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2012 Gym- Get Ripped, Stay Healthy. Slides, Questions, and Assignments. Assignment.
2012 Gym- Get Ripped, Stay Healthy Slides, Questions, and Assignments
Assignment • You are a employee at Gym 2012, the hottest training facility in Houston. In this gym you have members ranging from all ages and lifestyles. The Gym 2012 motto is “ To create better lives by encouraging better lifestyles.” • You have just been given important information about how to promote healthy eating habits for all 12 body systems. Your job is to condense all the information into a sleek-looking brochure for your clients. You must carefully read through all your notes and create a brochure to give to your clients that includes what foods and drinks and vitamins to take in daily. • But you also want to create diversity-who wants to eat egg whites every day??? The key factors you are looking for is overlap- the more overlap (the foods, drinks, and vitamins body systems share, the sleeker and more streamlined your information will be, and thus will make it easier for your clients to remember what foods and drinks and vitamins to take in daily. After reading and highlighting your notes, grab a blank sheet of paper and fold it into a brochure for your rough draft. The 2 best looking designs will receive a prize-to be disclosed later. Happy brochuring!!! Yes, you may use colored pencils. No mp3 players allowed just yet.
NERVOUS SYSTEM • Structure: Brain; spinal cord; nerves, and sensory organs • Function: Regulation of body function through nerve impulses. Sensory perception and motor response. • Foods: Egg yolks, kale, celery, fish, raw goat milk, veal joint broth, cod roe, rice polishings, nutritional yeast. • Drinks: Celery/carrot/prune juice; prune juice/rice polishings; raw goat milk/ 1 tsp. sesame butter/1 tsp. honey/sliver of avocado; black cherry juice/egg yolk • Vitamins: B-Complex,A, B 1, B2, B6, B 12, B 13, C, D, E, F, choline, folic acid, inositol, niacin, pantothenic acid, pangamic acid • Minerals: Calcium, phosphorus, manganese, sulfur, iodine,iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, fluorine, silicon
LYMPHATIC SYSTEM • Structure: Spleen, thymus, appendix, tonsils, lymph nodes, lymph vessels and fluid • Function: Filtration of blood, production of white blood cells, immunity, return of protein to cardiovascular circulation • Foods: Green leafy vegetables; watercress; celery; okra; apples • Drinks: Potato peeling broth; celery juice; blue violet tea; parsley juice; carrot juice; apple juice • Vitamins: A, C, choline,B-complex, B 1, B2, B6, biotin, folic acid, pantothenic acid • Minerals: Potassium, chlorine,sodium
DIGESTIVE SYSTEM • Structure: Gastrointestinal tract with exception of large colon, salivary glands, liver, gall bladder and pancreas. • Function: Mechanical and chemical breakdown of foods for cellular use • Foods: Papaya, chlorophyll, spinach, sun-dried olives, chard, celery, kale, beet greens, whey, shredded beet, watercress, yogurt and kefir • Drinks: Parsley juice; papaya juice; chlorophyll; carrot juice; potato peeling broth; whey drinks • Vitamins: A, C, B-complex, B 1, B2, B6, B12, D, E, F, K, folic acid, inositol, niacin, pantothenic acid • Minerals: Sodium, chlorine, magnesium, potassium,iron, sulfur, copper, silicon, zinc, iodine
ELIMINATIVE SYSTEM • Structure: Large colonFunction: Completion of nutrient absorption, manufacture of certain vitamins, formation and elimination of fecesFoods: All squash, flaxseed, green and yellow vegetables, yogurt & kefir, clobbered milk, grapes, whey, berries, sprouts, yellow cornmealDrinks: Chlorophyll, coconut milk/carrot juice; celery/parsley/spinach/carrot juice; flaxseed tea; black cherry juiceVitamins: A, F, choline, B-complex, B 1, B2, B6, B 12, C, E, inositol, niacin, folic acid, pantothenic acidMinerals: Magnesium, potassium, sodium, sulfur,calcium, chlorine, iron, phosphorus"The internal environment is just as receptiveto change by natural nourishment as theexternal environment is receptive to change,for example, furnaces which warm ourhomes. "-Royal Lee
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM • Structure: Pineal, pituitary, thyroid and parathyroids, thymus, adrenals, pancreas, ovaries and testes • Function: Regulation of body activities through delivery of hormones via the circulatory system • Foods: Sea vegetables, kelp, dulse, swiss chard, turnip greens, egg yolks, wheat germ, cod roe, lecithin, sesame seed butter, seeds and nuts, raw goat milk • Drinks: Pineapple juice/egg yolk/wheat germ/dulse drink; black cherry juice/chlorophyll/egg yolk • Vitamins: B-complex, E, C, choline, inositol, folic acid, pantothenic acid • Minerals: Iodine, silicon, phosphorus, manganese,iron, calcium, chlorine, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulphur "We know today that the people who have the best health in this world are those who use the Last of our so-called civilized foods, such as White flour, soft drinks and hard drinks, and the multiplicity of packaged and canned goods. "
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM • Structure: Lungs, trachea, bronchi, bronchial tubes and alveoli • Function: Oxygenation; elimination of carbon dioxide; regulation of systemic pH • Foods: Garlic, onions, leeks, turnips, grapes, pineapple, honey (eucalyptus), green leafy vegetables • Drinks: Celery/papaya juice; carrot juice; watercress/apple juice/ I quarter tsp. cream of tartar; rose hips tea; goat whey • Vitamins: A, C, D, B-complex, B 1, B2, B6, B 12, E, F, inositol, choline, bioflavonoids, folic acid, niacin, pangamic acid, pantothenic acid • Minerals: Calcium, iron, silicon, manganese, potassium, copper, flourine • "When Mother Nature created the human machine, • she intended that very few repairs would he necessary. • However, untold millions are spent on mauy on the • repair of our ailing human machinery. Very little is • invested in the care of this same machine. • -Royale Lee
SKELETAL SYSTEM • Structure: AR bones, cartilage and joints • Function: Support and protection of body, leverage, mineral storage, production of red blood cells • Foods: Sesame seeds, kale, millet, celery, barley, okra, almonds, collards, turnip greens, raw goat's milk • Drinks: Black mission figs/raw goat's milk; black cherry juice; green kale juice; celery/parsley juice; veal joint broth • Vitamins: C, D,A, B-complex, B2, B6, B 12, E, F, folic acid, bioflavonoids, pantothenic acid • Minerals: Calcium, fluorine,copper, magnesium, iron, iodine, sulphur, zinc, silicon,phosphorus, potassium, sodium • Feel free to copy any articles you find here, but please, republish with permission only. • Thanks for visiting.
