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A 1-GS/s 11-bit ADC With 55-dB SNDR, 250-mW Power Realized by a High Bandwidth Scalable Time-Interleaved Architecture Sandeep Gupta, Michael Choi, Michael Inerfield, Jingbo Wang ISSC 2006/VERY HIGH-SPEED ADCs AND DACs. VLSI Course Presentation: Arash Mirhaj.
A 1-GS/s 11-bit ADC With 55-dB SNDR, 250-mW Power Realized by a High Bandwidth Scalable Time-Interleaved ArchitectureSandeep Gupta, Michael Choi, Michael Inerfield, Jingbo WangISSC 2006/VERY HIGH-SPEED ADCs AND DACs VLSI Course Presentation: Arash Mirhaj S. Gupta, Teranetics, Santa Clara, CA Arash Mirhaj
Outline • Brief Introduction • What is Time-Interleaving? • State of the art • Impairments of the Time-Interleaved • Introducing two conventional methods Compensating the impairments • High-Bandwidth scalable Time-Interleaved Architecture • Implementation • Results • References Arash Mirhaj
ADC • In every electronic system, Input and Output of the system have to be Analog whether the processor is Analog or Digital since the Real World is Analog, so the necessity of the ADC is obvious. • As the speed of the processors is increasing, High-Speed ADC’s are more required. Arash Mirhaj
ADC Architectures Fig.1 : Comparison between different ADC architectures (adopted form [6]). Arash Mirhaj
High-Speed ADCs • High Speed ADC’s are mostly implemented in Pipeline architectures and Accuracy is moderate. Arash Mirhaj
Very High-Speed ADCs • Very High-Speed ADC’s are implemented in Time-Interleaved architecture as shown here: Fig 2: Time Interleaving [3] Fig 3: Time Interleaved ADC Arash Mirhaj
State of The Art • 2 GS/s, 6b ADC in 0.18 μm CMOS • Jiang et. al., UCLA & Broadcom, IS SCC’03 • No interleaving, 5.7 ENOB, 0.5 mm2, 310 mW, 1.8 V • 20 GS/s, 8b ADC in 0.18 μm CMOS • Poulton et. al., Agilent, IS SCC’03 • Uses interleaving, 4.6-6.5 ENOB, 196 mm2, 9 W • Requires BiCMOS buffer chip • What would 1 GS/s at 11 ENOB require? • Huge sampling capacitors to keep KT/C noise down (~4 pF) • Extremely low jitter sampling clock (~100 fs) • These specifications are not attainable in the near future in • standard digital CMOS processes Arash Mirhaj
Presented ADC • A time-interleaved ADC architecture that eliminates the need to correct timing offsets and is yet scalable to high sampling rates is presented. This 1GS/s 11b ADC has 55dB peak SNDR, consumes 250mW power, and occupies 3.5mm2 area. Arash Mirhaj
Impairments of the Time-Interleaved • Time-interleaved ADCs suffer from gain mismatch, offset and timing mismatch errors between the individual sub-sampled ADCs (Sub-ADCs). Arash Mirhaj
Offset Mismatch • Consider 2-channel Time-Interleaved ADC having only the Offset impairment (ideal channel 1 and non-ideal channel 2) and input signal in Zero: • As can be seen this error can generate a signal with Non-Zero frequency even if the input signal is DC or Zero Arash Mirhaj
Gain Mismatch • Now assume that 2-channel Time-Interleaved ADC has only Gain Mismatch between Sub-ADCs (ideal channel 1 and non-ideal channel 2) and input signal in DC: • As can be seen this error can generate a signal with Non-Zero frequency even if the input signal is DC. Arash Mirhaj
Timing Mismatch • Now assume that 2-channel Time-Interleaved ADC has only Timing Mismatch between Sub-ADCs (ideal channel 1 and non-ideal channel 2) and input signal is a single tone sinusoid: • It is obvious that Timing Error can produce many other frequencies even if a single tone input is fed to the ADC. Arash Mirhaj
Solutions • Gain and offset errors can be corrected using traditional techniques [2, 3, 4]. • However, timing errors are harder to compensate and lead to a more stringent limitation on time-interleaved architectures. Arash Mirhaj
A Digital Background Calibration [2] • Random Chopper-Based Offset Calibration • Gain Calibration Fig. 4: Digital background offset cancellation [3] Fig. 5: Digital background Gain cancellatio [3] Arash Mirhaj
