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Medicaid, the nations public health insurance program for low-income children, adults, seniors, and people with disabilities, covers 1 in 5 Americans, including many with complex and costly needs for medical care and long-term services. Most people covered by Medicaid would be uninsured or underinsured without it. Total Medicaid costs are high because Medicaid covers many people with complex needs for both health care and long-term care. Most Medicaid spending is for seniors and people with disabilities. Medicaid also bolsters the private insurance system by providing supplemental coverage for many privately insured children with special needs and children and adults with disabilities. Along with medicaid, check the chip guidelines carefully before exploring the CHIP programs, this will help you to find best plans for your child. For more information please visit here https://www.capbluecross.com/CHIP
10 Things to Know About Medicaid Medicaid provides comprehensive coverage and financial protection for millions of Americans, most of whom are in working families. Despite their low income, Medicaid enrolls experience rates of access to care comparable to those among people with private coverage.Medicaid plays a large role in both federal and state budgets. Medicaid is the nation’s public health insurance program for people with low income Medicaid is structured as a federal-state partnership Medicaid coverage has evolved over time Medicaid covers 1 in 5 Americans and serves diverse populations Medicaid covers a broad range of health and long-term care services Most Medicaid enrollees get care through private managed care plans Medicaid facilitates access to care Medicaid is jointly financed by states and the federal government Medicaid spending is concentrated on the elderly and people with disabilities The majority of the public holds favorable views of Medicaid Source: kff.org w w w . c a p b l u e c r o s s . c o m