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HOW CAN THE CROSS BE MINE?. LUTHERAN VS. AMERICAN EVANGELICALISM. Atonement. Faith. Atonement. How can this be mine?. Faith. LUTHERAN. The Spirit’s Work. Where is the Spirit’s Work?. When the Comforter comes…He will testify of me.” John 15:26. Lutheran View of the Spirit’s Work.
Atonement How can this be mine? Faith
Where is the Spirit’s Work? When the Comforter comes…He will testify of me.” John 15:26
Lutheran View of the Spirit’s Work Lord’s Supper Gospel
Where is the Ministry? So that we might have faith God has instituted the office of the Holy ministry that is the preaching of the Word and the administration of the Sacraments. Augsburg Confession article 5.
Lutheran View of the Ministry Lord’s Supper Gospel
Forgiveness “We treat the forgiveness of sins in two ways. First, how it is achieved and won. Second, how it is distributed and given to us. Christ has won it once for all on the cross. But the distribution takes place continually…through His word.” Luther LW vol. 40 p.213
Here stands the font before our eyes Telling how God did receive us; Th’ altar recalls Christ’s sacrifice And what His table doth give us; Here sounds the Word that doth proclaim Christ yesterday, today, the same, Yea, and for aye our Redeemer.
American Evangelicalism God does His part I do my part
American Evangelicalism’sPrimary Thought “Ascend higher, and…inquire into the secret power of the Spirit, through which we enjoy Christ and all his blessings.” Calvin
American Evangelical Worship “Encounter God and have an undeniable sense of his presence.” George Barna
Worship Jonathon Edwards Style • The “added factor of immediacy.” • “If an impression were to be made it needed to occur simultaneously with the communicative act.” • “An immediate impact and confrontation were called for.”
Lutheran/EvangelicalWorship We love to listen to people try to describe in words what it means to worship at King of Kings. Worship isn't just about the music, although we strive for excellence in offering innovative and dynamic songs. Worship is also about authentic praise, relevant messages, sincere prayer and an atmosphere charged with the presence of God. King of Kings, Omaha
Lutheran/Evangelical Worship “That's why we worship the way we do ... joyfully, dynamically and with all the heart we can put into it. God is here and we seek nothing more than to honor and glorify him in all we do!”King of Kings Lutheran Church, Omaha
Lutheran/EvangelicalWorship • We are people seeking answers, living life, desiring to go deeper. We meet to sing, to bow, to confess, to worship God, our King, Friend and Savior. We are Jesus followers. • Our style is, well, us. We desire to worship God with our music, our laughter, our lives. • We want to be real, get real. Worship the real and living God with all that we are because He gave us all that He is. Woodbury Lutheran Church, Minnesota
Worshipping my Experience I have found it productive to inquire about when they felt closest to God or what they remember as a mountain-top spiritual experience. David Luecke
The most important aspect of worship My Hands
How do I know that God is working? Undeniable sense of presence, Ascend Higher, Immediate impact, Charge atmosphere, Dynamic, mountain top experience, My style
Undeniable sense of presence, Ascend Higher, Immediate impact, Charge atmosphere, Dynamic, mountain top experience, My style
I am Devote I exercise my gifts I am living for God I chose to live for God I go to the next level I just want to thank God I am on fire for Jesus Am I Devoted Do I exercise my gifts Am I living for God Do I choose God Do I go to the next level Do I thank God Am I on fire for Jesus Do I lift up the Lord in Praise
A Better Idea “Let us not, with our rich coffers, play the part of beggars, and ask favors where we have every ability to impart them.” Charles Porterfield Krauth