An Analog Background Calibration Technique [3] • Three high-speed time-interleaved ADC’s are used. At any time, two of the three high-speed ADC’s operate in a ping-pong mode, allowing a data-conversion rate that is double that of each individual ADC. Meanwhile, the other ADC is selected to be in a calibration mode. In the calibration mode, the selected ADC and the reference ADC are fed identical inputs for many conversions, and the gain and offset of the selected ADC is adjusted to match that of the reference ADC. Fig. 6: An Analog Background Calibration Technique [4] Arash Mirhaj
Conventional Time Interleaving [2] • In a first conventional time-interleaved architecture, an input S/H which operates at the maximum sampling rate (Fs) of the ADC is employed. The signal at the output of the S/H is held during the off time of this clock. If the Sub-ADC samples while its input signal is held, the skew in its clocks does not lead to loss of signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio (SNDR). Fig. 7: Conventional Time Interleaving [3] Arash Mirhaj
Conventional Time Interleaving [2] • Thus, the S/H effectively solves the degradation in SNDR due to phase skew in the Sub-ADC clocks. The disadvantage is that for N Sub-ADCs, at least N/2 Sub-ADCs load the S/H. • Because the loading on the S/H is directly dependent on the amount of interleaving, the use of this architecture is limited for large interleaving factors. • In addition, the Sub-ADC input signal is held for a short time as the S/H output is at the maximum sampling rate, which makes the design of the input sampling network of the Sub-ADC difficult. Arash Mirhaj
Conventional Time Interleaving [3] • In a second conventional architecture, a high speed S/H is not used. Each Sub-ADC has its own sub-sampled S/H (Sub-S/H). This architecture is more scalable to high sampling rates, but the phase skew between different Sub-S/H clocks contributes to loss of SNR. Fig. 8: Conventional Time Interleaving [4] Arash Mirhaj
Conventional Time Interleaving [3] • To solve this problem, DSP techniques have been suggested in [6], but have limitations for broadband input signals. Other time-interleaved ADCs using this architecture have used timing calibration [7] where accurate test signal generation, complexity of hardware implementation, and residual misalignment left after calibration are additional limitations. • Finally, despite the removal of the high-speed S/H, a pre-driver is still required to drive the array of Sub-S/Hs, which can consume large power for high accuracy. Arash Mirhaj
HIGH-BANDWIDTH SCALABLE TIME-INTERLEAVED ARCHITECTURE [1] • The first sampling is done at fs through a switch followed by an array of Sub-S/H circuits. A timing technique and a sampling network is devised such that it achieves the following three functions thereby mitigating the disadvantages of the prior two architectures and resulting in a low-power design. Fig. 9: Improved Time-Interleaved ADC [1] Arash Mirhaj
HIGH-BANDWIDTH SCALABLE TIME-INTERLEAVED ARCHITECTURE [1] • Double sampling • No bottom-plate sampling Fig. 9: Improved Time-Interleaved ADC and its timing [1] Arash Mirhaj
HIGH-BANDWIDTH SCALABLE TIME-INTERLEAVED ARCHITECTURE [1] • No more than one of the Sub-S/Hs loads the first sampling switch for any appreciable time, thereby its achievable bandwidth and linearity is not limited. • To ensure that timing mismatch in Sub-S/Hs does not limit the SNR, the turn-off of the clock performing the sampling in the Sub-S/Hs is done during the off phase of the first sampling switch. Based on the above two functions, the on-period of the Sub-S/Hs sampling is kept lower than T. • Double sampling is used to maximally utilize the power of amplifiers in the ADC in both of the phases of the sub-sampled clock. This architecture thus requires only N/2 Sub-S/Hs and Sub-ADCs having two sub-sampled clocks each, at a frequency of fs/N, and results in reduced total power. Arash Mirhaj
