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—Michael Simpson Global Director, Executive Coaching Practice FranklinCovey

—Michael Simpson Global Director, Executive Coaching Practice FranklinCovey. Amway Corporation Maui, Hawaii. The Speed of Trust. Leaders: Building Trust and Credibility Leaders’ Role: To Build Trust with t he 4 Cores of Personal Credibility. Introduction.

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—Michael Simpson Global Director, Executive Coaching Practice FranklinCovey

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  1. —Michael Simpson Global Director, Executive Coaching Practice FranklinCovey Amway Corporation Maui, Hawaii

  2. The Speed of Trust Leaders: Building Trust and Credibility Leaders’ Role: To Build Trust with the 4 Cores of Personal Credibility Introduction

  3. Define 1 key characteristic of a high trust leader you have known or worked with. The Case for Trust

  4. The 5 Waves of Trust “As trust is manifest in each successive wave, the effect of trust becomes cumulative and exponential.” —Stephen M. R. Covey The 5 Waves of Trust

  5. The First Wave: Self Trust • Self Trust. The trustworthy Amway leader has personal credibility. Self Trust: Building The 4 Cores of Credibility

  6. How Do You Build Leadership Credibility? Self Trust: Building The 4 Cores of Credibility

  7. Self Trust: The 4 Cores of Credibility Self Trust: Building The 4 Cores of Credibility

  8. The 4 Cores of Credibility 4. Results – What’s Your Track Record? • Past, Current and Anticipated Performance. 3. Capabilities – Are you Relevant? • Produce with (TASKS): Talents, Attitudes, Skills, Knowledge, and Style. 2. Intent – What’s Your Agenda? • Our motive and our behavior that follow. 1. Integrity – Are You Congruent? • Our honesty and truth-fullness. It is who we really are. Self Trust: Building The 4 Cores of Credibility

  9. The 4 Cores of Credibility Self Trust: Building The 4 Cores of Credibility

  10. The 4 Cores Cards Self Trust: Building The 4 Cores of Credibility

  11. Call to Action—Partner Skill Practice with the 4 Cores Assess Which of the 4 Cores You Need to Improve: IBO’s, LOA’s, business partners, groups, key stakeholders, relationships, or family members. Identify 1 key area to improve in the 4 Cores. (Integrity, Intent, Capability, or Results) Describe 1-2 key actions you will take with your identified person or group. Self Trust: The 4 Cores of Credibility

  12. Leadership and Trust: Inside-Out / Modeling “Trust becomes a performance multiplier only when the leader is prepared to go first.” Craig Weatherup, former CEO, PepsiCo Self Trust: The 4 Cores of Credibility

  13. The 4 Imperatives of Great Leaders The 4 Imperatives of Great Leaders

  14. Your Role as a Leader “What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There!” —Dr. Marshall Goldsmith

  15. The Impact of Trust (Strategy x Execution) = Results (S x E) = R Trust T The Case for Trust

  16. Examine Your Leadership Imperatives How Much Time Do You Spend In Each Area? Aligns the organization structure/capabilities. Executes the business with discipline. Effectively manage your area of responsibility. Scales the business. TALENT % EXECUTION % STRATEGY % • Knows the marketplace and customers needs. • Clearly envisions the future state. • Establishes focused strategic goals and targets. • Gets people excited and focused on the future. Recruits and builds top talent and leaders. Encourages, motivates, mentors, and coaches. Effectively communicates and collaborates. Develops people and the right culture of trust.

  17. Trust Within in Your Business “I believe there’s no neutrality in business (for example, you’re either gaining market share or losing it). Likewise, your business success is either enhanced by trust or held back by distrust.” Craig Weatherup, former CEO, PepsiCo The Case for Trust

  18. The Second Wave: Relationship Trust The Second Wave: Relationship Trust Self Trust. The trustworthy Amway leader has personal credibility. Relationship Trust. The trustworthy Amway leader knows how to build, extend, or restore trust with others. Relationship Trust: The 13 Behaviors

  19. Who Do You Trust?

  20. Building Trust: The Emotional Bank Account Deposits: • How can I increase the amount of trust in my key relationships? Withdrawals: • How do I decrease the amount of trust in my key relationships? What behaviors would be “deposits”? What behaviors would be “withdrawals”? Relationship Trust: The 13 Behaviors

  21. The Emotional Bank Account Deposits Withdrawals Keep promises. Break promises. Do small acts Show unkindness.of kindness. Be proud and arrogant. Be loyal. Gossip, break confidences Set clear expectations. Set false expectations Listen. Don’t listen. Say you’re sorry. Be arrogant and proud. Walk the talk. Talk the talk. Relationship Trust: The 13 Behaviors

  22. The Speed of Trust It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.—Warren Buffett, CEO- Berkshire Hathaway Relationship Trust: The 13 Behaviors

  23. The 13 Behaviors of High-Trust Leaders Relationship Trust: The 13 Behaviors

  24. The 13 Behaviors of High-Trust Leaders Relationship Trust: The 13 Behaviors

  25. The 13 Behaviors of High Trust Leaders CharacterCompetence 1. Talk Straight 2. Demonstrate Respect 3. Create Transparency 4. Right Wrongs 5. Show Loyalty Deliver Results Get Better Confront Reality Clarify Expectations Practice Accountability Competence (capabilities and results) Character (integrity and intent) Character & Competence 11. Listen First 12. Keep Commitments 13. Extend Trust Both Relationship Trust: The 13 Behaviors

  26. Call to Action—Relationship Trust Builder Relationship Trust: The 13 Behaviors

  27. Expanding Your Circle of Influence • Call to Action: Focus on key areas and relationships in your Circle of Influence to build, extend, or restore trust. Relationship Trust: The 13 Behaviors

  28. “Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margret Mead – Humanitarian, Anthropologist High Trust and Committed Teams 63

  29. Michael.Simpson@FranklinCovey.com 435-602-9031 Thank You!

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