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Ethics and genetics
1. Ethical Issues in Genetics and Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis
2. Ethics and genetics
Can confidentiality be breached to warn relatives?
When is it ethical to offer genetic testing or screening?
Should couples have access to genetic information when deciding whether to continue a pregnancy?
Should we let young adolescents have genetic tests to tell them about their future health?
What should be done if a testing indicates non-paternity?
Should we use PGD to help couples avoid having a child who will be deaf?
Should insurers have access to genetic information?
3. Genetic information
Is there anything special about genetics?
Uniquely identifies people (except twins)
Shared with families
Predictive of future health
Easily obtainable
Available before birth
May be of interest to third parties
4. Ethics and genetics
Common ethical themes and principles in clinical genetics:
Value-neutral practice
Confidentiality: individuals and families
Promoting informed consent
Avoiding psychological harm
5. Confidentiality & non-disclosure Confidentiality is important
Promotes trust and honest exchange of information
What should be done if there are implications for other family members and consultand wont tell?
Who owns the information?
Breaching confidentiality sometimes sanctioned
Intervention available; Identifiable party at risk; Benefit outweighs harm; Time?
Happens rarely in practice
6. Predictive testing in children 3 key arguments against testing:
1. Testing fails to respect future autonomy
2. Testing young people breaches confidentiality
3. Testing may cause psychological harms
Family bonds
Impact on self-esteem and feelings of adequacy
But: little empirical evidence for either position
7. Prenatal testing & minor conditions Traditionally, PND offered for serious genetic diseases
Early onset, poor prognosis, low quality of life
Now: less risk in testing; more genes known
PND sometimes offered for:
achondroplasia, deafness, BRCA
What should be taken into account in deciding whether to perform PND?
Medical opinion?
The lived experience of the condition?
8. Misattributed Paternity Genetic testing sometimes throws up unexpected information, eg misattributed paternity
Should people be given unexpected non-medical information they have not requested?
Increase autonomy by having full information?
Fathers right to know?
Potential for harm?
Scope of clinical genetics services?
Who should be told?
9. Implications for insurance UK: Moratorium on the use of predictive genetic test results until 11/2011
Over these limits: can only use approved tests
Only HD approved to date, BRCA expected
Can use negative results to counter family history
Cannot be asked to have a genetic test
Cannot be asked to disclose a relatives result
Do not have to disclose results obtained after policy starts
10. PGD compared with PND Some couples choosing PGD have made difficult decisions about termination of pregnancy and are keen to avoid this difficult choice again
PGD may be morally preferable to PND:
Ethically neutral choice: positive outcome (healthy pregnancy) simultaneously balances the negative outcome (embryo destruction)
Identification with an embryo is not as significant as an emotional connection to a foetus developing in the womb
11. Ethical issues in PGD Status of the embryo
Do full human rights begin at conception?
Is destruction of unsuitable embryos wrong?
Reproductive freedom vs. social interests
Does society have the right to dictate what reproductive decisions individuals should make?
Discrimination against those with disabilities
Does the use of PGD amount to a negative valuing of people living with the condition being selected against?
12. Ethical issues in PGD (2) Safety?
Long-term safety not yet demonstrated
More evidence required
Resource Allocation?
PGD is expensive
Psychological harm to parents and child
Very stressful process
Knowledge of procreative history: effect on future child?
13. Contentious applications of PGD Preimplantation tissue typing
Concerns and child welfare
Sex Selection
Concerns about sex ratios and gender stereotypes
Selecting for non-medical traits
Concerns about slippery slopes and expectations on children
14. On the horizon
Near-patient genetic testing
Testing foetal DNA in maternal blood
Personal genomics
PGD for late-onset or multi-factorial conditions