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Strategy , engagement and messaging - getting it wrong !. John Pooley BSc, CEng, CMC, FIE, FIC. WHY BOTHER?. PEOPLE MAKE CHANGE HAPPEN. GETTING IT RIGHT BEST PRACTICE. PROBLEMS WITH BEST PRACTICE?. GETTING IT WRONG!. Can we learn more from worst practice than best practice?.
Strategy, engagement and messaging - getting it wrong! John Pooley BSc, CEng, CMC, FIE, FIC
GETTING IT WRONG! Can we learn more from worst practice than best practice?
MANAGING CHANGE Now over 279,500 copies issued worldwide 21,750 since last NEMEX Available from: www.oursouthwest.com First printed January 2004
3 KEYS TO WORST PRACTICE • Worst practice is the synergistic combination of many elements of bad practice • Worst practice doesn’t just happen • To be really bad you need to work at it!
POLICY Don’t spend too much time developing a policy, copy one from another organization Ensure that nobody ‘owns’ the policy Make the policy statement as long as possible
RESPONSIBILITY Give environmental responsibility to overloaded, lower level, employees Alternatively give environmental responsibility to a senior management environmental sceptic
MEASUREMENT Measure as little as possible Monitor everything that moves Rely on estimated data Don’t spend time on understanding the collected data
INTEGRATION Avoid making links with any other business issues Isolate environmental activity so that the organisation can ignore it
MINIMISE Do as little as possible to meet external requirements CATNAP and CAT Buy the badge
PLANNING Avoid planning if possible Use as short a timescale as possible If you make plans, make them all drafts “We haven’t got a plan, so nothing can go wrong!” Spike Milligan
INVESTMENT Avoid spending any money Avoid even thinking about life cycle costing Forget that good environmental management improves profits and reduces risks “It is unwise to pay too much, but it is worse to pay too little.” John Ruskin
WORKFORCE ISSUES Limit the information that you give out Ask for suggestions – then ignore them Promise, but don’t deliver
CALL TO ACTION! “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” Mark Twain
CONTACT john@pooleyconsult.net @PooleyConsult