferdinand united Castile and Aragon to form a united Spain, then added Navarre • Strong monarchy, strong Catholics • Forced all Jews & Muslims to convert or leave ~ most left (bad idea)---Spanish Inquisition!!!!
Holy Roman Empire • H.R. Emperor lacked control to be a strong nation • Emperor chosen by 7 Electors ~ as a result had no real power (only prestige) • Elections usually included bribery and favor trading • 1273 ~ Habsburgs gained power, used prestige to cement marriage alliances and gained much of Austria and nearby lands • Barrier ~ Papal States
In Conclusion • By 1500, three strong nation states had developed in Europe: England, France and Spain • The Holy Roman Empire will exist in one form or another until the 1800s when Germany and Italy will unify • Decline of Feudalism directly gave way to the rise of Patriotism