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Sebastian Borowski, PhD. ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY. Institute of Fermentation Technology and Microbiology Stefanowskiego 4/10 (3 d floor, room 386) (2 nd floor, room 287) e-mail: sebastian.borowski@p.lodz.pl sebasbor@poczta.onet.pl.
Sebastian Borowski, PhD ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY Institute of Fermentation Technology and Microbiology Stefanowskiego 4/10 (3d floor, room 386) (2nd floor, room 287) e-mail: sebastian.borowski@p.lodz.pl sebasbor@poczta.onet.pl
Environmental biotechnology – definitions: • The utilization of microorganisms to protect or restore natural environments from chemical damage due to human activities. • The development, use and regulation of biological systems for remediation of contaminated environments (land, air, water), and for environment-friendly processes (green manufacturing technologies and sustainable development. (The International Society of Environmental Biotechnology) • The multidisciplinary integration of sciences and engineering in order to utilize the huge biochemical potential of microorganisms, plants and parts thereof for the restoration and preservation of the environment and for the sustainable use of resources. • Fields of application: • wastewater and sewage sludge treatment • organic waste utilization (manure, crop residues, organic fraction of municipal wastes etc.) • bioremediation of soil • biodegradation of hazardous compounds • composting • exhaust gas treatment
Biotechnology Environmental engineering Civil engineering Environmental biotechnology Sanitary engineering Ecology Biotechnology (classical): - homogeneous substrates - pure strains of microorganisms the difference Environmental biotechnology: - heterogeneous substrates - mixed populations of microorganisms
Substrates (terms): 1. Wastewater - domestic - industrial - municipal - household - grey (gray), black - stormwater 2. Sludge - primary - waste activated (secondary) - mixed - screenings, grit 3. Waste - municipal (organic fraction) - industrial - hazardous - slurry, manure 4. Gases - waste, exhaust ,off- - combustion, exhaust - process - biogas 5. Soil (contaminated land) • Technologies (terms): • Activated sludge process • Trickling filtration • Biological nutrient removal (BNR) • Anaerobic digestion (AN) – sludge stabilization, biogas plants • Composting and Autothermal thermophilic aerobic digestion (ATAD) • Biofiltration • Bioremediation
The programme of lectures - major topics: • Basic indicators used in environmental biotechnology: DO, BOD, COD, TOC, Alkalinity, VFA, N, P etc. • Wastewater treatment technologies – general information, characteristics of wastewater, classification of processes, diagrams, wastewater pretreatment. • Classification of biological processes and operations • Activated sludge process and biological nutrient removal • Trickling filtration • Composting • Anaerobic digestion for wastewater treatment, sludge stabilization and waste utilization – biogas plants • Biofiltration of waste gases
Literature (English): • Barnes D., Wilson F., Chemistry and unit operations in sewage treatment, Applied Science Publishers Ltd, London, 1978. • Bitton G., Wastewater microbiology, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, US., 2005. • Biotechnology – A multi comprehensive treatise, Volume 11a – Environmental processes I. Wastewater treatment, WILEY – VCH, Weinheim, New York, • Cheremisinoff P.N., Handbook of water and wastewater treatment technology, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York-Basel-Hong Kong, 1995. • Deublein D., Steinhauser A., Biogas from waste and renewable resources, Wiley-Vch Verlag, Weinheim, 2008. • Droste R.L., Theory and practise of water and wastewater treatment, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1997. • Eckenfelder W., Musterman J., Activated sludge treatment of industrial wastewater, Technomic Publishing Company, Lancaster, Pensylvania, 1995 • Grady L., Daigger G., Lim H., Biological wastewater treatment, Marcel Deller Inc., New York - Basel - Honk Kong, 1999. • Henze M., Harremoes P., Jansen J., Arvin E., Wastewater treatment – Biological and chemical processes, Springer-Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg - New York, 1995. • Lee C., Shun Dar Lin, Handbook or environmental engineering calculations, McGraw-Hill, 1999. • Lewandowski G., DeFillip L., Biological treatment of hazardous wastes, John Wiley & Sons, New York-Chichester-Weinheim-Singapore-Toronto, 1998. • Mudrack K., Kunst S., Biology of sewage treatment and water pollution control, Ellis Horwood Limited, New York-Chichester-Brisbane-Toronto, 1986. • Sharma H.D., Lewis S.P., Waste containment systems, waste stabilization and landfills – design and evaluation, John Wiley & Sons INC, NYork-Chichester-Toronto, 1994. • Valsaraj K.T., Elements of environmental engineering, Lewis Publishers, 2000.
