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This update provides information on the suspension of the Academic Performance Index (API) for the 2014-15 school year, the development of a new state accountability system, and the proposed College and Career Indicator (CCI) models. It also discusses the federal accountability reporting requirements and the waiver requests.
Regional Assessment Network (RAN) Update Chun-Wu Li, Ph.D. Assessment and Accountability Services Division of Educational Services March 20, 2015
Academic Performance Index (API) • At the March 2015 SBE meeting, the SBE approved the recommendation by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction (SSPI) and the PSAA Advisory Committee to suspend the API for the 2014-15 school year. As a result, the 2015 Growth API and 2015 Base APIs will not be calculated.
Academic Performance Index (API)(continued) • The SBE also approved the recommendation to move forward with the development of a multiple measures state accountability system that will focus on a broader set of outcomes than in the past. • Because the transition to the new state accountability system will be a long-term process, the SBE also approved that the earliest the California Department of Education (CDE) will be able to produce a new state accountability report is in the fall of 2016. This will allow for California to have their own state accountability system in place in the event that the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) requires the incorporation of a state accountability system.
College and Career Indicator (CCI) • At the February 2015 PSAA Advisory Committee meeting, the members recommended that the CCI be initially composed of the SAT, ACT, Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), a-g course taking, and Career Technical Education (CTE). One or more of these measures may be removed from this list and new measure(s) could be added. • Additional measures currently under consideration are: dual enrollment, State Seal of Bi-literacy, Golden State Seal Merit Diploma, Linked Learning, AVID, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM; e.g., taking grade twelve science or math courses).
College and Career Indicator (CCI)CCI Working Model • Currently, there are two proposed models in which a student can earn one of four preparedness levels: Fully Prepared, Prepared, Approaching Prepared, and Not Prepared. • This is the original working model that the PSAA Advisory Committee decided to use in the development of the CCI. • This model contains various levels of achievement on measures that a student can meet. Typically, students are required to perform well on only one measure (SAT, AP, ACT, etc.) in order to meet the benchmark of preparedness. For example, a student who scores between 1200 to 1549 on the SAT will be designated as “Approaching Prepared.” A student scoring between 1550 and 2099 on the SAT will be designated as “Prepared”. Finally, a student scoring 2100 or more will be designated as “Fully Prepared”.
College and Career Indicator (CCI)Point System Model • This model is still in development by the TDG. The model lists all college and career measures available with a point value assigned to each measure. A student will accumulate points for each measure that they complete. Based on the sum of the points earned, the student will be designated in one of the four preparedness levels. • For example, if a student completes a CTE pathway (a points), two AP exams (b points), and scored “X” on the SAT (c points), the student’s final score would be a sum of all the points earned (a+b+c = y points). The final score would indicate the preparedness level of the student. This model requires more than one measure to be met in order to obtain the benchmark of preparedness.
Federal Accountability Reporting Requirements(ED Waiver) • In a February 25,2015 letter sent to all states, the US Department of Education (ED) invited states to apply for a waiver that would allow Program Improvement (PI) schools to maintain their current PI status for the 2015-16 school year, under certain conditions. At the March 2015 SBE meeting, the SBE authorized the submission of a waiver but also affirmed the waiver request to be consistent with the January amendments to the federal accountability workbook.
Federal Accountability Reporting Requirements(ED Waiver) • The waiver request, if approved, would allow schools and LEAs currently in PI to maintain their PI status for the 2015-16 school year only if they fail AYP by not meeting the 100 percent proficiency target. If a school or LEA does not meet the participation rate, graduation rate, or the attendance rate, the school will enter or advance in PI. • The ED letter stated that the waiver would still require states to: • Publicly report the percent proficient on the AYP reports • Make a determination on whether or not LEAs and/or schools missed the ELA and/or Mathematics proficiency target of 100 percent (i.e., a “Yes” or “No”) • Identify or advance LEAs and schools in PI if they missed the 95 percent Participation rate or the additional indicator (graduation rate or attendance)
Federal Accountability Reporting Requirements(CA Waiver) • The CDE is submitting a waiver request that is aligned to the federal accountability workbook amendments which includes a proposed amendment to not report or use the percent proficient data for the 2015 AYP determinations.
Proposed Amendments to the Accountability Workbook • On January 14, 2015 the State Board of Education (SBE) approved the following proposed amendments to the Accountability Workbook: • 1. Base "Pair and Share" on grade three Smarter Balanced assessments • 2. Remove reference to California Standards Test (CST) assessments and replace it with Smarter Balanced assessments for grades three through eight • 3. Suspend the inclusion of the alternate assessments for the 2015 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) only • 4. For the 2015 AYP only, base AYP determinations on Smarter Balanced participation rates and the additional indicators • Percent proficient would not be included in the A YP determinations and as such, schools and school districts will not be held responsible for meeting the 100 percent proficient target.
Proposed Amendments to the Accountability Workbook(continued) • 5. Update the definition of socioeconomically disadvantaged (SED) to include foster youth, homeless, and migrant students. This is in addition to students who are eligible for Free and Reduced Price Meals (FRPM) and whose parent's/guardian's equcation level is less than a high school graduate. • 6. Replace the grade ten -California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) assessments with the grade eleven Smarter Balanced assessments • 7. Replace the Academic Performance Index (API) additional indicator with attendance rates for elementary and middle schools • Please note: The above amendments must be approved by the U.S. Department of Education (ED), before they can be applied to the 2015 AYP reports.
2013-2014 Cohort Graduation Data • The 2013-14 cohort graduation data that will be used to make 2015 AYP determinations were made available to California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) LEA Administrators on March 17th as downloadable data files. Any errors to the 2013-14 enrollment and exit codes should be made in the CALPADS Operational Data Store (ODS). LEAs have until the close of business on April 10, 2015 to make any corrections. This will be the only opportunity to correct the cohort graduation rate information for the 2015 AYP.
Title III Accountability • The embargoed pre-release of the 2014-15 Title III Accountability Reports has been sent Out for LEA preview only. The preview site is available through 5 p.m. on March 19, 2015.
RCAN Dates Changed • April 17, 2015 (cancelled) • May 15, 2015 (from 9:00 am to 2:30 pm)