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Getting it all together: Paradigms for AGNs

Getting it all together: Paradigms for AGNs. Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. R. Somerville: OIR lunch talk, 3/29/05. AGN as a panacea?. overcooling problem/LF shape galaxy red sequence & bimodality decline of bright QSO’s M BH - s relation

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Getting it all together: Paradigms for AGNs

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  1. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 Getting it all together:Paradigms for AGNs Martin Elvis Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

  2. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 R. Somerville: OIR lunch talk, 3/29/05 AGN as a panacea? • overcooling problem/LF shape • galaxy red sequence & bimodality • decline of bright QSO’s • MBH-s relation • QSO and galaxy ‘downsizing’ • cluster cooling flow problem/entropy floor

  3. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 Two Paradigms for AGNs: 1. Obscuring Donut Tori 2. Accretion Disk Winds Bagel Paradigms give context to observationsOnly useful when they make predictions

  4. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 Murray, Chiang, Grossman & Voit 1995 20% Winds and Tori affect Feedback • Winds: • Location: mass, KE, mv, Z rates • Geometry: fc, vescape, escape route • Torus: blocks 80% feedback to ISM

  5. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 1. Bagel Tori:A Revisionist Approach

  6. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 Modifying the Paradigm :I. A Disk Scale Torus

  7. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 NGC 1365 Compton thin Constant extended component XMM ct cm-2 s-1 Compton thick 0.1 1 E (keV) 10 Hardness Ratio 0 20 40 60 t (ksec) NGC1365: Rapid Compton-thick/-thin transitions Risaliti et al. 2005 ApJ 623, L93 • DNH~1024cm-2 in 3 weeks • DNH~1023cm-2 in 6 hours

  8. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 Mol. Torus radius/rg NGC4151, NGC4388, NGC1365 BELR density Rapid NH Variability  Small Obscurer Size • 3 cases: • NGC1365, Risaliti et al. 2005 • NGC4388, Elvis et al. 2004 • NGC4151, Puccetti et al. 2006 • Hard for dusty absorber on parsec-scale • Assume Keplerian motion of obscuring matter R < 104 r102 t42 Rs (t4 in 4-hours, r in cm-3) • BELR scale

  9. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 Is the Inner Torus the Disk Wind? • Eases torus physics: • Wind is steady state, but not static • No problem supporting obscuring structure • Large covering factor easy to create • oversupply of BEL clouds? • Hydromagnetic wind? • Low dust-to-gas ratio natural • If disk from ISM, not disrupted stars • Aids Feedback: • Radiation still blocked • Matter escapes • Host ISM can be affected Kartje, Königl & Elitzur, 1999 ApJ 513, 180

  10. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 Modifying the Paradigm :II. Host Galaxy Scale Torus

  11. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 Netzer 1987 MNRAS 225, 55 UV from disk isotropicX-ray Typical em. Line cloud Typical observer Standard Torus: 2 more Issues • Disk - torus co-aligned • Equatorial wind can’t escape • Can’t see accretion disk edge-on • Difficult for BEL polarization PA rotation - all type 1 AGNs are ~pole-on • Viewing angle Netzer et al.1985, ApJ 292, 143can’t be used to explain ‘continuum energy deficit’ and ‘ionizing photon deficit’Binette et al. 1993 PASP 105, 1150

  12. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 Show up as IRAS AGNs Host galaxy Axial ratio Obscurer is Aligned with Host Disk Lawrence & Elvis 1982 ApJ, Kirhakos & Steiner 1990, AJ 99 1722 Thompson & Martin 1988 ApJ 330, 121 PA(polarization) - PA(host disk) Host galaxy Axial ratio The missing edge-on type 1 AGNs Strong continuum polarization

  13. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 Accretion Disk misaligned with Host disk Ulvestad & Wilson 1984 ApJ 285, 439 DPA host - kpc radio

  14. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 Host Galaxy Disk Misaligned Obscurer & Accretion Disk • Unobscured lines of sight sample all disk inclinations • Netzer deficit can be solved • AGN continuum reaches host ISM • = torus • Host ISM may be blown away, • but not instantly, else no obscuration will be seen

  15. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 2. Testing the Accretion Disk Wind Paradigm Mass loss rate in wind unknown to 106:NELR - accretion disk

  16. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 A measured WA radius in NGC4051

  17. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 Time Evolving Photoionization measures R Response is not instantaneous: ‘Ionization time’ and ‘Recombination time’ measure ne independent of Ux and so measures R Nicastro et al. (1999) Step function change Gradual WA response

