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El presente. La narración y la descripción en el presente. Las estructuras. Present (regular) Present (irregular) STEM- changing verbs -UIR verbs Spelling-changing Verbs. Reflexive Verbs Pronouns And their location The Progressive Present Participle Expressions with TENER.
El presente La narración y la descripción en el presente
Las estructuras • Present (regular) • Present (irregular) • STEM-changingverbs • -UIR verbs • Spelling-changingVerbs • ReflexiveVerbs • Pronouns • And theirlocation • TheProgressive • PresentParticiple • Expressionswith TENER
ThePresent Tense • In Spanish, verbsmust be changed (conjugated) to match theperson (subject) usingtheverb. • Remember: YOU MUST CHANGE THE VERBS TO MATCH THE SUBJECT! • The TWO easiestwaysto lose pointson a collegepaper: subject-verbagreementerrors and noun-adjectiveagreementerrors. • AR verbendings: o, as, a, amos, an • ER/IR verbendings: o, es, e, emos / imos, en
Irregular Verbs in Present tense • Someverbs are irregular (primarily in theYOform). • Youhavetosimplymemorizetheseverbs. • CABER(tofit) - quepo / cabes / cabe / cabemos / caben • COGER(tograb)- cojo / coges / coge / cogemos / cogen • SABER(toknow)- sé / sabes / sabe / sabemos / saben • TENER(tohave)- tengo /tienes / tiene /tenemos /tienen • VER (tosee)- veo / ves / ve / vemos / ven • CAER (tofall)- caigo / caes / cae / caemos / caen • DAR (togive)- doy / das / da / damos / dan
Irregular Verbs in Present tense • HACER(to do/tomake)- hago / haces / hace / hacemos / hacen • PONER (toput/to set)- pongo / pones / pone / ponemos / ponen • TRAER (tobring)- traigo / traes / trae / traemos / traen • SALIR (toleave)- salgo / sales / sale / salimos / salen • VENIR (to come)- vengo / vienes / viene / venimos / vienen • DECIR (tosay/tell)- digo / dices / dice / decimos / dicen • OIR (tohear)- oigo / oyes / oye / oímos / oyen • SEGUIR (tofollow)- sigo / sigues / sigue / seguimos / siguen • VALER (to be worth)- valgo / vales / vale / valemos / valen • CONOCER (toknow)- conozco / conoces / conoce / conocemos / conocen
Stem-changing Verbs • Stem-changingverbschange in a precise pattern in thefollowingforms: • Yo, tú, él/ella/Ud., and ellos/ellas/Uds. • They do NOTchange in the Nosotros form. • Commonpatternsforstem-changingverbs are: • E IE (comienza, entiende, cierra) • O UE (duermo, muere, puede) • E I (pide, repite, sirve) • U UE (juega)
Common Stem-Changing Verbs • EIE stem-changing verbs: CERRAR (to close) PERDER (to lose) PENSAR (to think) COMENZAR (to begin) PREFERIR (to prefer) SENTAR (to sit) ENTENDER (to understand) QUERER (to want) SENTIR (to feel) • OUE stem-changing verbs: VOLVER (to return) MORIR (to die) RECORDAR (to remember) CONTAR (to count/tell) PODER (can) ENCONTRAR (to meet) DORMIR (to sleep) MOVER (to move) MOSTRAR (to show) • EI stem-changing verbs: COMPETIR (to compete) PEDIR (to ask for/order) SEGUIR (to follow) CORREGIR (to correct) REíR (to laugh) SERVIR (to serve) ELEGIR (to elect) REPETIR (to repeat) SONREíR (to smile)
-UIR verbs • -UIR verbsmustchangetomaintain a nicesound in Spanish. • Seethefollowingpattern and note thattheWEformdoesnotchange: • CONSTRUIR (toconstruct)- • Construyo / construyes / construye • Construimos / construyen • Recognizethesecommonverbs as –UIR whenyou come acrossthem: • Atribuir, concluir, constituir, destruir, distribuir, incluir, huir, influir, sustituir.
Spell-changing Verbs • Verbsending in –geror–girchangegtoj in theYOform. • Protejo, proteges, protege… • Elijo, eliges, elige… • Verbslikethis: coger, recoger, escoger • Sometimesyouadd a z in front of theco in the YO form of theverb: • Conozco, conoces, conoce… • Ofrezco, ofreces, ofrece… • Verbslikethis: aborrecer, agradecer, aparecer, crecer, desaparecer, establecer, merecer, nacer, obedecer, parecer, permanecer, reconocer, pertenecer
Reflexive Verbs • Reflexiveverbs are conjugatedwiththereflexivepronouns (me, te, se, nos, se) thatrepresentthesameperson as thesubject. • Location of Pronouns: • Withtheexception of affirmativecommands, reflexivepronouns precede theconjugatedverb. • Me baño en la bañera. • Reflexivepronounsfollow and are attachedtoaffirmativecommands. • ¡Levántate! ¡Siéntense! • Reflexivepronouns can beattachedtoinfinitives and thepresentparticiple. • Yo quiero ducharme. • Ella está cepillándose.
Object Pronouns and Placement • In Spanish, there are twotypes of OBJECT pronouns: Directobjectpronounsand indirectobjectpronouns. Both sets of objectpronouns are placed exactly as reflexivepronouns are placed. • DirectObjectPronouns(me, te, lo/la, nos, los/las)answerthequestion “WhomorWhat?”. • Ellalocompra. Shebuys it. • IndirectObjectPronouns(me, te, le, nos, les)answerthequestion “To/forwhomand to/forwhat?”. Ella melo compra. Shebuys it (for) me. • YouCANNOThave “lelo” or “leslos” in a sentence, so when 3rd personDOPs and IOPs are used in a sentence, use SE in front of the DOP. • Ella selo compra. Shebuys it (for) her.
TheProgressive tense • ThePresentProgressive tense is a tense thatgives extra emphasistoanactthatisactuallyin progress – aneventthatisoccurringwhenthe speaker isdescribing it (in thepresentorpast). FORMATION: • This tense isnormallymadebycombining a form of theverbESTAR (presentorimperfect tense) with a PresentParticiple. • ThePresentParticipleisequivalenttothe“-ing” form of a verb in English (I am speaking). • ToformthePresentParticiple, takethe STEM of theverb and add “-ando”(AR verbs) or “iendo” (ER/IR verbs). • Estoy hablando. Ella está comiendo.
Expressionswiththeverb TENER • TheSpanishword, TENER (tohave), combines withmanyotherwordstoformcommonly-usedexpressions. Tengo sed. = I’mthirsty. Tengo diez años. = I’m ten yearsold. Tengo calor. = I’mhot. Tengo frío. = I’mcold. Tengo hambre. = I’mhungry. Tengo miedo. = I’mscared/afraid. Tengo sueño. = I’msleepy. Tengo suerte. = I’mlucky. Tengo razón. = I’mright. Tengo prisa. = I’m in a hurry. • TENER + QUE + Infinitive = tohaveto do something: • Ella tiene que cepillarse los dientes.