Bottom-Plate Sampling Fig. 10: Bottom-Plate sampling Arash Mirhaj
Implementation • The Sub-ADC is implemented using 11b pipelined converters to keep the contribution of quantization noise negligible as compared to the device noise, for a SNR specification of ~58dB. • The pipelined architecture is a three-stage design resolving 3.5 bits in the first two stages and 5 bits in the last stage. Multi-bit design improves the SFDR for a given total capacitor value in the MDAC [8]. • Thus, the sampling capacitor value is limited by kT/C noise requirements, rather than matching. Arash Mirhaj
Test Results • For test purposes, the gain and offset error correction is done in software. • The ADC is implemented in a 0.13μm 1.2V/2.5V logic CMOS process. The peak SNR is 58.6dB and the peak SNDR is 55dB. The ADC has 52dB SNDR at 400MHz input frequency. The conversion efficiency, defined by power/(2ENOB.2.ERBW) is better than 0.5pJ/conversion-step. This ADC has the highest SNDR, SNR and linearity for any reported ADC sampling >500MS/s, and the lowest reported power for any ADC comparable to its accuracy and speed. Arash Mirhaj
Test Results • Effect of Offset and Gain correction Fig. 11: FFT at 5MHz input with and without gain and offset correction [2] Arash Mirhaj
Two-Tone FFT Fig. 12: FFT for two-tone input at 470 and 471 MHz, IMD3<-53dB [2]. Arash Mirhaj
INL/DNL Fig. 13: DNL and INL [2] Arash Mirhaj
SNR/SNDR Fig. 14: SNR/SNDR Vs Input Freq/Input Power [2] Arash Mirhaj
Chip Micrograph Fig. 15: Chip Micrograph [1] Arash Mirhaj
Conclusions • Proposed Time-Interleaved ADC solved the timing mismatch error in a very simple way. • New timing scheme, loads the input with only one cannel. • So higher frequencies can be reached. Arash Mirhaj
References • [1] S. Gupta, M. Choi, M. Inerfield, and J. Wang, “A 1 GS/s 11b timeinterleaved ADC in 0.13-mCMOS,” in IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf. Dig. Tech. Papers, Feb. 2006, pp. 576–577. • [2] S. Gupta, M. Choi, M. Inerfield, and J. Wang, “A 1-GS/s 11-bit ADC With 55-dB SNDR, 250-mW Power Realized by a High Bandwidth Scalable Time-Interleaved Architecture” in IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS, VOL. 41, NO. 12, DECEMBER 2006 pp-2650-2657 • [3] S. Jamal et al., “A 10-b 120-Msample/s Time-Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converter with Digital Background Calibration,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol 37, no. 12, pp. 1618-1627, Dec. 2002. • [4] K. Dyer et al., “An Analog Background Calibration Technique for Time-Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 33, no. 12, pp. 1904-1911, Dec., 1998. • [5] K. Poulton et al., “A 20GS/s 8b ADC with a 1MB Memory in 0.18μm CMOS”, ISSCC Dig. Tech. Papers, pp. 318-319, Feb., 2003 • [6] William C. KUN “Introduction to D/A and A/D Converters” MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY OCT. 27Th 2004. • [7] S. M. Jamal, D. Fu, N. C.-J. Chang, P. J. Hurst, and S. H. Lewis, “A 10-bit 120-Msample/s time-interleaved analog-to-digital converter with digital background calibration,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 37, no. 12, pp. 1618–1627, Dec. 2002. • [8] K. Poulton, R. Neff, B. Setterberg, B. Wuppermann, T. Kopley, R. Jewett, J. Pernillo, C. Tan, and A. Montijo, “A 20 GS/s 8b ADC with a 1 MB memory in 0.18 um CMOS,” in IEEE Int. Solid-State Circuits Conf. Dig. Tech. Papers, Feb. 2003, pp. 318–319. • [9] W. Yang et al., “A 3-V 340mW 14-b 75-MSample/s CMOS ADC with 85- dB SFDR at Nyquist Input”, IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 36, no. 12, pp. 1931-1936, Dec. 2001. Arash Mirhaj
Thank You Arash Mirhaj