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ASALGP WORKSHOP. Co-operative governance between local and district municipalities Professor Louis de Clerq and representatives of Umkhanyakude Municipality. NATURE OF THE PROBLEM. Lack of co-operation between B and C Municipalities

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  1. ASALGP WORKSHOP Co-operative governance between local and district municipalities Professor Louis de Clerq and representatives of Umkhanyakude Municipality

  2. NATURE OF THE PROBLEM • Lack of co-operation between B and C Municipalities • Poor understanding of the roles of the two categories of municipalities • Poor communication between the two categories • Exclusions from decision making of local municipalities • Uncertainty regarding the roles of local municipal representatives on the district council

  3. PURPOSE OF ASALGP ACTIVITY • Improve and formalise relations between category B and C municipalities • Build capacity amongst councillors and officials • Obtain commitment from the two categories through a protocol document adopted by all parties

  4. PROTOCOL DOCUMENT • Should be based on legislative provisions • Should identify and address the problem areas • Should create sustainable relations • Should direct the activities of municipalities to everybody’s satisfaction • Should be a mechanism for conflict resolution

  5. PROTOCOL DOCUMENT CONTENT • Outlines legislative requirements • Describes the status of the B and C municipalities • Provides for steps to be taken to formalise relations • Provides for institutional structures to formalise relations • Outlines lines of communication between the two categories • Provides guidelines for the co-ordination of the performance of functions • Determines procedures for the approval of capital projects • Defines the role of local municipal councillors on the District Council • Defines dispute resolution procedures

  6. IMPLEMENTATION • Provincial Project Steering Committee guided us • Three pilots in Umkhayakude, Amajuba and Sisonke • Preliminary meetings with Municipal Managers • Generic protocol document sent to all councillors • Separate interactive workshops with District and Local Municipalities

  7. IMPLEMENTATION CONT. • Changes sought by municipalities put into Protocol document • Workshops held on final draft with Exco members • Final document signed by Mayors or their Deputies • Officials from KZN Department of Local Government attended all workshops

  8. ACTIVITY DELIVERABLES • Participation was acceptable • The methodology used worked • Capacity was built both amongst councillors and officials • The needs of each District and Local Municipalities were met • The final protocol document was accepted by all the municipalities except one

  9. ACCEPTABILITY OF THE ACTIVITY • The process addressed a serious need • Legislative requirements are clearly outlined • Inter-government co-operation could be achieved through the implementation of the protocol document • Mutual support through the sharing of resources could be achieved • Relations could improve because they were formalised • Proper communication channels were agreed to

  10. WHAT WAS LEARNED • Relations between B’s and C’s will remain a risk in service delivery • Everybodyagreed to the importance of co-operation and mutual respect • There is great scope for shared resources • Continuous monitoring of the relations is essential • Wrong attitudes can derail co-operation • The implementation of the Protocol document should be initiated by the KZN Department of Local Government • Only in a spirit of co-operative governance will the Protocol serve its purpose

  11. SUSTAINING THE OUTCOMES • Formalisation of co-operation between municipalities is imperative for efficient service delivery • Interactive workshops on the Protocol document in individual municipalities will build capacity amongst councillors • Local Government will benefit if process followed in all District Municipalities in Provinces • Activity plans for that should be developed by Province • Benchmarks for the implementation of Protocols need to be set

  12. SUSTAINING CONTINUED • Agreement needed on who will monitor • Continuous support needed toimproved relations between B and C municipalities • Regular and transparent interaction needed between B and C officials who should be trained for implementation and monitoring • Manage potential conflict between municipalities in service delivery through Protocol documents

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