  18. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 Warm Absorber Variability gives physics See: Mathur, Elvis & Wilkes 1995 ApJ 452, 230. Nicastro, Fiore, Perola & Elvis 1999, ApJ 512, 184 Fully characterized plasma: • Densityne: recombination/ionization time lag to cont. changes • Radial Distance, r: ne, ionization parameter (nph /ne), Lcont • WA thickness, dr: NH, ne • WA temperature, T: amplitude of response to cont. changes. • Pressure,P:ne, T • Mass outflow rate,mdot:ne, velocity v

  19. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 ~30 ksec NGC4051: Rapid Variability in XMM High State HS Low State LS XMM-Newton Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGS) HS and LS spectra…

  20. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 NGC4051 RGS: strong WA spectral changes 4X flux increase in ~30 ksec  WA is DENSE and COMPACT

  21. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 Comparing RGS & EPIC spectral changes 4X flux increase RGS Data EPIC Data Fe L shell UTA First noted by Ogle et al. 2004

  22. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 XMM EPIC Light Curve NGC 4051:Two Warm Absorber Components in Photoionization Equilibrium High Ionization phase log Ux(t), measured Low Ionization phase log Ux(t), predicted from photoionization equilibrium Krongold et al., 2005, ApJ, submitted

  23. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 Lower limit on LIP ne and hence R • Low Ionization Phase, LIP in photoionizatin equilibrium at all times  teq(LIP) < tl,m = 3 ks  ne(LIP) > 8.1 107 cm-3 But (neR2)LIP = 6.6 1039 cm-1  R(LIP) < 8.9 x 1015 cm < 0.0029 pc < 3.5 light days Hard to get with partial covering: X-ray source is small

  24. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 Measurement of HIP ne and hence R • At extremes (high and low) HIP is out of photoionization equilibrium teqi,j+k(HIP) > tj+k = 10 ks • HIP is in eq. at moderate fluxes  teql,m(HIP) < tl,m = 3 ks  ne(HIP)=(0.6-2.1)x 107 cm-3  R(HIP) = (1.3- 2.6)x 1015 cm = (0.5-1.0) light days

  25. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 NGC4051 Warm Absorber is Radially Thin • From the independent measure of NH(HIP)3.2x1021cm-2 R = 1.23 NH/ne R(LIP) < 9x1012 cm R(HIP) = (1.9-7.2)x1014 cm • (R/R)HIP = 0.1-0.2; (R/R)LIP < 10-3 • From the estimates of ne and (neR2): (R/R) = 1.23 NH ne-1/2 (neR2)-1/2  (R/R)LIP = 1 % (R/R)HIP  eitherthe LIP is embedded in the HIP- pressure balance • orthe LIP is a boundary layer of the HIP

  26. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 Scale Map of an AGN: outer Dust sublimation radius ~HeII BELR Hb BELR Dusty molecular torus • RHIP ~ 0.5-1.0 light-day = (1.3-2.6) x 1015 cm • RLIP < 3.5 light-day: consistent • Rules out Narrow Emission Line Region(kpc scale) • Rules out Obscuring molecular torus (Krolik & Kriss, 2001) • Minimum dust radius, rsubl(NGC4051) ~ 12-170 light-days • Rules out Hb broad emission line region (BELR) • R(Hb) = 5.9 light-days (Peterson et al. 2000) LIP HIP light-days 5 10 15

  27. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 NGC4151 D+Ea CIII] abs. HIP  gravitationally unstable HeII BEL rg 1000 2000 3000 5000 4000 Scale Map of an AGN: inner • RHIP ~ 0.5-1 light-day ~2200 - 4400 Rg • Mbh=1.9+/-0.78 x 106 Msol (Peterson et al. 2004) *face-on?  Disk winds arise on accretion disk scale • Consistent with high-ionization BEL size • R(HeII) ~< 2 light days. HeII blueshift ~400km/s = wind signature? • Thin: DR = 10% - 20% R

  28. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 WA radial velocity < escape velocity! Strong UV Evidence for Transverse winds Departures from 2:1 ratio give covering factor CIV doublet 2:1 ratio Arav, Korista & de Kool 2002, ApJ 566, 699 Arav, Korista, de Kool, Junkkarinen & Begelman 1999 ApJ 516, 27

  29. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 AGN Cosmological Feedback • Location determines mass loss rate Mdotout= 0.8pmpNH vr R f(q,j) = 2-5% mdot(acc) • lower than 10% normally assumed • Total WA mass deposited in Intergalactic Medium: • If: lifetime =108yr Mtot(out)=(0.4-2)x104Msol in NGC4051 • Mdot(out)  M(BH) for constant Rg • Quasar MBH = 108-109Msol  Mtot(quasar) = 106-107 Msol • comparable with ULIRGs Krongold et al. 2006 ApJ, submitted

