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GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH. Krishi Karman Awards 2012-13. N.D.R.K. SARMA State Consultant (NFSM). DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, A. P., HYDERABAD. STRUCTURE. I. Food Grains production - All India Vs Andhra Pradesh. II. New Innovations/Initiatives adopted in A.P.
STRUCTURE I. Food Grains production - All India Vs Andhra Pradesh II. New Innovations/Initiatives adopted in A.P. III. Expenditure under NFSM, RKVY and INSIMP for 2012-13 IV. Inter Departmental Coordination with Power, Irrigation, Fertilizers, Credit etc. during 2012-13 V. Online updating of data on NFSM website VI. Future Prospects for Food grains Production 2
I. Food Grains Production - All India Vs Andhra Pradesh a) Vision & Mission VISION To enable each and every farmer achieve sustainable and economical agriculture productivity. • MISSION • Organize soil testing programme such that, each farmer has Soil Health Card. • To assess requirements of agriculture inputs well in advance and to regulate their production and monitor timely supply of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, implements and credit etc., to farmers. • Efficient agricultural input delivery. • Facilitate the farmer to get financial help through loans, crop insurance etc., • Train and motivate the farmers on INM, IPM, Water Management, Post Harvest Technology through effective extension reach and ICT based tools. • Monitor the weather condition and guide the farmer suitably. • Train the farmers in mitigating the risks of natural calamities like drought, floods, hailstorm etc., • Organise pest surveillance and keep the farmer aware of the appropriate action. 3
b) Food Grains Production - All India Vs Andhra Pradesh (Million Tons) * Severe Drought Year Source: DES / Statistical Abstract, Government of India 4
Area, Productivity & Production for 2013-14 with comparision to normal & 2012-13 = (Kharif + Rabi) Area in lakh ha, Productivity in kgs/ha & Production in LMTs ( * ) Cotton production in lakh bales of 170 kgs. of lint /// (#) Mesta production in lakh bales of 180 kgs.
c) Crop-wise Area, Yield and Production data for 2012-13 RICE MAIZE
d) Statement showing Crop wise CCEs Planned, Analysed and Average Yield during Kharif 2012-13
II. New Innovations/Initiatives Adopted in A.P. • a) Input Delivery System Input Delivery System Seeds Fertilizers Pest Management Farm Mechanization APSSDC A.P. OILFED Bio-Pesticide Lab (1) + Biological Control Lab (19) (15752) Pesticide dealers Organic NPK Micro Nutrients A.P.AGROS A.P. MARKFED (709) Vermi Compost + Vermi Hatcheries (15960) Private Dealers + A. P. MARKFED Identified agency A.P. MARKFED HACA N.S.C. Private Dealers (11562) 13
Agro Climatic Zone Wise Varieties Recommended for Paddy & Pulses during Kharif
Targets for Breeder Seed Production of Rice & Pulses of Recently Released Varieties
b) Promotion of SRI : • Active campaign by extension staff in all the districts for promoting SRI, SMSRI, Drum seeder cultivation and automatic transplantation of rice except in command areas and problematic soils • Intensive training to extension staff, farmers and Labour. • Establishment of Steering Committee at State Level SRI Cultivation in A.P. 17
c) New Initiatives in Farm Mechanization (RKVY) -190.19 Crores • Yantra Laxmi (Farm Mechanization Exhibitions) • Established 462 Custom Hiring Stations • Established 2748 Implement Hiring Stations (HIS) to provide employment to rural youth. • Established 5892 Post Harvest Procurement Centers at Gram Panchayat level • Direct sowing drum seeders - 993 (Fibre body) were introduced on large scale in the state to mitigate erratic rainfall during Kharif Season. • In our State 3544 Rotovators and 381 power tillers are supplied during the year 2012&13 to improve the Soil conditions. 18
Importance of Farm mechanization in Andhra Pradesh In AP State the Agricultural labour cost is very high. The mechanization ensures reduction of drudgery associated with various farm operations and also economize the utilization of inputs. The mechanization is necessary to enhance productivity and conservation of energy required for various operations involved in crop production, threshing, processing, transportation, value addition, storage etc.
Custom Hiring centers The Concept of Custom Hiring centers introduced in Andhra Pradesh to improve the crop yield and to reduce the cost of cultivation by reducing labour charges and to create employment to rural youth. In Andhra Pradesh State 71 Custom Hiring centers of Paddy (SMSRI), 21 centers in Maize were established. Custom Hiring centers are also established in Cotton, Ground nut and Sugar cane crops also. These package of machinery provides end to end solutions to the farmers i.e., from sowing to harvesting by completing the farm operations in time. These centers also helped to reduce the labour shortage in farm operations and also improved the productivity of the crops in Andhra Pradesh State.