Literature (Polish): • Bever J., Stein A., Teichmann H., Zaawansowane metody oczyszczania ścieków, Projprzem-EKO, Bydgoszcz, 1997. • Błaszczyk M., Mikroorganizmy w ochronie środowiska, PWN, Warszawa, 2007. • Dymaczewski Z., Oleszkiewicz J., Sozański M., Poradnik eksploatatora oczyszczalni ścieków, PZITS, LEM, Poznań, 1997, • Eikelboom D.H., van Buijsen H.J., Podręcznik mikroskopowego badania osadu czynnego, Seidel-Przywecki, Szczecin, 1999. • Hartmann L., Biologiczne oczyszczanie ścieków, Instalator Polski, Warszawa, 1996. • Heidrich Z., Nieścier A., Stabilizacja beztlenowa osadów ściekowych, PZITS, Warszawa, 1999. • Heidrich Z., Witkowski A., Urządzenia do oczyszczania ścieków, Seidel-Przywecki, Warszawa, 2005. • Imhoff K., Imhoff K. R., , Kanalizacja miast i oczyszczanie ścieków, Poradnik, Wyd. Projprzem – EKO, Bydgoszcz, 1996. • Kalisz L., Kaźmierczuk M., Organizmy osadu czynnego – badania mikroskopowe, Instytut Ochrony Środowiska, Warszawa 1998. • Klimiuk E., Łebkowska M., Biotechnologia w ochronie środowiska, PWN, Warszawa, 2003. • Łomotowski J., Szpindor A., Nowoczesne systemy oczyszczania ścieków, Arkady, Warszawa, 1999. • Miksch K., Biotechnologia ścieków, Politechnika Śląska, Gliwice, 2000. • Miksch K., Biotechnologia środowiskowa, Fundacja Ekologiczna „Silesia”, Katowice, 1995 • Szewczyk K., Biologiczne metody usuwania związków azotu ze ścieków, Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Warszawskiej, W-wa 2005.
TS total solids = dry matter dry residue SS or TSS suspended solids DS or TDS dissolved solids = + = = = VS volatile solids organic matter organic solids VSS volatile suspended solids organic suspended solids VDS volatile dissolved solids organic dissolved solids = + + + + FS = NVS non-volatile (fixed) solids = residue after ignition inorganic solids FSS fixed suspended solids inorganic suspended solids FDS fixed dissolved solids inorganic dissolved solids = + Division of solids
Determination of solids Total solids, TS the mass (or volume) of the sample dried at 103-105 0C to a constant weight, related to the original mass or volume of this sample the mass (or volume) of the sample burned at550-6000C to a constant weight, related to the original mass or volume of this sample Non-volatile solids, NVS (residue after ingnition) = Volatile solids, VS Total solids, TS – Non-volatile solids, NVS the volume of the sample after passing through the filter paper and drying at 103-105 0C to a constant weight, related to the original volume of this sample Total suspended solids, TSS Total solids, TS = Dry matter, DM Volatile solids, VS Organic matter
Principles of the Winkler test (1). In alkaline solution manganous sulfate is converted to a white precipitate of manganous hydroxideMn(OH)2 (2)Oxygen present in the solution oxidizes divalent manganous ions Mn2+ (manganous hydroxide) to the tetravalent manganic ions Mn4+ forming a brown flocculent precipitate of manganic oxide. In this reaction the soluble oxygen is converted into a chemically bound oxide form. (3)The solution is then acidified and manganic oxide MnO2 is reduced by potassium iodide to produce free iodine – in proportion to the dissolved oxygen concentration. (4) The liberated iodine is then titrated with sodium thiosulfate in a presence of a starch indicator. The thiosulfate ions S2O32– react with iodine reducing it back to iodide ions. The end of titration is obtained when no liberated iodine remains in solution and the blue-black color disappears. Reactions: (1)Mn2+ + 2OH – Mn(OH)2white precipitate (2)Mn(OH)2 + ½ O2 MnO2 + H2O brown precipitate (3)MnO2 + 4H+ + 2J – Mn2+ + J2 + 2H2O (4)J2 + 2S2O32 – S4O62 – + 2J – Table. The amount of oxygen needed to achieve complete saturation of 1 dm3 of distilled water contacting with air of 21 % oxygen content and under a total pressure of 760 mm Hg.
