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Global Aerosol Network Alexander Baklanov

Global Aerosol Network Alexander Baklanov. WMO; CAS MG9. Impact of aerosols is one of the most significant and uncertain aspects of climate change projections .

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Global Aerosol Network Alexander Baklanov

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  1. Global Aerosol Network Alexander Baklanov WMO; CAS MG9

  2. Impact of aerosols is one of the most significant and uncertain aspects of climate change projections. Play a significant role in human health issues and in environmental effects caused by biomass burning, dust storms and volcanic eruptions, and at shorter timescales in NWP. Appreciated the expansion of aerosol observations but noted that many areas of the globe are still lacking measurements => “Recommendations for a Composite Surface-Based Aerosol Network”, GAW Report No. 207. Filling observational gaps, standardization of measurement methods and data archiving protocols, improving data quality and data delivery/data management system to multiple users. Aerosol-related process studies, satellite validation, model development and validation, assimilation of observational data into operational models, and the creation of a comprehensive aerosol climatology on a global scale. Background from CAS-16 WMO

  3. Background from CAS-16 • CAS recognized that GAW is in the position to coordinate this activity, and invited existing networks outside GAW, such as AERONET, SKYNET and MPLNET, to join. • Noted that WMO/GAW aerosol observations are not yet recognized as GCOS networks and that this PFR network would be suitable as aGCOS Reference Network. • Noted the importance of BC for both climate and health impacts, requested for work on BC to continue, in collaboration with WHO and the Climate and Clean Air Coalition. • Agreed that GAW should look into the measurements and reporting of PM2.5 and PM10, that are very relevant in urban areas, and that are used extensively in health studies. • Noted a need to scrutinize and complement the information available on BC as reported in GAWSIS. WMO

  4. Background from WWRP JSC 6 • Decision/Action WWRP JSC 6 (14): • SDS-WAS to establish closer links with other WGs, such as DAOS, SERA, Verification, Mesoscale Forecast. The JSC requests the Chairs of the DAOS WG, GURME, SDS-WAS, Weather Modification Expert Team, Mesoscale and SERA WGs to propose a way forward with the research programme on aerosol, air quality, SDS, smoke of forest fires, and to provide several options in future research directions. • One of the goals of that discussion is to identify the operational component of SDS-WAS and transfer it under the CBS. • An option to explore is the establishment of a new WG on Atmospheric Composition Prediction in WWRP in collaboration with GAW. The SDS-WAS would be a flagship project in this proposed WG. Meanwhile SDS-WAS will stay an endorsed project under WWRP and GAW. WMO

  5. The way forward • Further harmonizing aerosol measurements. • Promoting coordination of networks for in situ observations. • Establishing a GAW aerosol lidar network in cooperation with existing networks. • Contributing to the integration of satellite, aircraft, and surface-based aerosol observations with aerosol modelling. => ECMWF/MACC2, other centers?: NOAA, CMA,.. • Encouraging greater data submission and utilisation of GAW aerosol data. • Supporting near-real-time exchange of aerosol data. WMO

  6. GAW in-situ aerosol monitoring network The GAW in-situ aerosol network contains now more than 40 Regional stations and 20 Contributing stations, in addition to 28 Global stations, that report data on aerosols (different aerosol characteristics) to the World Data Centre for Aerosols (WDCA, http://www.gaw-wdca.org). Four new GAW Regional stations joined GAW in 2013 with aerosol observations. Cooperation with PEEX, ABC-Asia, ABC-Africa, … Gaps in aerosol measurements Gaps in data submissions

  7. The Ground-based Global AOD Network The global AOD observational network is co-sponsered by a number of agencies and/or programmes, in particular- AEROCAN, federated to AERONET- AERONET,- PHOTONS, federated to AERONET- GAW (PFR),- PolarAOD,- German AOD network,- SibRad, and- SKYNET total: 122 sites

  8. Global AOD Reference Network GAW-PFR DAVOS WORCC Ny Ålesund ● Summit Sweden 3 Finland 2 Mace Head ● Bratts Lake Valentia Germany 3 Anmyeon Hohenpeissenberg Jungfraujoch Cabauw Ryori Izaña Waliguan Mauna Loa Danum Valley Alice Springs Cape Point Antarctica 3 GAW-PFR network, manufactured and coordinated by World Optical Depth Research and Calibration Center, Davos (Switzerland) is operated by GAW stations. It is suitable for use as a GCOS Reference Network. Consists of 29 stations and 23 submit data in NRT on hourly basis

  9. GAW Aerosol LIDAR Observing Network- GALION Letters of agreement were signed between GAW and the following lidar networks as GAW contribution networks: • the Latin America Lidar Network (ALINE) • the European Aerosol Research Lidar Network (EARLINET) • the Asian Dust and Aerosol Lidar Observation Network (AD-Net)

  10. Quality Assurance/Quality Control The World Calibration Centre for Physical Aerosol Properties (WCCAP) has several funding sources (German EPA, projects) and is currently well equipped with reference instruments. However, there would be the need for extra human resources as the demand for calibration is quite high. Audit reports for 2013 are being finalized.Audit reports for 2012 have been finalized and available on the web-page.

  11. The Scientific Advisory Group (SAG) for aerosols met in February 2014. Among the topics discussed: the proposal for the GAW in-situ aerosol network to become a GCOS reference network for aerosol optical properties development of requirements for observations of aerosol variables as input to the WMO Rolling Review of Requirements preparation of the update to GAW Report #153, "WMO/GAW Aerosol Measurement Procedures: Recommendations and Guidelines"; future additions to the GAW aerosol networks use of advanced instrumentation for on-line measurements of aerosol chemical composition in GAW; New strategic directions for GAW. Meetings

  12. The SAG 5-year plan is to develop a GAW aerosol optical network towards the GCOS network. SAG Aerosol is developing a proposal for a surface network for aerosol optical properties (in situ light absorption, scattering and extinction measurements, and particle number concentration) for recognition by GCOS. SAG will develop a GCOS proposal for vertical profile network through GALION. Recognition by GCOS

  13. Some SAG questions to CAS MG to clarify • Many countries have active aerosol monitoring programs but do not contribute to GAW. There are regions with huge gaps, e.g. throughout Asia, Australia, Africa, South America. Mechanisms to involve them and provide data are needed. • "GAW should look into the measurements and reporting of PM2.5 and PM10, that are very relevant in urban areas" - clarification is needed. GAW is not positioned to address urban air quality issues. • How do we better connect the work of SAG-GURME and other urbanization activities with the other SAGs? Definition and strategy for ‘Local stations’ are needed. • There is no information on BC in GAWSIS. There is information in GAWSIS on measurements that are commonly interpreted as BC (i.e., light absorption coefficient and elemental carbon), but the SAG's ACP paper makes it clear that the term BC should not be used when reporting measurements. • WCCAP: there is the need for extra human resources as the demand for calibration is quite high. • The RRR process is very time consuming, and the volunteers on the SAGs may not have the time to complete the process. Where can we find the resources to do time-demanding activities like the RRR Gap Analysis? • Clarification of subsidiary aerosol Essential Climate Variables and plans regarding proposals for GCOS aerosol networks. WMO

  14. Thank you for your attention

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