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Clean Air Training Network for Asia (CATNet-Asia) Strategy

CATNet-Asia is a pivotal program under CAI-Asia aimed at advancing air quality in Asia through a collaborative, sustainable regional training initiative. The strategy emphasizes an institutional setup for integrating training activities, expanding AQM training quantity, and improving linkages with CAI-Asia's efforts.

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Clean Air Training Network for Asia (CATNet-Asia) Strategy

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  1. Clean Air Training Network for Asia (CATNet-Asia) Strategy CAI-Asia Internal Secretariat Coordination Meeting 10 July 2004 Bangkok, Thailand

  2. What is CATNet-Asia? • a key program of CAI-Asia to improve air quality in Asia by delivering a comprehensive, regional training program based on collaboration, commitment, and sustainability. • designed at a stakeholder workshop in Manila on 28-31 May 2002 by a group of air quality and training specialists from Asia with support from the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), USAID/US-Asia Environmental Partnership (USAEP) Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the World Bank • objectives of the revised strategy are: • create a more effective institutional structure to allow the integration of the majority of training activities undertaken under the CAI-Asia umbrella; • increase in quantity of AQM training, in terms of courses and trainees; • improve the linkage between the training activities done under CATNet-Asia and other activities of CAI-Asia to ensure that training is not done in a vacuum without follow-up activities.

  3. Institutional structure: regional approach with focal points North China EU-funded AQM training for least developed countries East China West China Tsinghua Nepal South China ??? Bangladesh Pakistan Vietnam AIT Sri Lanka Cambodia CAI-Asia Philippines Indonesia The development of a stronger institutional structure where courses can be delivered at the national and city levels will be a key element of the new CATNet-Asia strategy. Malaysia

  4. Increased AQM training: more courses, trainers, and trainees • The full time training coordinator manages the “supply” side of the training program • The training courses can be developed by any of the three regional focal points by working with Pilot Programs and CAI-Asia Partners and modifying existing training courses • The national focal point in each local network will be the counterpart for CATNet-Asia in coordinating the “demand” side of the training • Training of trainers from the selected satellite national training institution (ideally 15 satellite institutions per training course or about 40-50 trainers in total) • Satellite training institutes deliver the course to the ultimate target group; trainers may include representatives from external groups (pilot program or partners) that helped develop the course • Online library of training materials on the CAI-Asia website

  5. PAPA PSUTA CAI-Asia Pilot Program Regional CATNet CAI-Asia Local networks DIESEL Improved linkage in training activities of CATNet and CAI-Asia programs

  6. CATNet Advisory Committee • Will consist of three core members who are experts in environmental training, preferably from Asia; CATNet- Asia coordinator; CATNet regional focal points; and representatives from development agencies that (financially) support CATNet-Asia • Will review/ comment on • annual or bi-annual work plans for CATNet-Asia; • overall quality of training developed and delivered under CATNet-Asia; • organizational structure of CATNet-Asia (periodic basis) • Will assist in developing and implementing effective fundraising strategies for CATNet-Asia; and • Will provide inputs in the review of relevance and impact of training delivered under CATNet-Asia umbrella.

  7. Financing CATNet-Asia • Initial core funding and operational costs will be needed to set up the full time coordinator and will come from existing funds • Programmatic approach to develop and deliver training courses • Thematic e.g. sustainable urban transport • Localized: regional or sub-regional programs that deliver integrated AQM training • Fee structure for participating in training courses • Ad-hoc sources through training collaborations with other institutions • For more information on funding opportunities, see www.cleanairnet.org/caiasia/1412/propertyvalue-22023.html

  8. Planning and Documentation of CATNet Activities • The CATNet-Asia Workplan, after review by the Advisory Committee shall be integrated in the CAI-Asia Business Plan and be approved by the CAI-Asia Executive Council • Progress reporting will be on a semi-annual basis; additional reports can be made by request of the Advisory Committee • All activities of CATNet-Asia shall be documented on the CAI-Asia website (www.cleanairnet.org/catnet) and shall be maintained by the CAI-Asia Secretariat and the CATNet-Asia coordinator • A special discussion group will be set up to facilitate discussions among the CATNet-Asia regional focal points, the satellite training organizations, CAI-Asia Secretariat and local networks, and dedicated AQM training programs.

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