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Innovative Collaboration in Lifelong Education: FLT-University Partnership

Explore the successful FLT-University collaboration providing tailored education for continuous competence development, bridging industry needs with academic requirements. Join us at the European Conference on Lifelong Education, Bergen, to learn more.

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Innovative Collaboration in Lifelong Education: FLT-University Partnership

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  1. Continuing Professional Development Trade Union – University Collaboration Lars Skjold Wilhelmsen European Conference on Lifelong Education Bergen 28.- 30.April 2005

  2. A collaboration between: • The Norwegian Engineers and Management Association (Flt) • University of Bergen • Bergen University College

  3. FLT(Norwegian Engineers & Managers Association) • Organizes engineers & managers • 18 000 members • More than 90% within private sector/industry • Collective agreements for all members on national level • Member of the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions

  4. History 1990 The Flt-congress decides to focus on education as the major membership benefit.

  5. History 1992 • FLT establishes an education fund - financed by the employers - through collective agreements • The fund is administrated by FLT owned company Addisco • Allots scholarship to members after application • Scholarship amount varies with the educations form & length – but are considerable

  6. History 1996 FLT started to develop systems for e-learning …as an offer to members working offshore - on oil rigs

  7. History 1996 The focus now changed from knowledge acquisition to competence development The employees need to provide, maintain & develop his or hers competence continuously to secure employability

  8. History 1999 FLT establishes Addisco Ltd, a company which both develop and provide education - mainly through e-learning Addisco is Latin for “to learn in additon”

  9. ADDISCO`s objectives are to secure the employability of FLTs members by: • deliver tailored education the members and the industry needs & demands • to provide a flexible form of teaching - tailored to meet employees need for further education and lifelong learning in a “working context” • to continuously develop new courses tailored to meet existing & future competence needs

  10. Learning the Addisco way means: • Flexible learning based on the students needs, not the Universities • The opportunity to combine education, work & family life • The possibility to enter all programs based on factual knowledge • All programs are at university level and give credit points according to ETCS

  11. 1999:

  12. 2005:

  13. The first course * Frontline Management Licensed from Flts sisterorganization APESMA Rewritten and adapted to a Norwegian setting – 15 credit points – volume literature

  14. Model for teaching/learning • Part time (half time) • Self-study • 4 gatherings (Friday – Sunday) • Assignment to each module (5) • Interaction with the other students (LMS) • Interaction with the teachers (e.mail) • Seminar related to each module (LMS) - asynchronous

  15. Use of the LMS Average: 113 times, 77.5 hrs

  16. Satisfaction with the course

  17. Results 1st cohort: Today 127 of 158 have passed final examination 90% enrolled with non-formal background – the 7th cohort is now taking the course

  18. The technology programme Personnel Psychology TQM in Operational Control Managerial Economics Frontline Management

  19. From non-formal to formal status In February 2004 the UoBs Board decided with pursuant to a provision that students enrolled in the Frontline Management course on the basis of non-formal qualifications, and who fulfil the 4 courses in the technology programme, will be given formal admission qualification!

  20. Challenges * To design courses combining participants world of practice and working experiences with accademic requirements * To create a context for the teaching and learning which stimulate and motivate the students * To learn the students to transform their experiences into an accademic context

  21. MBA Technology Management A course based MBA composed of 8 compulsory units + 4 units chosen from a list of 15 units. Conducted through distance education. With 2 units concurrently – 3 years of study. La Trobe University/APESMA

  22. The MBA collaboration A staff member from Bergen University College or University of Bergen is working as a tutor in relation to each of the compulsory units – except for one of the units

  23. Legal Studies a compulsory unit While Australia belongs to common law countries, Norway belongs to civil law countries. The Legal Studies unit was rewritten to the Norwgian setting, approved by the Faculty of Law, UoB. The unit is given 15 credit points (ECTS) Conducted in the same way as Frontline Mangement, but with an counting assignment in combination with a final examination

  24. Volume activity Frontline Management: 158 7th cohort Managerial Economics: 60 TQM in Operational Control: 49 Personell Psychology: 16 MBA – Legal studies: 9

  25. The main reason for successwith the collaboration ?

  26. The main reason for successwith the collaboration Flts policy + The academics involved! = osmosis

  27. Def. of osmosis: An gradual, and often hardly noticeable, acceptance of ideas, etc.

  28. Thank you for your attention ! Flt

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