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Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Europe state of the art and current approaches

Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Europe state of the art and current approaches. Brian Shipman. ICZM…. About 30 years old Primarily a response to rapid post-war coastal development and tourism… But new pressures and issues. ICZM …?.

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Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Europe state of the art and current approaches

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  1. Integrated Coastal Zone Management in Europestate of the art and current approaches Brian Shipman

  2. ICZM… About 30 years old Primarily a response to rapid post-war coastal development and tourism… But new pressures and issues

  3. ICZM…? • an integrated or joined-up approach towards the many different interests • harmonises the different policies and decision-making structures • brings together coastal stakeholders, for concerted action towards common goals • Integrates different activities to look at the coast in a holistic way.

  4. ICZM…? • Horizontal integration – between sectors and across borders • Vertical integration between levels of government: state/region/local • a social contract

  5. ICZM…? • a social contract to achieve the optimal solution for the coast • No single “ICZM Solution” • Applies to any geographic scale

  6. Communication ICZM… the European Perspective 2001 • A Broad "Holistic" Perspective • A Long Term Perspective • Adaptive Management • Local Specificity • Working with Natural Processes • Participatory Planning • Support & Involvement of all Relevant Administrative Bodies • Use of a Combination of Instruments

  7. Communication Recommendation ICZM… the European Perspective Undertake a national inventory of legislation, institutions and actors involved in the planning and management of the coastal zone to develop a national strategy to promote ICZM …by 2006

  8. Communication Recommendation ICZM… the European Perspective Progress? “…very little”

  9. Issues…

  10. New technologies

  11. New technologies – the future is development-led

  12. “…slowly cruising around the world, hugging the shoreline, and completing one revolution every 3 years.” Exploitation

  13. “…slowly cruising around the world, hugging the shoreline, and completing one revolution every 3 years.” Exploitation

  14. Risk - natural -100 million tonnes of sediment per annum

  15. Risk - natural • Protect? • Accommodate? • Retreat?

  16. Risk - natural Earthquakes in Europe and adjoining areas (1964–2001) Messina Tsunami 1908: which cost approximately 10 thousand lives

  17. Risks - human Oil spills in European regional seas (2000–2004)

  18. Dungeness B Nuclear power station, UK Risks - human

  19. Development and changing land use

  20. Development and changing land use

  21. Land cover change within the 10 km coastal zone of 17 of European countries (1990–2000)

  22. Barriers to ICZM

  23. Barriers to ICZM • Governance rigidities –the new coastal squeeze New Frontier? National Governments Marine Agencies Marine Sectoral interests BINGOs Local Government Regional Agencies Communities

  24. Barriers to ICZM • ICZM Local Government Regional Agencies Communities National Governments Marine Agencies Marine Sectoral interests BINGOs

  25. Barriers to ICZM • Governance rigidities –the new coastal squeeze • Sectoral inflexibility • “Project” time scales • No legal duty or resources

  26. ICZM – the way forward 5 million visitors per annum €2 billion CORNWALL , UK Integrated Beach Management

  27. ICZM – the way forward CORNWALL , UK Integrated Beach Management

  28. ICZM – the way forward

  29. ICZM – the way forward • Share experience • eg: spatial planning (Germany), CAMPs (PAP/RAC, Slovenia), GRDP (Marche) • across INTERREG programmes

  30. ICZM – the way forward • Be clear about what you are trying to achieve • SMART targets • Five steps….

  31. ICZM – the way forward • Visualise it – “Mediterranean slope of tomorrow”, communicate a shared vision, scenario planning “what if?” Lead but don’t direct

  32. ICZM – the way forward • Measure it – learn from the discipline of SEA methodologies, but keep it simple!

  33. ICZM – the way forward • Achieve it – “nothing succeeds like success”, small, easy projects to engage stakeholders..

  34. ICZM – the way forward • Mainstream it – link securely to mainstream agendas: Lisbon & Gothenburg, Cohesion, Water Framework Directive etc.

  35. ICZM – the way forward • Secure it – provide a strong spatial planning framework on land and sea

  36. ICZM – the way forward • Visualise it – “Mediterranean slope of tomorrow”, communicate a shared vision, scenario planning “what if?” Lead but don’t direct • Measure it – learn from the discipline of SEA methodologies, but keep it simple! • Achieve it – “nothing succeeds like success”, small, easy projects to engage stakeholders.. • Mainstream it – link securely to mainstream agendas: Lisbon & Gothenburg, Cohesion, Water Framework Directive etc. • Secure it – provide a strong spatial planning framework on land and sea

  37. Thank You Brian Shipman bshipman@cornwall.gov.uk

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