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THE SOLAR SYSTEM. Hi, I’m Sunny , your home star , the Sun !!! Did you know that I´m your neighbor ?. Space is a really big place. But it doesn´t seem quite so big when you realize that the universe is made up of Galaxies , which are like cities on Earth .
Hi, I’mSunny, your home star, theSun!!! DidyouknowthatI´myourneighbor?
Spaceis a reallybig place. Butitdoesn´tseem quite so bigwhenyourealizethattheuniverseismade up of Galaxies, which are likecitiesonEarth.
And justlikeyourneighborhood in yourcityonEarth, youlive in a neighborhood in space.
It’scalledour Solar System!! Wouldyouliketolearn more aboutyouneighborhood, and meetyour Solar Systemneighbors?
PLANETS Justwhat are planets, anyway? • A planetis a body in spacethatorbitsaround a star (likeoursun) and isbigenoughthatitformsintotheshape of a spherebecause of itsowngravity.
There are 8 planets in our solar system. In orderfromtheSunthey are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and neptune.
Mercury • Mercury istheclosestplanettotheSun. • A dayon Mercury es twice as long as itsyear.
Venus • Venus isthebrightestplanet in our solar system. • ItisnamedaftertheRomangoddess of love and beauty.
Earth • TheEarthisestimatedto be 4.5 billionyearsold. • Thereequarters (3/4) of theEarth’ssurfaceiscoveredbywater.
Mars • Mars has thelargestvolcano in our Solar System, Olimpic Mons. • ItisnamedaftertheRomangod of warbecause of its red color.
Jupiter • Jupiteristhelargestplanet in our Solar Sistem. Itis so bigyou can fitall of theotherplanetsinside of it. • Ancientastronomersnamedjupiteraftertheking of theRumangods.
Saturn • Saturn has seventhin flat ringsaroundittheringsmade up of billions of piecesof rocks and dust. • Itthelightestplanet in our Solar Sistem- so light thatitwouldfloat in water.
Uranus • Uranusorbitsthesunlyingonitssidebecauseit axis is at a 97 degreeangle. Talkaboutfaid back! • Uranus in thecoldestplanet in our Solar Sistem.
Neptune • OneNeptuneyearequals 165 Earthyears. • Neptuneisthestomiestplanet in our Solar Sistem. Thewindsthere can blow up to 1,240 miles per hour.
Francy Janeth Ocampo. Lorena Bueno Restrepo