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Mx in Canada’s 4 th Generation seismic hazard model

This document provides documentation and implementation details of Canada's 4th Generation seismic hazard model, developed between 1994-1997, finalized in 2003, and implemented in 2005. It includes information on magnitude-recurrence rates, stable craton core rates, floor hazard estimates, uniform hazard spectra, deaggregation analysis, and potential large faults in different regions of Canada.

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Mx in Canada’s 4 th Generation seismic hazard model

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  1. Figure A11–1 Mx in Canada’s 4th Generation seismic hazard model John Adams Presentation for USGS Mmax meeting Golden 2008 09 09 Developed ~1994-1997 Finalized 2003 Implemented in 2005 code 4th Generation model Documentation http://earthquakescanada.nrcan.gc.ca/hazard/OF4459/index_e.php

  2. Figure A11–2 Magnitude-recurrence for eastern Canada 1929 Grand Banks 1933 Baffin Bay 7.5 8.0 7.3

  3. One M6.5 per decade Figure A11–3 Stable Craton Core (SCC) rates and MmaxFenton and Adams, 1997; Fenton et al 2006 Places like Canadian Shield! http://earthquakescanada.nrcan.gc.ca/hazard/2006/2006FentonAdamsHalchukGEGE.pdf

  4. Figure A11–4 B) Observed North American shield activity rate Wt = 0.4 Floor Hazard estimates - Three rates to capture uncertainty: A) Global earthquake activity of continental shields Wt =0.4 C) Rate for central Canada not in a source zone Wt = 0.2 Then, seismic hazard computed for centre of large zone

  5. Figure A11–5 Uniform Hazard Spectrasoil class C Floor UHS for 2%/50yr

  6. Figure A11–6 This is a 1999 deaggregation using EZ-Frisk. Details may have changed, but pattern will be the same.

  7. Figure A11–7 Floor value

  8. Figure A11–8 Mesozoic rifted margin Mobs ~7.4 Weighted branches best, upper, lower 7.5 8.0 7.3 0.68 0.16 0.16 Plenty of potential large faults -> M8

  9. Figure A11–9 Paleozoic rifted margin Mobs ~7.0 Weighted branches best, upper, lower 7.5 7.7 7.2 0.68 0.16 0.16 Enough potential large faults

  10. Interior ?slightly extended Mobs ~5.0 Weighted branches best, upper, lower 7.0 7.2 6.8 0.68 0.16 0.16 potential large faults? insensitive to Mmax consistent with SCC Figure A11–10

  11. Paleozoic rifted margin Mobs ~5.0 Weighted branches best, upper, lower 7.5 7.7 6.0 0.68 0.16 0.16 potential large faults? insensitive to Mmax inconsistent with SCC! Figure A11–11

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