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Join the Student Volunteer Army (SVA) in recognizing student volunteering with a badge system, service summary, and career benefits. Log hours, earn pins, and make a difference!
About theStudent Volunteer Army SVAstartedasasimpleideato help others by cleaning up silt after the 2011earthquakes... ...and resulted in 11,000 students workingtogether tocleanupacity!
What is the SVA ServiceAward? Weareanationalprogramthatrecognisessecondarystudentvolunteeringthroughafivelevelbadge systemanddownloadableSummaryofService. 3 Build aSummary ofService We’ll track and keep a record of your volunteering, orderit by date and make it available to you whenever you need. You can use your Summary of Service whenapplying for jobs, uni andscholarships. 2 Earn SVA servicepins As you reach each SVA Service Award volunteering milestone, we’ll make sure you receive a pin. Wear the pin as a symbol of the contribution you’ve madeto yourcommunity. 1 Logyour hours Log your volunteer hours online. Any type of volunteering counts - at school, at home or in your community. We’ll awardyour first SVA Service Pin at 5 hours ofvolunteering.
What counts asvolunteering? Being an unpaid caregiver ofwhānau member Sport referee, umpire, coachor scorekeeper Helping out at a food bankpacking groceries Being thestudent organiser of a schoolevent Leading a fire safety coursein yourcommunity
Whyvolunteer? 1.The more you give, the happier you feel. Volunteeringisagreatwaytoincreaseyour confidence. 2.Gain work experience while making an impact on others’ lives. Employers will seeyou’re proactive, motivatedandkeentolearnnewskills. 3.Volunteeringopensdoorstoamazingopportunities where you will meet interesting people and make newfriends.
WhyregisterwithSVAServiceAward? • A downloadable preformatted CV of yourvolunteerworktohelpwithyour career • An internationally recognised framework via the 17 UnitedNations Sustainable DevelopmentGoals • Usefulwhenapplyingforjobs,hallsof residence orscholarships • Apointofdifferencethatmakesyou standout
Project examples: groupactivities • BullerHighSchoolstudentshavemadeabig impactontheirenvironmentandcommunity through long-term volunteerprojects: • Kick Start BreakfastClub • Community PlantingDay • PapanuiHighSchool’sStudentCouncilhelped: • FundraiseforRSA,HeartKidsandMS/PD • PlanttreeswithRotaryandtheCommunity Board • PlanaworkingbeeatthePlunketRooms
Project examples: individualvolunteering • Being a home carer for someone elderly, sick,unwellorwhoislivingwithadisability: • Home caring forwhānau • Socialvisitingforacupoftea • Helping others to usetechnology: • Runningtechhelpclassesforcommunity members at lunchtime • Volunteeringtohelpacommunitygroup operate their projector and computer when they haveevents
How do Istart? Log ontowww.service.sva.org.nz. Createaprofileandlogyourvolunteerhours. Yourteacherwillbenotifiedeachmonthifyou haveearnedaServiceAwardPinandwillaward it to you at the appropriatetime. YouareabletodownloadtheCVafteryou reach Bronzelevel. Ifyouforgetyourpassword,followthe passwordresetinstructionsonthewebsite. TheSVAisheretohelp! www.service.sva.org.nz
Kiatūao,etūkiteao! Beavolunteerandstandupintheworld!