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Color Reproduction on High Density Printing. Doosan Chung, DaimuYasuhira, Nippon Heihan Kizai Takei, IGU Kinoshita 2007-02-07. 1、 Introduction Web Offset Test IPCC (Intergovermental Panel Climate Change) Sustainability. 1、 Yellow Ink (Red Shift) 2、 Magenta, Cyan 3、 RI Tester
Color Reproduction on High Density Printing Doosan Chung, DaimuYasuhira, Nippon Heihan Kizai Takei, IGU Kinoshita 2007-02-07 2007-2-7 IGU
1、IntroductionWeb Offset TestIPCC(Intergovermental Panel Climate Change)Sustainability 1、Yellow Ink (Red Shift) 2、Magenta, Cyan 3、RI Tester 4、Ink Transfer Model 5、CMS 6、Korea Color vs. Japan Color 7、High Density Printing (Nova Space, Wide Color) 2007-2-7 IGU
2、Preliminary Experimental(Photo1) RI Tester (Akira Manufacturing Co.) 2007-2-7 IGU
3、Calibration by X-Rite530S(Photo2) N01 No2 No3 No4 Size=24×5 cm No5 ※ Ink : 韓國特殊INK工業 ;両面ArtPaper 2007-2-7 IGU
4、ResultsInk Transfer (mg) from paper weight 2007-2-7 IGU
Ink Transfer Quantity 2007-2-7 IGU
Fig.1 Yellow Ink Transfer modified Quantity 2007-2-7 IGU
Table1 Yellow Ink L*,a*,b* & Density 2007-2-7 IGU
Yellow Ink Density 2007-2-7 IGU
Fig.1-2 Variation of Yellow Density 2007-2-7 IGU
Yellow Chromaticity magnified 1 5 3 2007-2-7 IGU
Yellow Chromaticity 3=1.14 5=1.04 1 =1.44 2007-2-7 IGU
Yellow No5 Sheet Chromaticity 2007-2-7 IGU
YellowDensity & Hue Angle 2007-2-7 IGU
Fig.2 YellowDensity & c* 2007-2-7 IGU
Magenta No.5 Sample 2007-2-7 IGU
Variation of Magenta Density 2007-2-7 IGU
Magenta No1,No3 & No5 Sample 2007-2-7 IGU
Fig.3 Magenta Density & Hue Angle 2007-2-7 IGU
Magenta Density & c* 2007-2-7 IGU
Cyan No5 Density 2007-2-7 IGU
Cyan No1,3 & 5 Density & Chromaticity 2007-2-7 IGU
Cyan Chromaticity Diagram 2007-2-7 IGU
Fig.4 Cyan Density & Hue Angle 2007-2-7 IGU
Cyan Density & c* 2007-2-7 IGU
Y,M,C Chromaticity & Density Value 2007-2-7 IGU
Table 2CorrelationL* & c* for DensityandHA 2007-2-7 IGU
Y,M,C Chromaticity Diagram 2007-2-7 IGU
Fig.5 RI Tester No.5 & JCP2001 2007-2-7 IGU
Nova Space Image From Daimu 2007-2-7 IGU
RI Tester No.1,No.5 & NovaSpace 2007-2-7 IGU
Fig.6Nova space, Wide Color & RITester No.3 2007-2-7 IGU
Photo3Comparison with Wide Color(A1) & 175 Line(A2) Printed Image 2007-2-7 IGU
A1-A2 c*& HA Difference 2007-2-7 IGU
Table4 Comparison with NS and Wide Color 2007-2-7 IGU
Table3RI Tester No.5 CMY & JCP2001 2007-2-7 IGU
YellowMagnified Color Diagram(J,K)Nova Space, Wide Color,JCP2001,Doosan, RI Tester 2007-2-7 IGU
RedMagnified Color Diagram(J,K)Nova Space, Wide Color,JCP2001,Doosan 2007-2-7 IGU
Y,M,C EquationsFrom Graph Polynomial expression approximate curve (D-HA) y C= 22.735x2 - 62.019x + 283.33 R2 =0.9575 yM = 22.763x2 - 53.929x + 31.311 R2 = 0.9706 y Y= -7.5322x2 + 9.6369x + 89.284 R2 = 0.9887 2007-2-7 IGU
c*-L* Diagram 2007-2-7 IGU
5、Summary 1、Correlation for Density Value of Yellow ink (Y) is high for c* and reverse for L*& HA. 2、Increasing Y Ink trend to reddish. 3、These correlations between Ink density & chroma on Y,M,C are order of Y>M>C. 4、The a* minus values of chromaticity Y are under Density=1. 5、The 2nd~4th sheets of each ink are stable in ink transfer. 6、The 2nd Experiment of low density is necessary. 2007-2-7 IGU