III. Expenditure under NFSM, RKVY for 2012-13 RKVY Sub-Schemes for the year 2012-13
IV. Inter Departmental Co-Ordination a) BHUCHETANA:- (In Collaboration with ICRISAT & ANGRAU) Bhuchetana “Bridging Crop Yield Gaps through Science led Development in Andhra Pradesh” • The objective is to increase productivity by 20%, addressing Micronutrient Deficiency in five years. • An amount of 220 crores were sanctioned under RKVY - Stream-2 : 2012-13 • Taken up in 14 districts Trials showing percentage increase in yield over farmer's practice
b) Power & Irrigation • Free power to 32.04 lakh agricultural consumers in the state for betterment of the farming community. • Assured minimum seven hours of power supply to agriculture. • Agricultural services are extended to consumers on priority. • The hydel generation in Sileru River Basin is regulated in close coordination with agriculture department to save the crops in East and West Godavari districts. • Similarly hydel generation in Srisailam Power Project is regulated in close coordination with agriculture department to save the crops under Krishna River Ayacut 24
c) Agricultural Credit • The Andhra Pradesh Land Licensed Cultivators Act, 2011 • The Andhra Pradesh is the 1st state in the country to promulgate an Act no.18 of 2011, dt: 23.12.2011 (The Andhra Pradesh Land Licensed Cultivators Act, 2011) to provide loan and other benefits eligibility cards to the land licensed cultivators Rs. in Crores • Interest Free Crop Loans • The Government of Andhra Pradesh is implementing Rythusri Scheme under which the Interest free Crop loans to all the farmers up to Rs. 1.00 lakh and Pavala Vaddi for crop loans from Rs. 1.00 lakh to 3.00 Lakhs if repaid in time beginning with Rabi season of 2011 i.e. for crop loans granted w.e.f. 01.11.2011. 25
d) Fertilizers • Buffer stocks of DAP, Complex @ 1.00 LMT each, Urea 2.0 LMTs are maintained with APMARKFED for releasing the stocks to the needy areas incase of exigency. • Regular persuasion with all the manufacturers/suppliers for ensuring supplying of stocks to the needy areas in time . • Taking up issues of supply, distribution and availability of fertilizers with the Department of Fertilizers, GoI on daily basis and also in the weekly Video Conferences. • Coordination with Revenue, Vigilance & Enforcement Department in Checking cross border movement of fertilizers to other states. 26
V. Online updating of data on NFSM website • Online updating of data pertaining to NFSM is updated for 2012-13 27
VI. Future Prospects for Foodgrains Production a). Crop-wise targets for 12 five year plan period 28
c) Gaps Identified and Interventions proposed in pulses Non availability of high yielding varieties for high economic returns Lack of improved package of practices for all farming situations Use of excess seed rate and delayed sowings Seed treatment not taken up Non Maintenance of Optimum plant population Regular attack by Insects, pests, weeds and diseases Non adoption of ICM Not adopting balanced use of fertilizers and micronutrients Terminal Moisture stress during Reproductive Stage • Making available HYV seed through general seed distribution • Cropping system based training on improved package of practices • Conducting demonstration • Conducting demonstration • Suggesting location specific IPM package of practices. • Cropping system based training • Suggesting need based INM • Urea spray 30
d) Village Action Plan Objective: Convergence of Agriculture Departmental Schemes at Village level. • Convergence of Agriculture Departmental Schemes at Village level in a mandal to cover all the villages in 3 years with emphasis on: • Villages with seed issues, yield gaps and pests and disease problems • Villages with predominant area under cultivation of major three to four crops of the mandal • Villages with maximum number of SC, ST population should be given top priority . • Villages with Problematic soils i.e area under saline/ alkaline soils • Joint Directors of Agriculture released the Village Action Plans to the Media in their respective districts.
Statement showing the status of Quality Control of Pesticides in the state of Andhra Pradesh for the year 2012-2013 Quality Control of Pesticide
Pesticide Consumption from 2004-05 to 2013-14 in Andhra Pradesh
Report on Bio-Agents Produced in State Bio-Control Labs in Andhra Pradesh From the year 2008-2013
Critical Interventions to increase Productivity and Production of Pulses Seed Replacement Ratio(SRR):33% of the cropped area Varietal Replacement Ratio (VRR): Replacement of old varieties 15-20 % every year with recently released varieties of less than 10 years Seed Rolling Plan for 12th Plan has been worked out and required quantities of breeder seed of different varieties of Rice & Pulses are indented to ANGRAU (State Agriculture University) Popularization of short duration varieties in water scarcity and flood prone areas. Popularization of Yellow Mosaic virus resistant varieties in greengram and blackgram and wilt resistant varieties in bengal gram Sowing through Multicrop planter for optimum population . Popularization of pre emergence weedicides for effective control of weeds. Effective use of water through sprinkler sets , mobile rain guns , pumpsets and water carrying pipes in low water availability areas. Capacity building : On farm training through FFS
Pulses - Critical interventions during 13-14 • Inter cropping with Red gram • Red gram on rice field bunds • Weedicides application in rice fallow Green gram and Black gram • Plant protection at flowering stage. • Increasing the area of summer pulses 37
Rice- Critical interventions during 2013-14 • Promotion of recently released varieties • Encouraging Hybrid rice cultivation • Popularisation of direct and drum seed method • Creating awareness in forming alleys. • Weedicides application • Correction of zinc deficiency.
Intercrop of Maize with Red gram Intercrop of Red gram with Soybean Red gram on rice bunds Intercrop of Cotton with Red gram
AGRISNET www.apagrisnet.gov.in • AGRISNET – The department portal in telugu language is enriched with latest technical knowledge in Agriculture with lot of photos and videos. • The soil test based fertilizer recommendations are made online and sent to farmer instantly through SMS. Till date more than 15 lakh samples made online. • Online License Management System – The process of issue of Fertilizer licenses of Manufacturer, wholesale and retail dealers is automated and for every user specific time period is fixed for processing the applications, thus bringing lot of transparency in the system. • The workflow process in the fertilizer and pesticide testing laboratories is automated and the process of bar-coding of samples drawn is introduced to maintain utmost secrecy. The application is recently launched and is under trial run. • Under Mee Seva program of Govt. of AP, digital signature certificates are issued to every technical officer in field. Digitally signed certificates will be delivered through Common Service Centers established under National governance program.
Agricultural Services through Mee Seva Centers Premium payment by Non-loanee farmers under NAIS Application for Subsidized Seed Application for Dealers/ Manufacturers Fertilizer Licence & Issuance Application for Subsidized Farm Implements Apps under pipeline Mee-Seva Center • Seeds Licence • Pesticide Licence • Soil Health Cards • Ask an Expert • Kisan SMS regn. 41