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United States, China, Soviet Union, and Real Politik

United States, China, Soviet Union, and Real Politik. Warm-up. Is it more important to stay true to your morals or do what is most practical for your life? . Vocabulary . Détente: an easing of tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. Realpolitik.

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United States, China, Soviet Union, and Real Politik

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  1. United States, China, Soviet Union, and Real Politik

  2. Warm-up Is it more important to stay true to your morals or do what is most practical for your life?

  3. Vocabulary • Détente: an easing of tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union

  4. Realpolitik • Realpolitik is a foreign policy based on protecting U.S. interests instead of defending political or moral ideals. • This meant that the United States was more willing to support nondemocratic countries if it benefited their interests. • However this also led to supporting dictators that violated human rights (specifically in South America).

  5. Soviet Union and China • Even though the China and the Soviet Union were both Communist they had a very tense relationship. • They almost fought a war in 1969 over they shared border. • By 1970 they had become rivals.

  6. U.S. and China • Due to the split between the Soviet Union and China Nixon started secret talks with the Chinese to widen the split. • In February 1972 Nixon visited China and it was covered extensively by the media. • Although some criticized him for establishing closer ties with Communists most supported his visit to China.

  7. Nixon and Mao Zedong

  8. Nixon and the Soviet Union • The Soviets wanted to prevent a U.S.-China alliance so they were more encouraged to negotiate with the United States. • In May 1972, Nixon became the first U.S. leader to go to Moscow. He met with the Soviet Leader Leonid Brezhnev and they discussed the nuclear arms race. • To slow the arms buildup, the two leaders signed the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) treaty.

  9. SALT • The treaty limited the numbers and types of long-range nuclear missiles each country could have. • The SALT treaty began a period of détente between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. • Trade between the U.S. and Soviet Union tripled in 1972. Many Americans were pleased that realpolitik had opened up new markets in the Soviet Union.

  10. SALT II • Continuation of the limit on nuclear weapons. • SALT II was the first nuclear arms treaty which forced real reductions in strategic forces to 2,250 of all categories. • SALT II helped the U.S. to discourage the Soviets from arming their third generation Inter-continental Ballistic Missiles.

  11. Invasion of Afghanistan • The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan to support the Communist government against the Islamic Mujahadeen. • The United States supported the Mujahadeen and supplied weapons to them. • It was a disastrous war for the Soviet Union. They ended up losing and Afghanistan fell to the Mujahadeen.

  12. Boycotting of the Olympics • The United States boycotted the Moscow Summer Olympics in 1980 to protest the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. • Japan, West Germany, China, and the Philippines also boycotted the Olympics.

  13. Nixon and Kissinger • Read the article about Nixon and Kissinger and answer the following questions. Focus on how Realpolitik is a new way of Foreign policy.

  14. Exit slip • Complete your exit slip in the next 7 minutes. If you have any questions raise your hand. Make sure you get your tracking sheet stamped before you leave!

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