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Explore the latest findings from K2K and T2K experiments, focusing on beam-related uncertainties and results. Discover how HARP measurements and hadron production play crucial roles in neutrino beam experiments. Dive into the details of Phase II upgrades, detector technologies, and the physics goals of T2K. Get a glimpse into the future prospects and construction progress in the field of neutrino research.

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  1. HARP-K2K-T2K 1. The K2K and T2K experiments 2. beam related uncertainties 3. HARP and results 4. K2K and results 5. T2K 6. conclusions

  2. K2K & T2K Phase II: 4 MW upgrade Phase II HK: 1000 kt JPARC- ~0.6GeV n beam 0.75 MW 50 GeV PS (2009 ) SK: 22.5 kt Kamioka J-PARC K2K~1.2 GeV n beam 0.01 MW 12 GeV PS (1999 2005)

  3. K2K ran 1999-2001 2003-2004 12 GeV protons WBB flux X cross-sections poorly known from first principles measured in near detectors: Most useful turned out to be -- scibar (water + scint) -- MRD

  4. far/near ratio Far flux different from near flux (solid angle) neutrino cross-sections poorly known at low energies near detector is also a cross-section measurement device, PROVIDED FLUX IS KNOWN ==> hadron production measurements

  5. Hadron production on nuclear targets is a) complicated b) uninteresting for hadronic physics c) difficult to measure well d) absolutely mandatory for neutrino beam experiments ==> data are sparse and Monte-Carlos are very uncertain measure!

  6. HARP approved 2000 built in 17 months run sept. 2001 -> nov 2002 106 triggers at each of these settings Beam line PID Forward detectors --> neutrino beams - K2K, - Miniboone, - atmospheric, - Low energy SPL superbeam Large Angle detectors -->neutrino factory

  7. Uni-Ge: A.B, Borghi, Campanelli, Cervera, Gilardoni, Graulich, Morone, Prior, Schroeter

  8. HARP large angle S. Borghi

  9. K2K final results (using HARP input, 4.1 -> 4.4 s C.L. improved by factor 3) no oscillation flux*0.6 best osc. fit arXiv:hep-ex/0606032 v2 sept 06 (Blondel, Borghi, Cervera, Schroeter) + papers on p0 production and quasi-elastics reconstructed « single ring » Quasi-elastics in SuperKamiokande ==> spectral shape + normalization show oscillation

  10. p p n off-axis on-axis 0m 140m 280m 2 km 295 km neutrino decay volume Possible Future T2K (Re13@CERN) ND280m ND2km  monitor SK

  11. T2K principles SuperK q Decay Pipe Target Horns OA2° 0o - off-axis beam OA2.5° OA3° - small contamination of e -  spectrum at SuperK predicted by correction of  spectrum at Near Detector (ND280m) by Far/Near ratio • E reconstruction using • CCQE kinematics n  -p -like e-like • PID at SK • /e identification • background suppression • in e search (K2K)

  12. T2K Physics Goals 1 Search for e appearance sensitivity sin2213  0.01 2 Measurement of m223 with accuracy of 3% mixing angle with accuracy of 1% (sin2223)  0.01 (m223) < 110-4 eV2 3 Search for sterile components by NC events

  13. Beam line construction started in April 2004 on schedule Start of ND280m detectors manufacturing Fall 2006 ND280 hall construction start April 2007 UA1 magnet installation May 2008 Complete ND280 building December 2008 50 GeV MR commissioning 2008 Begin installation of ND280 detectors January 2009 Neutrino beam line commissioning April 2009 T2K physics run 2009 …..

  14. 2 km detector will be discussed after successful operation of T2K phase I experiment (2009)

  15. Target and horn magnets Graphite Target beam 1st Horn 2nd Horn 3rd Horn I=320kA Graphite target Prototype - thermal shock resistant to 0.75 MW - He-gas cooling system 1st Horn excitation May 2006 Operation at 320 kA July 2006 Production of 1, 2, 3 Horns 2007 Installation 2008

  16. Requirements for Near Detectors determination of off-axis angle (on-axis detector)  and e fluxes, from CC(off-axis tracking detectors) 0 production cross sections (Pi-Zero, Ecal) Neutrino flux measurement at ND280 with accuracy 5% n  - p CCQE E  1GeV,  = 0 – 180 deg Fermi motion  Muon momentum resolution – 100MeV/c +/-and e+/e- identification Detection of recoil protons Charged pion measurement Measurement of e contamination with <10% uncertainty Measurements of neutrino interactions in water target Neutrino beam direction accuracy <<1 mrad

  17. Near Detectors at 280 m Off-axis (~2o) ND280m hall 19m Super-K 37m Beam center On-axis (0o) Accuracy of  beam direction 0.18 mrad

  18. ND280m off-axis detector UA1 magnet 0.2 Tinner volume:3.53.67.0 m3 Pi-Zero optimizedfor 0 from NC Tracker optimizedfor CC studies surrounded byECAL andSide Muon Range Detector Conceptual design SMRD TDR being written

  19. ND280m tracker Requirements : σ(p)/p < 10 % at 1 GeV/c dE/dx capability: separate e from μ solid active (+ water) target modules (FGD) gas time projection chamber modules (TPC) 3 TPC’s 2.5m x 2.5 m x 90 cm Gas amplification Micromegas Barcelona-GVA-Saclay - 6 read-out planes (0.6x2.5 m2) - Total drift distance 1.25 m - B=0.2 T E=200V/cm - Pad size: 0.6 to 0.8 cm - ~100k channels Dp/p2=7% in one chamber 26cm

  20. Swiss contributions to T2K UniGe: Construction of Micromegas modules (84 modules + spares) at CERN: mechanics + automatic bench testing and pad-by-pad calibration (~150000 channels) (Abgrall, AB, Bravar, Di Marco, Ferrere, Ravonel, Schroeter) + contribution to refurbisment of UA1 magnet (shared contribution by EU groups)

  21. Swiss contributions to T2K Very good news: UniBe and ETHZ have applied to T2K -- proposed contribution to ND280 detectors under discussion -- long term interest in a possible 2km Larg detector Under investigation: -- Swiss groups could lead the effort of NA49/T2K --> -- Measurement of particle production by 30-50 GeV protons from carbon target in the NA49 apparatus

  22. NA-49 Set-up NA49-future: Study of hadron production in collisions of protons and nuclei at the CERN SPS beam TPC ToF

  23. CONCLUSIONS -- Starting from HARP, we are building up an increasingly strong EU and CH contribution to the Japanese Long-baseline neutrino programme -- K2K confirmed the existence of oscillations with an accelerator neutrino beam -- Hadroproduction measurement have shown to be i) difficult and ii) important for understandng of oscillation experiments. -- T2K experiment is so far on schedule to start in spring 2009. Intensity is expected to increase slowly to reach nominal in 2011 and beyond later -- The main goal of T2K is the nm -->ne search (a critical step towards leptonic CP violation) there is much we do not know about performing off-axis experiments at these low energies. The near detector is designed to provide topological cross-sections of ~5% quality to determine the backgrounds to this search -- The Swiss contribution is shaping up.

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