Biochemical Oxygen Demand – BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand is defined to be the amount of oxygen required for the biological decomposition of organic matter under aerobic conditions at a standardized temperature and time of incubation.
Carbonaceous and nitrogenous BOD Carbonaceous BOD – connected with oxidation of organic matter Nitrogenous (autotrophic) BOD – connected with ammonia oxidation
waste- water dilluted watewater DO measured instantly DO measured after 5-days incubation dillution water Standard BOD5 test a – the initial (before incubation) DO concentration in the diluted wastewater sample, mgO2/dm3 b – the final (after incubation) DO concentration in the diluted wastewater sample, mgO2/dm3 c – the initial (before incubation) DO concentration in the dilution water, mgO2/dm3 d – the final (after incubation) DO concentration in the dilution water, mgO2/dm3 m – the amount of wastewater included in the 1 dm3 of the diluted sample, cm3 M = 1000 – m (the amount of dilution water included in the 1 dm3 of the diluted sample of wastewater), cm3 c a dark 200C b d
Biochemical Oxygen Demand – dillution water • Characteristics of the dillution water: • must be free of all toxic substances, (chlorine, copper, mercury and organic matter) • must contain a large concentration of dissolved oxygen (saturation point) • must be stable and contain nutrients (N, P, S, Fe) for microorganisms growth • must contain specific microorganisms responsible for organic matter decomposition • Agents used to prepare the dilution water: • phosphate buffer of pH = 7,2 • magnesium sulfate • calcium chloride • ferric chloride • seed material Table. Changes of BODt with reference to BOD∞
dark 200C Lithium or potassium hydroxide O2 CO2 Manometer The manonetric method of BOD determination • Advantages: • wastewater needn’t be diluted before the test • chemicals useless (excluding hydroxide) • we can follow the progress of oxygen consumption at regular intervals and determine BOD after 1, 2, 3, 5 days etc. • Disadvantages: • less accuracy than the standard test
Chemical Oxygen Demand – COD Definition - the amount of a strong oxidant used to oxidize some organic and some inorganic compounds under specific conditions. Principles of the dichromate COD test Chemical oxygen demand represents the amount of potassium dichromate as mgO2/dm3 needed to oxidize organic matter and some inorganic material (nitrites NO2, sulfites SO2, iron and sulfur ions (Fe2+, S2–) and others) in strongly acidic solution at a temperature of approximately 160 0C (boiling point of the mixture). In the COD test the dichromate anion Cr2O72– oxidizes organic and some inorganic matter to end products of CO2 and H2O while becoming reduced to green trivalent chromic ion Cr3+. HCOH + Cr2O72– + 10H+ 2Cr3+ + CO2 + 6H2O The amount of dichromate that remains after this reaction is determined by titration with a standard solution of ferrous ammonium sulfate Fe(NH4)2(SO4)2 in the presence of a ferroin indicator. The divalent ferrous iron is oxidized by the dichromate anion to trivalent ferric iron: Cr2O72– + 6Fe2+ + 14H+ 2Cr3+ + 6Fe3+ + 7H2O The endpoint of the reaction is determined by changing the sample color from blue-green to reddish-brown. The amount of dichromate consumed for oxidation is converted to oxygen to give COD.
Total Organic Carbon – TOC Definition – the amount of carbon atoms present in organic compounds TOC is determined by oxidation of organic matter to carbon dioxide by heating (burning). The difference between the carbon dioxide before and after oxidation is used for the calculation of TOC. The amount of CO2 is determined by chromatographic or spectrophotometric analysis.
