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Welcome to Moderation of Writing Workshop 2009-10. Moderation of Writing 2009-10. Today we will: Share the process and outcomes of the 2008-9 round of moderation. Outline the process for 2009-10
Welcome toModeration of Writing Workshop2009-10 Moderation of Writing 2009-10
Moderation of Writing 2009-10 Today we will: • Share the process and outcomes of the 2008-9 round of moderation. • Outline the process for 2009-10 • Continue to share the standard together through carrying out a moderation exercise on 4 pieces of writing. Moderation of Writing 2009-10
Moderation of Writing 2009-10 The moderation process in session 2008-09 • All schools maintained folios of writing. • 19 schools selected for moderation. • 16 primary. • 3 secondary. • Schools submitted writing folios of named pupils. Moderation of Writing 2009-10
Moderation of Writing 2009-10 The moderation process in session 2008-09 • 3 primary and 3 secondary teachers. • Working in pairs. • In each folder looked at the task, the evidence and the level assigned. • Was the task appropriate ? • Was the assigned level supported by the evidence? • Written, formative feedback to each school. Moderation of Writing 2009-10
Moderation of Writing 2009-10 Writing S2 Primary • 59% 78% • 57% 80% • 48% 79% • 60% 81% • 61% 80% Moderation of Writing 2009-10
Moderation of Writing 2009-10 The process for session 2009-10 will be the same as session 2008-09. • All schools should maintain folios of writing. • 19 schools will be selected. • If selected in 2008 and 2009 you will not be asked to participate for at least 2 years. • Documentation will stay the same. • Schools taking part in moderation will be informed by end of March 2010. • Submission date for folios will Friday 21 May 2010. • Moderation team will convene in early June 2010. • Feedback to schools and return of folios by mid June. Moderation of Writing 2009-10
Looking Ahead As we move towards phased implementation of Curriculum for Excellence: • The 5-14 national assessment bank will be retained until 2010. • Replaced by the National Assessment Resource (NAR) in 2010. • Not a bank of tests. • Examples of assessments in a variety of formats. • Covers all Curriculum areas and all ages and stages. Moderation of Writing 2009-10
Looking Ahead As we move towards phased implementation of Curriculum for Excellence including Literacy Across Learning – a suggestion: • In session 2009-10 include in folio one piece of writing generated from an area other than English. • Is this a possibility in your cluster ? • What might be the challenges ? Moderation of Writing 2009-10
Moderation Feedback 2009 Moderation of Writing 2009-10
Strengths • The writing folio is now embedded across the authority • All schools participating chose materials from throughout the year which showed progression • The overall standard of writing was good and the majority of tasks were of a high quality • The levels awarded corresponded with our judgment more closely than last session • Marking at Level D was very consistent while marking at Level E was consistent. Moderation of Writing 2009-10
General Recommendations • To attain an overall level, three pieces out of the four must be assessed at that level • Functional writing tasks could be more engaging and relevant to the pupils’ interests • We recommend basing tasks around a theme • The use of success criteria is a very helpful tool in motivating the students • For progression between Levels D and E, we recommend that teachers concentrate on vocabulary, imagery and sentence structure. Moderation of Writing 2009-10
More General Recommendations • Writer’s Craft pieces should be included this session and we would recommend that more emphasis be placed on emulating the style rather than just the narrative • Writer’s craft tasks should be generated from literature taught in class and contain features which will challenge the most able. Moderation of Writing 2009-10
Secondary Feedback • Marking was more secure this session for both Levels D and E • On occasion, tasks could too vague and the key aims were not always as clear as they could be • We recommend sharing the criteria and using AifL strategies in order to set targets • Writer’s craft texts must provide scope and challenge for pupils aiming for Level F • Marking at level F was less secure in all establishments. Moderation of Writing 2009-10
Primary Feedback • Our marking corresponded closely with that of the Primary sector • There was some inconsistency in marking between Levels C and D • Tasks were clear and criteria for success helped focus pupils’ ideas. • The style element was not as strong as the narrative when pupils tackled writer’s craft. Writer’s craft texts must provide scope and challenge for pupils aiming for Level E. • Although pupils had achieved Level D, teachers should focus on choice and use of language as well as punctuation to encourage progression Moderation of Writing 2009-10