MUSCULAR SYSTEM • Structure: All muscle tissue in the body • Function: Facilitation of body movement, production of heat, maintenance of body posture • Foods: Olives, rye, lima beans, rice bran, bananas, sprouts, watercress, complementary proteins, apples • Drinks: Potato peeling broth; dried olive tea; nut milk drink with liquid chlorophyll • Vitamins: B6, D, E, A B-Complex, B 12, C, biotin, choline, pantothenic acid • Minerals: Calcium, potassium, magnesium, nitrogen, chlorine, iron, silicon • "You do not need to he an expert in nutrition • to get good food. You just have to be hard- • boiled enough to say "no" when you are • offered a food that is unfit to eat. • -Royal Lee
REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM • Structure: Testes, ovaries, sperm, ova, mammaries • Function: Reproduction of the organism • Foods: Sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, seed and nut butters, cod roe, lecithin, egg yolks, raw goat's milk • Drinks: Black cherry juice/chlorophyll/one egg yolk; pineapple juice/egg yolk/wheat germ/dulse drink; 3/4 cup carrot juice with 1/4 cup coconut milk/1 Tbs. wheat germ oil/1 tsp. rice polishing • Vitamins: B-Complex, E,A, B2, B6, C, D, F • Minerals: Zinc, calcium, iodine, phosphorus,iron, sodium, chlorine, potassium, fluorine, silicon • "We can only drink pasteurized milk and eat • bleach-treated flour and cereal products that • have lost both the enzymes and vitamin • content, and do not even wonder why we lose • our teeth just like any test animal does when • put on the same diet. • -Royal Lee
URINARY SYSTEM • Structure: Kidneys, bladder, ureters, urethra • Function: Elimination of liquid wastes, regulation of chemical composition of the blood, fluid and electrolyte balance and volume, maintenance of systemic pH • Foods: Watermelon (including seeds), pomegranate, apples, asparagus, parsley, green leafy vegetables • Drinks: Celery/pomegranate juice; black currant juice/juniper berry tea; pomegranate juice/goat whey; celery/parsley/asparagus juice; beet juice; grape juice • Vitamins: A, B-Complex, B2, B6, C, D, E, choline, pantothenic acid • Minerals: Calcium, potassium, manganese, silicon, iron, chlorine, magnesium • "The biological lines are far more finelydrawn today than • they were a decade ago, butthe axiom still holds true, that • the body cannotmake something out of nothing. And, the • bestchance we have of supplying our bodies withwhat they • need to work with is to eat the basicnatural foods as • originally intended. • -Royal Lee
CIRCULATORY SYSTEM • Structure: Heart, blood vessels, blood • Function: Distribution of oxygen and nutrients to cells, transportation of C02 and wastes from cells, pH balance, regulation of body temperature, formation of blood clots • Foods: Brewer's yeast, garlic, wheat germ, alfalfa sprouts, buckwheat, sun-dried olives, watercress, rice polishings • Drinks: Blackberry/parsley juice; black fig juice; watercress; parsley/grape juice; hawthorn berry tea • Vitamins: B-Complex, B6, niacin, B 12, C, E, bioflavonoids, choline, folic acid, inositol, pangamic acid • Minerals: Calcium, iron, silicon, cobalt, copper, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, manganese, nitrogen, fluorine, sulphur
INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM • Structure: Skin, hair, nails, oil and sweat glands • Function: Regulation of body temperature; elimination of waste; temperature, pressure and pain reception • Foods: Raw goat milk black bass, rye, avocados, sea vegetables, whey, apples, cucumbers, millet, rice polishings, rice bran, sprouts • Drinks: Carrot/celery/lemon juice; cucumber/endive/pineapple juice • Vitamins: Pantothenic acid, PABA, D, A, B-Complex, B2, B6, B12, B I, C, E, F, K, biotin, choline, folic acid, niacin, bioflavonoids • Minerals: Silicon, calcium, fluorine, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulphur, iodine, copper, manganese, zinc, magnesium • We must now realize that the biological • mechanisms which occur when the body takes • over the utilization of food are so complex that • it may be many years before a thorough • understanding of nutrition will exist. The • importance of the need for basic natural foods, • however, becomes more evident with each • nutritional discovery. • -Royal Lee