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Antenna Design Guidelines and Wavelength Calculations

This review discusses key aspects of antenna design, focusing on the importance of wavelength in electromagnetic wave propagation. It covers wavelength calculations, design criteria for antenna sizes, and provides a step-by-step example of calculating wavelength for a given frequency. The goal is to help designers create efficient and functional antennas that meet specific criteria. This guide also includes information on creating masks for arrayed antenna designs on a wafer, trade-offs related to antenna size, and assignment details for designing team antennas. AutoCAD resources are available for assistance.

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Antenna Design Guidelines and Wavelength Calculations

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  1. Antenna Design - Review • In antenna design, an important design parameter is the wavelength of the EM wave • Wavelength is a function of frequency • Antenna length is typically either • 1 wavelength • ¼ wavelength • ½ wavelength

  2. Frequency vs wavelength ¼ wavelength Wavelength

  3. Wavelength Calculations • Wavelength units: • l (wavelength) m/cycle • f (frequency) cycles/sec = hertz • c (speed of light) m/sec = 3.0 x 108 m/sec • Wavelength equation • l = c / f • m/cycle = (m/sec) / (cycles/sec)

  4. Sample calculation • Find the wavelength of a frequency of 850 MHz • Convert 850 MHz to Hz 850 MHz = 850 x 106 Hz = 8.50 x 108 Hz • Use wavelength equation l= c/f where c = speed of light = 3.0 x 108 m/sec • l = (3.0 x 108 m/sec ) / (8.50 x 108 cycles/sec) • l = .353 m/cycle Convert to cm gives • l = 35.3 cm/cycle • For a ¼ wavelength antenna = (35.3cm/cycle)/4=8.825cm/cycle

  5. Design Criteria Maximum size 20mm x 20mm Minimum size 5mm x 5mm No sharp corners Length must equal wavelength of chosen application Must have a picture frame around the design to allow for cutting into individual antenna No offensive or controversial designs Keep it simple but original

  6. “Hi” design

  7. Aladdin’s LampDimensions not in contrasting color Lots of wasted space


  9. Batman Top Section (enlarged) Full Dimension Drawing

  10. UNC-Charlotte Crown design

  11. UNCC 49er Pick Overall frame size 10.0mm x 8.00 mm Lots of wasted space

  12. Eagle head

  13. Clover Design

  14. UNCC Design does not have to be square – can be rectangular provided no side is larger than 20mm

  15. Dilbert Way too complex but cool Final design is 122.5 mm long

  16. The Dilbert Antenna Design

  17. The goal of the dimension drawing is to create a “mask” Your mask will be used to create your design on your wafer It will be printed full size and repeated in rows and columns to fill 100mm wafer Your mask will be created on a special transparency sheet Your design will be black to block light with a clear background to allow light to pass It is a low cost alternative to expensive glass masks which can cost $500 or more each

  18. Antenna Design to Mask Formation Arrayed design printed on special transparency paper Number of good antenna per wafer = 13

  19. Satellite Dish Antenna Mask Approximately 70 complete antenna per wafer

  20. Air Force Logo Antenna mask 16 complete antenna per wafer

  21. Death Star Antenna Mask Approximately 42 complete antenna per wafer

  22. Antenna Symbol Antenna Mask Approximately 42 complete antenna per wafer

  23. UNCC Antenna Mask Approximately 36 complete antenna per wafer

  24. UNCC Crown Antenna Mask Approximately 20 complete antenna per wafer

  25. Simple Spiral Antenna Design Approximately 105 complete antenna per wafer

  26. Mask Tradeoffs For antennas, size counts, larger is a better antenna For lower cost, smaller is better – more antenna per wafer gets unit cost lower For higher quality – use a full length wavelength design For lower cost – use a ¼ wavelength design

  27. Assignment - HW 10 • One per team required – additional designs are allowed • Dimension drawing for your team’s antenna design • Overall length must match your antenna design length • All corners to be rounded • Must Not be on “Black” background • Dimensions must be in a contrasting color • Keep it simple • Preview design before submission • Must have a dimensioned frame (box) around the design. This is necessary as a cutting guide for slicing the wafer into individual antenna • AutoCAD available on MOSAIC under Mechanical Engineering – Autodesk • AutoCAD tutorial on the Engr 1202 ECE web site • TA available to help

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