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You’ve Got a Friend :. Attracting, Welcoming and Supporting the Adult Learner through Tailored Orientations MaryAlice Wade, Forsyth Library, Fort Hays State University. Fort Hays State University. Location: Hays, KS Total Enrollment: 13, 310 On-Campus: 4, 746 Virtual: 4, 975
You’ve Got a Friend: Attracting, Welcoming and Supporting the Adult Learner through Tailored Orientations MaryAlice Wade, Forsyth Library, Fort Hays State University
Fort Hays State University Location: Hays, KS Total Enrollment: 13, 310 On-Campus: 4, 746 Virtual: 4, 975 At Partner Schools in China: 3, 589 Source: 20th Day Stats, Sept. 17, 2012
26 % of FHSU Students areage 25 or older This mirrors the national trend of increasing numbers of adult students enrolling in college.
Fig. : Adult Students Enrolled in Degree-Granting Institutions, by Age, Selected Years 1970-2020 Source: United States, Dept. of Educ., Inst. of Educ. Sciences, Natl. Center for Educ. Statistics; Digest of Education Statistics 2011; US Dept. of Educ., Sept. 2011; Web; 29 June 2012; table 200. http://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d11/tables/dt11_200.asp
Nola Ochs, World’s Oldest College Graduate Born: 1911 Graduated H.S.: 1929 Earned Bachelor’s Degree: 2007, age 95 Earned Master’s Degree: 2011, age 100, 2012: Writing a book, age 101
Why hold a special orientation for Adult Learners? • Anecdotal evidence of adult learners’ difficulty using electronic resources, and embarrassment that the research skills that had served them well in the past were no longer adequate. • An orientation held in the evening, tailored for them, might increase their comfort level and make the library seem less threatening. • Library orientations increase library usage (Andaleeb & Simmonds 633, Walsh 28)
Adding “Extras” for Adults • To address the unique needs of adult learners, who may be juggling family, work, and school, we collaborated with other campus entities to present an all-in-one orientation: • Kelly Center (Mental Health & Academic Success) • Financial Aid • Student Affairs • Virtual College • Admissions All students age 25 and older were invited via e-mail. Online registration was encouraged but not required. Attendees got T-Shirts & other goodies provided by Student Affairs & Kelly Center
The program: Held in the evening, in the library, the week before classes started Library provided refreshments and demo’d library resources Kelly Center staff did a presentation on Study Skills, Balancing Work & Home Life, Getting Involved, Procrastination Videotaped and posted on FHSU web site Live-streamed so Distance Students could participate—we actually had more virtual participants than “live” ones!
Information Provided • The wide array of student services and how to access them • Information about Blackboard and the Virtual College • Campus tours and “class crawls” that help students locate their classrooms • Financial Aid • Study Skills, time management, and self-care • Technology help and equipment checkout procedures • Navigating the Library’s web site and accessing Library Resources both on and off-campus
Adult Learners’ LibGuide • Includes standard library content, plus • FHSU Departmental and Admin contacts • Services to help them succeed at FHSU • Virtual College & Computer Help • Orientation Video http://fhsuguides.fhsu.edu/adult_learners
LiveStream: http://livestream.com Free version has ads. http://bit.ly/RgIqmf
Hardware Used: Canon HDV Vixia HV40 Digital Camcorder connected by Firewire to a PC or MacBook Pro Video Shotgun Mic from Rode Microphones
Tech Tips learned: • The live streaming of events has been a learning process. The camcorder and computers use a lot of battery power during recording so we plug them in during events. • We also make sure we are prepared with extra batteries for the microphone and play out a lot of what if scenarios when we pack our gear for a shoot. • The cords are often a hazard so we use neon duct tape so that they are brighter and more noticeable to others. • We’ve put together a live streaming kit that includes the camcorder and cords, the computer and power source, firewire cable and adapters if needed, extra DV tapes and batteries for the microphone. We also carry our own power strip in case one is not available at the event location. • ~Dr. Cynthia Garrety, FHSU Coordinator of the Learning Commons • cmgarrety@fhsu.edu
Plans for next year • Working on ideas to make it more interactive, less of a lecture format • Perhaps have a current or former adult learner speak about their experiences, and give advice
References & Image Sources Andaleeb, Syed S., and Patience L. Simmonds. “Usage of Academic Libraries: The Role of Service Quality, Resources, and User Characteristics.” Library Trends 49.4 (2001): 626. Academic OneFile. Web. 28 June 2012. Knife-juggling woman image: Collection of Art References blog: http://collectionofartreferences.tumblr.com/post/14390145759/cool Images of FHSU and Nola Ochs: www.fhsu.edu Nola LOL: http://www.mentalfloss.com/blogs/archives/119432 LibGuides: http://springshare.com/libguides Created by MaryAlice Wade, Forsyth Library, Fort Hays State University October, 2012 mawade2@fhsu.edu