1. Welcome Aboard2007-2008
Mark Kolwe, Superintendent
2. Customer Friendly
Student Focused
Data Driven District Focus
3. Positive Interactions with students, parents, and coworkers
High Level of Professionalism
Meeting the needs of our ‘customers’ Customer Friendly
Differentiated Instruction in the classroom
Creating Opportunities for students
Meeting the needs of
Student Focused
Meetings and conversations that focus on what the data is telling us about student achievement
Identifying areas of strength and weakness based on school and district data
Develop plans for improving based on the data at the school and district level Data Driven
6. Promote Positive School Climate
Northwood Alternative Program
Elementary School Counselors
Positive Behavior Support Program
Customer Friendly Environment
District Initiatives
7. Promote Student Achievement
OnCourse Electronic Lesson Planner
JPAMS Online Electronic Grade Book
Revision of Teacher Observation and Evaluation
Revision of Principal Evaluations
Ewalk Walk-Throughs
Job-Embedded Staff Development
Distinguished Educator in Schools of need
Curriculum Audit/Alignment of Curriculum
Long Range Strategic District Academic Plan
District Initiatives
8. Promote Parent Communication
Parent Command Center
Access to Grades, Attendance and Discipline
School Messenger
Automated System of calling parents to announce school events or important information
OnCourse Lesson Planner
Access to Homework, Assignments, and Announcements
District Initiatives
9. Thanks for being part of the Tangipahoa Parish
10. “We are not where we want to be,
We are not where we are going,
But we are not where we were.”
Rosa Parks