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HARP and K2K

HARP and K2K. 1. The K2K experiments 2. beam related uncertainties 3. HARP and results 4. K2K and results 5. conclusions. K2K & T2K. Phase II: 4 MW upgrade. Phase II HK: 1000 kt. JPARC-  ~0.6GeV n beam 0.75 MW 50 GeV PS (2009  ). SK: 22.5 kt. Kamioka. J-PARC.

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HARP and K2K

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  1. HARP and K2K 1. The K2K experiments 2. beam related uncertainties 3. HARP and results 4. K2K and results 5. conclusions

  2. K2K & T2K Phase II: 4 MW upgrade Phase II HK: 1000 kt JPARC- ~0.6GeV n beam 0.75 MW 50 GeV PS (2009 ) SK: 22.5 kt Kamioka J-PARC K2K~1.2 GeV n beam 0.01 MW 12 GeV PS (1999 2005)

  3. K2K ran 1999-2001 2003-2004 12 GeV protons WBB flux X cross-sections poorly known from first principles measured in near detectors: Most useful turned out to be -- scibar (water + scint) -- MRD

  4. far/near ratio Far flux different from near flux (solid angle) neutrino cross-sections poorly known at low energies near detector is also a cross-section measurement device, PROVIDED FLUX IS KNOWN ==> hadron production measurements

  5. Hadron production on nuclear targets is a) complicated b) uninteresting for hadronic physics c) difficult to measure well d) absolutely mandatory for neutrino beam experiments ==> data are sparse and Monte-Carlos are very uncertain measure!

  6. HARP approved 2000 built in 17 months run sept. 2001 -> nov 2002 106 triggers at each of these settings Beam line PID Forward detectors --> neutrino beams - K2K, - Miniboone, - atmospheric, - Low energy SPL superbeam Large Angle detectors -->neutrino factory

  7. HARP Beam counters: identify and count incoming particles define beam particle impact in target + empty target runs to subtract effect of non-target material and count composition in electrons and muons

  8. HARP forward electrons hadrons hadrons p K electrons p Calorimeter E/p and E(1st layer)/E for p above pion threshold TOF for p=2+-0.25 Ncherenkov for p below pion threshold

  9. Figure 9 Muon neutrino fluxes in the K2K experiment as a function of neutrino energy En, as predicted by the default hadronic model in the K2K beam Monte Carlo simulation (dotted histograms),and by the HARP p+ production measurement (filled circles with error bars). Left: unit-area normalized flux predictions at the K2K near (top) and far (bottom) detector locations, Fnear and Ffar; right : the far–to–near flux ratio (empty squares with error boxes show the K2K model results), showing the precision improvement brought by the HARP data. Uni-Ge: A.B, Borghi, Campanelli, Cervera, Gilardoni, Graulich, Morone, Prior, Schroeter

  10. K2K final results (using HARP input, 4.1 -> 4.4 s C.L. improved by factor 3) no oscillation flux*0.6 best osc. fit arXiv:hep-ex/0606032 v2 sept 06 (Blondel, Borghi, Cervera, Schroeter) + papers on p0 production and quasi-elastics reconstructed « single ring » Quasi-elastics in SuperKamiokande ==> spectral shape + normalization show oscillation

  11. Large angle analysis Large angle analysis

  12. d0*sign 1/p

  13. cryogenic H2 target

  14. HARP large angle S. Borghi

  15. HARP prelim Optimization of proton accelerator energy for the neutrino factory proton driver HARP prelim. 0.3< q<0.9 250MeV < pp < 500 pi+ pi- 5 GeV is not a bad energy! data (2006) simulations (2005) caution! these results are not obtained exactly in the same kinematic domain

  16. nm --> ne search in K2K one candidate event found

  17. CONCLUSIONS -- Starting from HARP, we are building up an increasingly strong EU and CH contribution to the Japanese Long-baseline neutrino programme -- K2K confirmed the existence of oscillations with an accelerator neutrino beam first search for nm --> ne appearance -- Hadroproduction measurement have shown to be i) difficult and ii) important for understandng of oscillation experiments. -- The HARP data have been used successfully to improve the K2K oscillation result will be crucial for the upcoming miniBoone result will allow a firm conclusion on the choice of the energy for the CERN high power proton accelerator

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