Alkalinity & acidity Alkalinity – ability of wastewater/water to neutralize strong acids [Alk] = [HCO3–] + [CO32–] + [OH–]+ [SiO(OH)3–]+ [PO43–] + [HPO42–] + [H2PO4–] +[NH4+] + other ions that take up H+ ions (wastewater) Acidity – the opposite of alkalinity – ability of wastewater/water to neutralize strong bases [Acy] = [H2CO3] + [HCO3–] + [H+]+ [HOCl] + [HPO42–] + [H2PO4–] +[H3PO4] + weak organic acids (humic, VFAs) + salts that hydrolyze in water with acid reaction
Total alkalinity Mineral alkalinity 4,5 (methyl orange end point) 8,3 (phenolphthalein end point) pH Mineral acidity Total acidity Alkalinity & acidity Mineral alkalinity (P-alkalinity) – indicates the presence of carbonate [CO32–] and hydroxyl [OH–] ions and about one-third of any phosphates in water. P-alkalinity is determined by titration the sample with a strong acid (hydrochloric or sulfuric) to a pH of 8,3 which is indicated by disappearance of a pink color of phenolphthalein. Total alkalinity (M-alkalinity) – includes all carbonate, bicarbonate and hydroxide alkalinity, and it is determined by titration the sample with a strong acid to a pH of 4,5 which is indicated by a color change of methyl orange from yellow-orange to orange-pink Mineral acidity (M-acidity) – indicates the presence of strong acids and free carbon dioxide in water. M-acidity is determined by titration the sample with a strong base (sodium hydroxide solution) to a pH of 4,5 which is indicated by a color change of methyl orange from pink to orange. Total acidity (P-acidity) – indicates the presence of strong acids and their salts with weak bases, and all free carbon dioxide in solution. P-acidity is determined by titration the sample with a strong base to a pH of 8,3 which is indicated by a color change of phenolphthalein from colorless to light pink.
Volatile fatty acids – VFA C2 – acetic (CH3COOH) C3 – propionic (CH3CH2COOH) C4 – butyric (CH3CH2CH2COOH) C5 – valeric (valerianic) (CH3CH2CH2CH2COOH) C6 – caproic (CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2COOH) • VFAs– the main source of organic carbon: • For denitrifying bacteria and for “BPR” bacteria in activated sludge process • For methane formers (archae) in anaerobic digestion of sludge and/or organic wastes
Nitrogen • 1. Organic nitrogen – (the nitrogen fixed in organic compounds like proteins or animoacids) • dissolved inert organic nitrogen (not available for organisms) • suspended easily degradable organic nitrogen • suspended inert organic nitrogen 2. Ammonium nitrogen(ammonia)– as free NH3 and/or NH4+ ions (a product of organic nitrogen decomposition or nitrate and nitrite reduction) 3. Nitrates and nitrites – (the final products of organic nitrogen oxidation) Total Nitrogen – TN = [Norg] + [NH4+] + [NO3] + [NO2] Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen – TKN = [Norg] + [NH4+]
Phosphorus 1. Organic phosphorus (dissolved and suspended) – the phosphorus fixed in organic compounds (nucleic acids, phospholipides, phosphoproteins, ATP etc.) 2. Inorganic dissolved polyphosphates – present in some detergents, also the products of organic-P decomposition 3. Inorganic dissolved orthophosphates –the products of poly-P hydrolysis.
Other wastewater components • Inorganic substances: • bicarbonates • chlorides and sulfates • metals – Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe • hardness • Inorganic dangerous substances: • heavy metals – Cd, Pb, Zn, Cu, Hg, Ni, Cr • sulfides (H2S, HS –, S 2–) • cyanides • fluorides • rhodanates (thiocyanates) • Organic dangerous substances: • formaldehyde • detergents • pesticides • fats, oil and grease • polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAH • polychlorinated biphenyls (PSB) • dioxins – polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) • furans – polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF) • adsorbale organohalogens (AOX) • Other indicators: • pH • color • turbidity (in water) • redox potential - ORP • odors (putrid, floral, characteristic)