  30. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 Conical geometry Confirms Major Features of Elvis ‘funnel wind’ Elvis 2000 ApJ 545, 63; 2003 astro-ph/0311436 Thin Wind Pressure balance Becoming a secure basis for physical wind models: will allow extrapolation

  31. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 Funnel Disk Wind Model Predictions Elvis 2000 ApJ 545, 63; 2003 astro-ph/0311436 • X-ray ‘Warm Absorbers’ • 0. WA AGN is non-spherical • 1. Same gas as UV NALs • 2. Outflows • 3. Narrow lines • 4. Ionization consistent with NALs • 5. Few (2-3) phases of (T, P) • 6. Pressure balance between phases • Broad Emission Line Region (BELR) • 7. Rotating, large scale height • Broad Absorption Line Region (BALR) • 8. Scattering in normal quasars - • BELs, continuum, Fe-K • 9. Rotating • UV Narrow Absorption Lines (NALs) • 10. Common in high L quasars too • 11. Dv ~ 1/2 vdetach(BAL) • 12. Close to continuum source

  32. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 Caveats to Mass Loss Rates • Only one object • ‘Narrow Line Seyfert 1’ • Unusually distant BELR ~10xRg(normal)  higher Mdotout • Unusally weak wind?(= eigenvector 1?) • Low Mbh1.9 x 106 Msollow Mdotout? • Mdotout Scales with BH mass if at constant Rg • Mdotout = 0.8 p mp NH vrR f(j,q) = A Mbh • ‘Very High Ionization’ (Fe-K) absorber?  Larger Mdot • Partial covering? Nahum • Steady state winds not the whole story? • Cen A ring

  33. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 1. massive black hole  Proposed: Lynden-Bell 1969 Demonstrated in AGN: Wandel & Peterson Questions: Origin, co-evolution, spin, Penrose process; GR tests Quasar Physics: The Big Questions 2. accretion disk ? Proposed: Lynden-Bell 1969, Pringle & Rees 1972, Shakura & Sunyaev 1972 Demonstrated?: Shields78, Malkan82, Eracleous? Questions: proof. Viscosity=(MRI?), ang.mom,RIAF 3. relativistic jet  Proposed: Rees 1967 [PhD], Blandford & Rees 1974 Demonstrated: Cohen et al. (VLBI) Questions: acceleration mechanism (Penrose/Blandford-Znajek?) 5. Obscuring torus Proposed: Lawrence & Elvis 1982 Demonstrated: Antonucci & Miller 1985 Questions: Bagel, Disk and/or host 4. Disk wind atmosphereBELR, WA,BALs, NELR Proposed: many times (from Mushotzky et al.1972 on) Demonstrated: Krongold et al. 2006 - NGC4051 Questions: acceleration mechanism; M/Medd, eigenvector 1, impact on environment

  34. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 AGN Winds & Tori: Paradigm Shifts • Accretion Disk Winds  • RULES OUT: NELR, torus, continuous • R = few 1000 Rs = HiBEL region? • Thin: DR/R = 10%-20% • Pressure balance • Conical flows/funnel-shaped • BAL-like NH down cone Elvis 2000 • Feedback: Mass, KE, Z flux are smal • lstill a lot of extrapolation involved • AGN Winds are not a panacea • Bagel Tori:  • Need 2 types of torus • Large (kpc), host oriented • Torus is host ISM • Random alignments allow radiation to impact host ISM • Small (104 Rg) disk oriented • Wind can affect host ISM, • but not radiation AGN structure details matter to cosmology… and can be solved

  35. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 Sizes are implicit in: Peterson et al. 1999 ApJL 520, 659. Kaspi et al. 2001 ApJ 533, 631 Imaging Quasars What we really want is to look at quasar atmospheres Low z BELR sizes are~0.1mas Elvis & Karovska, 2002 ApJ • Resolvable with planned ground interferometers • VLT-I, Ohana • Ideal telescopes: • Image the wind in space and velocity • 5 km-10 km IR 2mm interferometer at ‘Dome C’ in Antartica • 0.5-1km UV space interferometer • = NASA ‘Stellar Imager’ • Quasar community should hi-jack SI! SOLVE QUASAR ATMOSPHERES No more fancy indirect deductions!

