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A Steep Faint-End Slope of the UV LF at z~2-3: Implications for the Missing Stellar Problem

A Steep Faint-End Slope of the UV LF at z~2-3: Implications for the Missing Stellar Problem. Naveen Reddy (Hubble Fellow, NOAO). C. Steidel ( Caltech ). Galaxies in Real Life and Simulations, Leiden, Netherlands, 16 September 2008. Luminosity/Redshift Evolution of Dust;

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A Steep Faint-End Slope of the UV LF at z~2-3: Implications for the Missing Stellar Problem

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  1. A Steep Faint-End Slope of the UV LF at z~2-3: Implications for the Missing Stellar Problem Naveen Reddy (Hubble Fellow, NOAO) C. Steidel ( Caltech) Galaxies in Real Life and Simulations, Leiden, Netherlands, 16 September 2008

  2. Luminosity/Redshift Evolution of Dust; Incompleteness of Stellar Mass Density Measurements Are There Problems with Stellar Mass/ Star Formation Rate Measurements? • SFR / stellar mass calibrations • IMF evolution? • Dust extinction • Incompleteness Reddy & Steidel (2008b)

  3. Quantifying Number Densities via the UV Luminosity Function Advantages of UV: • direct tracer of massive star formation, modulo the effects of dust • deepest observations up to  2000 times more sensitive than those at IR and longer wavelengths • - accessibility over almost the entire age of the Universe Need for Spectroscopy: • assess contamination • quantify perturbing effects of line emission and consequence for sample completeness • color corrections for IGM opacity • - physical state of the ISM (stellar population; outflows)

  4. Preferential Scattering due to Lya: • contribution of high Ly EW systems at UV-faint magnitudes; ~10% (>50 A) at M ~ -17 • Change in mean dust attenuation: • - no variance with UV luminosity? • - evolution of dust with UV luminosity; UV-faint galaxies less dusty than UV-bright ones? ? Upshot: these systematics modulate the inferred faint-end slope of the UV LF by up to ~10%, with a tendency to steepen  Going Beyond the Spectroscopic Limit Use spectroscopic trends as a zeropoint for determining how galaxy properties depend on UV luminosity Reddy et al 2008a

  5. z=2: N(0.07L*<L<L*)~0.98N(>0.07L*) (0.07L*<L<L*)~0.84(>0.07L*) z=3: N(0.1L*<L<L*)~0.97N(>0.1L*) (0.1L*<L<L*)~0.82(>0.1L*) 0.1L* Advantages of our analysis • > 2000 spectroscopic redshifts at the bright-end • modeling of systematic effects • maximum-likelihood constraints on LF that are robust to non-uniform sources of scatter • - 31000 LBGs in 31 independent fields Results on the UV LF at z~2-3 0.07L* Steep faint-end slope of  ~ -1.73, similar to that measured at z~4-6 Reddy et al 2008b

  6. R<25.5 Reddy et al 2008b Make use of UGR+JK+IRAC photometry for several hundred galaxies • spectroscopic redshifts remove a key degeneracy from this analysis! • independent monochromatic indicators constrain SFRs and reddening Stellar Population Modeling

  7. Trends between UV luminosity and SFR with Stellar Mass Sawicki et al. 2007

  8. Mean Correction of ~2-3 for Total UV Luminosity Density ~4-5 dust correction ~2 dust correction Dust Corrections as a Function of UV Luminosity

  9. For >0.083L* galaxies Estimate of the Stellar Mass Function at z~2 Reddy et al 2008b

  10. Integral of the Star Formation History [L>0.083L*(z=2)] L>0.083L*(z>2)  z Integrated to L=0.083L*(z=6) What about contribution from massive galaxies?

  11. Contributions to the Stellar Mass Density at z~2 (R<25.5;<10^11 M*) ~ 3.7 +/- 0.2 crit (R>25.5;<10^11 M*) ~ 2.0 +/- 0.2 crit (>10^11 M*) ~ 1.6 +/- 0.4 crit For >0.083L* galaxies

  12. WRONG! >0.083L* Comparisons with the Integrated Star Formation History M>10^11 Msun R>25.5; M<10^11 Msun R<25.5; M<10^11 Msun

  13. Redshift Evolution of the Faint-End Slope Slope roughly constant at z>2, with  ~ -1.73 • but, strong evolution in UV LF implies sub-L* galaxies at z~6 are different from sub-L* galaxies at z~2 • - evolution of faint-end slope may have less to do with delayed feedback and more to do with the availability of low mass halos with cold gas below z~2 Reddy et al 2008b

  14. Conclusions Constraints on the faint-end slope of the UV LF: • UV LF evolves strongly between z~6 and z~2 • very steep faint-end slope of the UV LF of  ~ -1.73 at z~2 and z~3, remarkably similar to those derived at higher redshifts (z~4-6) • but, faint-end population evolves between z~6 and z~2, so evolution of faint-end slope may have less to do with feedback and more to do with the availability of low mass halos with cold gas below z~2 • dust corrections depend on how far one integrates to obtain the UV LD • Combining the stellar masses of star-forming galaxies at z~2-3 with the luminosity function: • significant stellar mass density in UV-faint galaxies (R>25.5) as in UV-bright ones • appears to resolve the supposed discrepancy between stellar mass density estimates and the integrated star formation history up to z~2


  16. Total IR LD ~ 1.3e09 Lo/Mpc3 Total IR LD (Caputi et al. 2006) ~ 6.6e08 Lo/Mpc3 Limit of MIPS observations without prior information Infrared Luminosity Function at z~2

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