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Session Focus

Explore developing an evaluation framework to enhance organizational capacity. Address challenges in evaluating federal research programs and communicating outcomes effectively. Learn about key evaluation objectives for research programs. Presented at a joint conference by Canada Evaluation Society & American Evaluation Association.

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Session Focus

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Session 853Extending Organizational Capacity and Capability to Evaluate Federal Environmental Research ProgramsIntroductionHoward CantorU.S. EPA Office of Research and Development October 29, 20052005 Joint Conference: Crossing Borders, Crossing Boundaries Canada Evaluation Society & American Evaluation Association

  2. Session Focus • Question: How can we develop an evaluation framework that helps organizational leaders to • Value and use evaluation results; • Build evaluation capability & capacity and • Communicate about performance, outcomes, and evaluation to our clients partners, and stakeholders

  3. Why Is this Important? • Growing emphasis on evaluation & accountability for federal research programs: • Canada, European Union, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Korea, United States

  4. Why Is this Important? • Challenges to evaluating federal R & D programs and to measuring performance: • Measuring new knowledge as it develops • Managing the pace at which research progresses • Coping with an absence of accurate methods to objectively evaluate research quality and impact • Reaching agreement about key evaluation definitions • Communicating research contributions to outcomes in language that the public understands

  5. Why Is this Important? • Within the United States, EPA program managers and agency leaders must communicate to many stakeholders about accountability: • The Government Performance and Results Act • The President’s Management Agenda • The OMB Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) • The Research and Development Investment Criteria • The Information Quality Act

  6. Specific Evaluation Objectives for Research Programs • Within the U.S., the Research & Development Investment Criteria (relevance, quality, performance) focus specifically on research program accountability • R&D investments must be planned to be relevant to national priorities, agency missions, strategic goads & customer needs • Programs must maximize the quality of the research they invest in • R&D programs must demonstrate performance by setting annual and long-term goals and demonstrating progress toward outcomes • OMB and OSTP also encourage federal research managers to characterize the scientific leadership of their research programs

  7. Today’s Presentations Focus on: Dale Pahl15 minutes Lori Kowalski20 minutes David Schmeltz30 minutes 20 minutes Integrating program design, management, accountability, & evaluation: conceptual framework Independent expert evaluation with a FACA panel: the Board of Scientific Counselors Research contributions to outcomes: the acid rain cap & trade program Discussion

  8. Thanks to our Session Sponsors ! • Research, Technology, and Development Evaluation Group • co-chairs: Gretchen Jordan and George Teather • Environmental Evaluation Group • co-chairs: Kara Crohn, Katherine Dawes, Allison Titcomb

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