  36. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 3 Ways to Accelerate Quasar Winds • Thermal Pressure Driven • As in Supernovae • (but continuous) • Vmax ~ Vsound ~ 100km/s • Isotropic pressure • ~100% filling factor • Krolik & Kriss 1995; Balsara & Krolik 1993; Begelman, deKool & Sikora 1991CR acceleration Radiation Line Driven As in O-stars Vmax ~ 2x VKepler ~ 10000km/s Radial pressure (at large R) Force is highly ionization dependent Mushotzky, Solomon & Strittmatter 1972 BALs; Wolfe 1974 BELR; deKool & Begelman 1995; Murray, Chiang, Grossman & Voit, 1995 BALs; Murray & Chiang 1995 Warm Absorbers; Chiang & Murray 1996 BELR; Proga , Stone & Drew 1999 CVs; Proga 2000; Proga 2003 BELR; Chelouche & Netzer Magnetic ‘slingshot’ As in T Tauri stars Vmax ~ c Flows along field lines Uses scary B fields Blandford & Payne 1982; Emmering, Blandford & Shlosman 1992; Königl & Kartje 1994; Bottorf et al. 1997; Everett, Königl, Kartje 2001; Proga 2000; Proga 2003

  37. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 Cooling BEL clouds Cooling BEL clouds Oxygen rich dust Carbon rich dust NGC1068 11.7mm. Tomono 2001 AGN as Dust Factories Elvis, Marengo & Karovska, 2002 ApJ, 567, L107 • BEL gas expands in an outflowing wind from high densities • Cools to <1000 K while still at high pressure • BEL adiabats track through dust formation zone of AGB stars • Applies to Carbon-rich and Oxygen-rich grains • BELR wind must make dust • Central continuum less important than for AGB star dust • NGC1068 11.7mm dust emission follows ENELR Galliano et al. 2003 • Is this BELR created dust? • What are the signatures of BEL-origin vs ISM-origin dust?

  38. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 20 ks Chandra HRC (blue) HI Contours Centaurus A (NGC5128) ‘Smoke Ring’M. Karovska et al 2002 Smoke Ring: R ~ 8 kpc; kT~0.6 keV LX~ 4 x 1038 erg/s Eth ~1.2 x 1055ergs ~100 Etot(wind) in NGC4051 Mgas ~ 106 Msol Includes swept up ISM • v~600 km/s; • t(outburst) 107 yrs • Impulsive injection? Merger ~ 107 yr • Only visible in Cen A (D=3 Mpc)

  39. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 dr=vdt R() R() r  q Cylindrical/Conical Geometry • NGC4051 Wind is Thin: spherical shells are implausible needs impulsive ejection; inconsistent with 50% of AGN having WA • would become a continuous flow - testable by re-observing in 2006 • Next simplest symmetry: cylindrical (or bi-conical)Elvis 2000

  40. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 BAL = end-on NAL? Mass Conservation Eq. of Motion NH(cone)  HIP LIP NH(obs) dr=vdt R() R() r  q

  41. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 Standard Torus: Standard Issues • How is donut supported? • Covering fraction >50%, yet cold (dusty) • Cloud-cloud collisions should flatten structure • Thick clumpy accretion needs Mtorus>MEddsee SgrA* Vollmer, Beckert & Duschl 2004 A&A 413, 949

  42. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 NH >10 times smaller with new models PHASE (Krongold et al., 2003) NGC 3783 Bound-free edges only full PHASE model Black line: includes bound-bound lines Mass Outflow Rates Mdotout = 0.8pmpNH vr R f(q,j) • MdotHIP = (4.3 - 9.2) x 10-5 Msol yr-1 • MdotLIP < 6 x 10-5 Msol๏yr-1 = 0.02 Mdotacc • Mdotout = 2% - 5% Mdotacc • If lifetime =108yr  Mtot(out)=(0.4-2)x104Msol • Mdotout scales with BH mass if at same Rg MBH(NGC4051) = 2 x 106 Msol  for MBH = 108-109Msol  Mtot(quasar) = 106-107 Msol KEtot(wind) = 1055 erg small, but comparable with ULIRGs Mdotoutinsensitive to q, j unless j>75o, q<10o

  43. Hagaifest, Tel Aviv, 22 February 2006 Simulation Bimodal galaxy colors Data AGN & Cosmological Feedback • AGN: Zero to hero in cosmology • Invoked in many areas: • Co-evolution of SMBHs & their hosts • Prevention of star formation in mergers • Creation of the upper mass limit for galaxies • Inhibition of vooling flows • Enrichment of the IGM • Creation of dust at high z R. Somerville: CfA lunch talk, March 2005

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