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Advancing Health Science with Internet2: Enabling NHII's Grand Challenge

Explore how Internet2 revolutionizes healthcare by supporting advanced networking, research partnerships, and secure data access for the NHII's Grand Challenge. Discover the impact on medical science, collaborations, and future technologies.

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Advancing Health Science with Internet2: Enabling NHII's Grand Challenge

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  1. NCVHS National Health Information Infrastructure (NHII) Workgroup: Hearings on Health and the National Information Infrastructure and the NHII Personal Health Dimension Douglas Van Houweling, PhD President and CEO, Internet2 27 January 2003

  2. Why Internet2? • The Internet was not designed for: • Millions of users • Terabytes of data • Congestion • Multimedia • Real time interaction • Security • But, only the Internet can: • Accommodate explosive growth • Enable convergence of information work, mass media, and human collaboration • Internet2 is focused on the Internet’s potential for our future

  3. About: Internet2 Mission and Goals • Develop and deploy advanced network applications and technologies for research and higher education, accelerating the creation of tomorrow’s internet. • Supporting advanced service efforts such as: • Multicast • IPv6 • Measurement • Security Commercialization Privatization Today’s Internet Internet2 Research and Development Partnerships

  4. Non-Profit Membership Organization Consortium of more then: 200 universities (academia) 60 corporations (industry) 40 non-profits and gov’t affiliates

  5. Hawaii Internet2 Member Universities • 130 Internet2 member universities have medical colleges (AAMC members) • Strong leadership teams • Health care focus • Life science focus OHSU UMich UIC NLM Stanford UCSD Bradley UMs UTenn UAB TAMU

  6. National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Science Foundation (NSF) National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration(NOAA) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Department of Commerce National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Department of Defense (DoD/DARPA) Department of Energy Government Affiliate Members

  7. Federal/Internet2 Relationship IT R&D Internet2 Federal agency-led University-led Developing education and research driven applications Agency mission-driven and general purpose applications Building out campus networks, gigaPoPs and inter-gigapop infrastructure Funding research testbeds and agency research networks Interconnecting and interoperating to provide advanced networking capabilities needed to support advanced research and education applications

  8. What does Internet2 mean to NHII? • High bandwidth, low latency applications • Augmented Virtual Reality • Enable human interaction through ‘telepresence” • Secure access to information and computational resources

  9. Organism(person) Organ Tissue Cell Protein Atom& organ systems (1m) (10-3m) (10-6m) (10-9m) (1012m)Systems models Continuum models (PDEs) ODEs Stochastic models Pathway models Gene networks NHII Grand Challenge Modeling, Simulation, Visualization, Software Frameworks, Databases, Networking, Grids Courtesy: Peter Hunter, University of Auckland

  10. Roadmap • Networking Health:Prescriptions for the Internet • National Research Council Report • Current and future Internet • Released 24 February 2000 • National Academy Press • ISBN 0-309-06843-6

  11. Health Science Consensus • More new information will be created over the next 2 years than throughout our entire history.  • Medical science will not be possible without advanced computing solutions. • Instantaneous global communication is the worlds next “killer application”. • R&D will become more reliant on academic & industry partnerships than ever before.

  12. Health Science Activities • Medical Middleware Working Group • MeduPerson • Security • HIPAA Guidelines • Authorization/Credentialing • Veterinary Medical Working Group • Virtual Grand Rounds • Collaborations • Visible Human Project Collaboratory • Biomedical Informatics Research Network (BIRN) • International Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology (SICOT) • Clinical Trials Research Network • Virtual Tumor Board

  13. Security and Privacy Guidelines

  14. Biomedical Informatics Research Network (BIRN)

  15. Virtual Tumor Board

  16. Bioengineering Computer Science Biomedical Computing Bio/Medical Informatics Research and Education – Multidisciplinary! EE Pharmacy Psychology Physics Mathematics Mech Eng Chemistry English Chem Eng Medicine

  17. Conclusions:Partnerships serve as a catalyst • Direct Visualizations • Data Collection and Integration • Data Mining (BioGRID) • Device intercommunication; remote instrumentation • Haptic Immersion; Surgical Simulation • Advanced sensor development;Nanotechnologies • Augmented dexterity; telerobotic surgical navigation • Advanced delivery mechanisms • Wireless Data Collection Systems • Ergonomic development • Systems Engineering • Standards Development • Multidisciplinary Coordination • Economic models for reimbursement realities

  18. More Information • On the Web • health/internet2.edu • www.internet2.edu/health • Email • Douglas Van Houweling DVH@internet2.edu • info@internet2.edu • Mary Kratz, Internet2 Health Sciences Program Manager Mkratz@internet2.edu

  19. www.internet2.edu

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