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Introduction : Supporting and channelling remittance, an important tool for development issues But we have to be ver

Seminar of the Czech Republic Prague – February 24, 2009 REMITTANCE FLOWS AND DEVELOPMENT IMPACT AFD APPROACH Guillaume CRUSE Executive Director’s Advisor on migrations. Introduction : Supporting and channelling remittance, an important tool for development issues

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Introduction : Supporting and channelling remittance, an important tool for development issues But we have to be ver

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  1. Seminar of the Czech RepublicPrague – February 24, 2009REMITTANCE FLOWS AND DEVELOPMENT IMPACTAFD APPROACHGuillaume CRUSEExecutive Director’s Advisor on migrations

  2. Introduction : • Supporting and channelling remittance, an important tool for development issues • But we have to be very cautious : - Remittance are private flows, mainly for consumption - flows which are very un-precise or badly known • All this matter as to be discussed : • - with the migrants • - with the competent public stakeholders • - with the banking system

  3. I – Which objectives to be planed by an organisation such as AFD? • Contribute to regulation - introducing the real figures, - collaborate to promote the appropriate rules and public regulations - propose good and appropriate financial mechanisms • In the field or remittance • 1) having a better view and figures on the flows and on the real migrant’s practises - several pasted studies or others going on - knowing facts in transfers - knowing their utilization

  4. Breakdown of Investment Projects in the countries of origin Ratios d’utilisation des fonds (nombre de familles concernées par poste)

  5. Introduce transparency – role of the comparison websites - the first one : the British “sendmoneyhome project” (DFID) - our “envoidargent” in AFD

  6. 2) Reducing the cost of remitting - Encouraging competition - Improving a better banking coverage . create new channels . sustaining microfinance institutions in the countries of origin . sustaining mutualism credit system

  7. - Improving security and speed of transfer. introducing new technologies. better conveyance of the cash . use the villages cash office for microfinance

  8. - Sustaining or promoting investments. welcoming migrants in the banking system. encourage competition in saving accounts for driving investments. transfer credit from France to the countries of origin . encourage new system for insurances. promote credit for family or individual construction. in place, give credit and guaranties for productive projects. introduce a new meso-finance approach. sustaining the local development

  9. II – developing partnership - with the appropriate public institutions and ministries - with European Commission - with bilateral donors - with multilateral donors - with private partners as banks, but maybe also firms

  10. III – Which countries? - as seen in the studies: Morocco, Senegal, Mali, Comoros - when we have an official agreement between Governments : Tunisia, Benin, Mauritius, Burkina Faso - significant other countries : Vietnam, Haiti

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