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Review. All have sinned and are in need of salvationGod is righteous and cannot fellowship sinThe gospel shows how God could save man while remaining righteousA salvation that could not be based on perfect works (keeping the law flawlessly)A salvation that would be based on faithLike in the cas
1. The Result of Being Justified by Faith Romans 5:1-11
2. Review All have sinned and are in need of salvation
God is righteous and cannot fellowship sin
The gospel shows how God could save man while remaining righteous
A salvation that could not be based on perfect works (keeping the law flawlessly)
A salvation that would be based on faith
Like in the cases of Abraham and David
The salvation then is a gift (grace) because it is not earned
That does not mean salvation is unconditional
Faith itself is one of the conditions on the gift
3. Peace with God Rom 5:1-2
What is the result of being justified by faith?
“Peace with God”
Peace (Grk eirene) – harmony, tranquility, concord
Isa 59:1-2
Sin set us against God, discord
God’s plan restores the harmony
How can we have peace with God?
Through Jesus Christ
His death paid the price for our sins
Therefore the sins can be forgiven
He gave us access to grace which let us stand
He gave us reason to rejoice and have hope
4. Glory Rom 5:3-4
The “glory” in v. 3 is not the same as the “glory” in v. 2
V. 2 doxa – dignity, honor, praise
V. 3 kauchaomai – have confidence, have joy
Often used negatively when the confidence is in self or in works
Same as the word “rejoice” in v. 2
“glory in tribulations”
We rejoice in the hope we have in God (v.2)
We rejoice in our suffering (v. 3)
5. Tribulation produces perseverance To put it another way “suffering produces patience” (hopeful endurance, patient continuance)
For one who understands he deserved death
Suffering is a minor problem
For one who trusts God’s promise of eternal life
Suffering is a minor inconvenience
For one in sin
Suffering causes irritation, anger, complaints, rebellion, and accusations against God
They have no hope, no consolation, no future to patiently look forward to
6. Perseverance produces character Character (Grk dokime) = “proof”
Patience produces proof, proof of what?
Of who you are
Of what you believe
Of your faith
When you suffer and are able to patiently endure, you show proof
To yourself, that your faith is genuine
To the world, that your faith is strong
7. Character produces hope Once you have the proof (character), then your hope is strengthened
You know you can make it because you have made it so far
As you manage to keep going when you were certain you could not, you have more hope
Rom 5:5
That hope will not disappoint us
No chance that heaven might not be there
No chance it may not live up to our expectations
Because we have already experienced the love of God in our own lives
8. The love of God Rom 5:6-8
The ultimate example of love was God giving His Son to save sinners
Some are willing to die to save good people or innocent people
Not many would be willing to risk their life to save someone condemned to die
Jesus gave up (not just risked) His life for those who were condemned to die due to their own sins
If He was willing to make such a sacrifice, then we can have assurance that there is a reward
9. Reconciliation Rom 5:9-11
He ties v. 9 back to Rom 5:1
“justified by faith” “justified by His blood”
“peace with God” “saved from wrath”
“through Jesus” “through Him”
The difference, “faith” and “blood”, shows difference in viewpoint
What God requires of man
What God did for man
Both are true and necessary
10. Reconciliation Reconcile (Grk katallasso) – “a change in status or relationship”
E.g., 1 Cor 7:11 – between husband and wife
With men it usually implies changes by both
But God is never the object of reconciliation
God is always the reconciler, but never the reconciled
Because He never changes – we left Him (by sin), He did not leave us
But He is willing to reconcile us to Himself
11. Reconciliation If God took the trouble to reconcile us to Himself when we were at fault
Then the fact of salvation is certain
Of course, to be saved, we must first be reconciled
By offering His Son, God gave us the means of reconciliation
Rom 5:2 “we have access by faith”
Some never accept the offer of reconciliation, never use the access we have been granted
Confuse access (faith) with accomplishment (salvation)
12. Reconciliation “We rejoice” (same as “rejoice” in v.2 and “glory” in v. 3)
“rejoice in hope” v.2
“rejoice in tribulations” v.3
“rejoice in God”v.11
Through Jesus who brought us the means of reconciliation with God
13. Conclusion What does justification by faith do for us?
Allows us to be at peace with God
Allows us to have hope
Allows us to endure suffering
Allows us to see proof of our change
Allows us to be reconciled to God
Allows us to be saved
Allows us to rejoice in God
Won’t you take advantage of God’s offer?