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Explore the settling, occupations, social and political organization, state formation, administration, and adoption of Christianity in Ancient Russia, focusing on Kiev Russia. Learn about the tribes, leaders, and key events that shaped this historical period.
Presentation on the subject: ancient Russia. • 1. Settling of eastern Slavs. • 2. Occupations of eastern Slavs. • 3. Social and political forms of the organization of eastern Slavs. • 4. Formation of Old-Russian state “Kiev Russia”. • 5. State administration in Kiev Russia. • 6. Adoption of Christianity.
Russia is historical name of the earth of eastern Slavs. For the first time it is used as the name of state in the text of the Russian- byzantine agreement of 911 years.
1. Settling of eastern Slavs. • Slavs in the XV century populated Eastern European plain, Subcarpathia. There were favorable conditions for settling: not very cold climate, the fertile soil. T he tribes of ulichies, drevlyane, northerners, radimichies ‘vyatichey, krivichies Slavs lived there .
2. Occupations of eastern Slavs. • Agriculture was the main occupation of eastern Slavs. Slavs hunted, fished.They looked after horses, pigs, cows. They settled on the banks of rivers. The Russian cities Kiev, Chernigov, Smolensk, Lyubech, Novgorod- The Great, Pskov, Polotsk, Vitebsk, Rostov appeared there .
3. Social and political forms of the organization of eastern Slavs • Slav tribes lived in the forms of primitive communal system on the Russian plain. Slavs lived by the large associations of relatives - families. Their matters decided at the general meeting. Here elders and military leaders were selected from the number of members. The eldest was supreme judge
4. Formation of Old-Russian state “Kiev Russia”. • The tribes of eastern Slavs were combined into the single state The chronicler of the beginning of the XII the monk of Kiev- Pecherski of monastery Nestor connected the formation of Old-Russian state with the invitation of the Varangian princes into Novgorod : Rurik and his brothers. After Rurik's death prince Oleg took authority in Novgorod in 882. it combined the Novgorod earth with the Kiev and made Kiev the capital of the new state. Oleg subordinated krivichies clearings, drevlyane, northerners, radimichies and also Finnish tribes to Murom.
Prince Igor subordinated uliches and tivertses He was killed in the struggle in 945. His wife Olga severely took revenge upon drevlyane;. Territorial enlarging and strengthening Kiev Russia continued during SvyatoslavIgoreviche's lifetime and during Vladimir Svyatoslavoviche's lifetime. The authority of Russia was extended in the North Carpathians. In the state were included Chervenskie cities and Carpathian Russia. The southwestern earth of Russia, Chernigov and South Finland were connected In YaroslavVladimirovich's ruling time
5. State administration in Kiev Russia. • Kiev Russia was early feudal state. Supreme Power belonged to great Kiev Prince. He governed the state with the military guard. Armed forces consisted of the guard of great prince, guards of local princes, boyars and people's militia, which was collected during the years of war. The troops of mercenaries were used. There was a fleet, which consisted of the vessels, made of tree.
6. Adoption of Christianity. • Christianity was officially introduced in Russia. In 988. Prince Vladimir Svyatoy, was converted to Christianity himself, then their boyars, then entire people. The adoption of Christianity had the great significance: relations with other countries were considerably extended; Russian culture was introduced to higher byzantine culture.