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Fall Administrators’ Meeting. Jeffrey Gove State ABLE Director. Federal Update. OVAE Priorities Increase Student Achievement/College and Career Transitions Increase Teacher Quality and Effectiveness/Sustained PD Increase Accountability Increase Technology (students and teachers)
Fall Administrators’ Meeting Jeffrey Gove State ABLE Director
Federal Update OVAE Priorities • Increase Student Achievement/College and Career Transitions • Increase Teacher Quality and Effectiveness/Sustained PD • Increase Accountability • Increase Technology (students and teachers) • Increase Innovation
Federal Funding • WIA Reauthorization – not likely through FY 2014 • FY 2014 Federal WIA Title II funding expected to be flat, may be reduced due to sequestration • How does the discretionary cap sequestration process work? • The Budget Control Actof 2011 sets out discretionary spending limits through FY 2021, starting with FY 2012. • These caps represent spending cuts relative to current spending levels (or baseline).
Federal Funding • The first two fiscal years, FY 2012 and 2013, have caps for both security (defense-related) and non-security (e.g. adult education, etc.) discretionary spending. • FY 2014 through FY 2021 have only one overall cap for all discretionary spending. • Within 15 days of Congress ending a session, the Office of Management and Budget will produce a report estimating spending for that fiscal year.
Federal Funding • If Congress has appropriated spending levels above the caps set forth in the debt agreement, then the president orders a sequestration – reduction of funding levels. • Each nonexempt account is reduced by an equal amount to bring the spending level to the cap. • At this time, no way to predict how this will play out. If it does, adult ed. could lose up to approx. 8.2% ($48M)
State Funding • Ohio ABLE receives approx. $16.2M federal WIA Title II • Ohio GRF expected to be flat funded at $7.3M for next biennium • Because of the competitive FY 2014 grant, unexpended FY 2013 ABLE grant funds will not be automatically carried over to approved FY 2014 ABLE grantees. These unexpended funds will revert back to the state for re-allocation purposes Stretch Resources Collaboration/Partnerships Greater Need Leverage/maximize limited resources
2014 Competitive Grant • State ABLE team was facilitated through a Kaizen event by DAS to determine improved grant application processes and procedures. Waste was identified Grant Processes were streamlined
2014 Competitive Grant • What is planned? • At least a two-year grant with year two having some performance-based funding built on key FY 2014 performance elements, e.g. GED, PSET, level gains • Continued emphasis on regional services to stretch limited funding to provide statewide access to ABLE • Distance Education will be a new requirement • ABLE Instructional and EL/Civics grants will become one in CCIP and Addendum. Fiscal accountability for EL/C will be a separate budget narrative and FER. • A bidders conference will be planned for spring, 2013.
Complete College Ohio • Goal – dramatically increase number and percent of Ohioans with degrees • Ohio currently ranks 38th among states with only 26% of adults holding a bachelor’s degree, compared with a national average of 31%. - $2.5 billion a year in increased economic activity for each percentage point gain • https://www.ohiohighered.org/completion
Complete College Ohio • This work will include ongoing efforts to advance statewide credit transfer programs, initiatives to address issues related to remedial education, and increase the number of students graduating from high school with college credit. • The Completion Task Force provides leadership for the development and implementation of a comprehensive agenda.
Complete College Ohio • Completion Task Force has three committees • Ready for College (relates best to ABLE) • three sub-groups - • Prepared to Learn • Remediation that Works • What Do I Need to Know? • No Time to Waste • Help Me Cross the Finish Line • Final Recommendations presented at OBR Trustees Conference November 13th
LiftEd Regional Meetings • Regional Meetings (through Shifting Gears initiative) planned to take place across Ohio over the next few months • OBR will lead morning session and Office of Workforce Transformation will lead afternoon session • As meetings are confirmed, information will be sent to administrators
LiftEd Regional Meetings • Purpose of Regional Meetings • Facilitate stakeholders’ dialogue that will: • Identify, understand and plan to maximize organizational strengths in developing the workforce; • identify the best services for adult learners; • reduce program duplication; • create easy access for students and businesses in working with USO • increase efficiency in USO program delivery/ partnerships/collaborations.
ABLE/Community College Partnerships/Developmental Ed • Officially ended June 30, 2012 • Karen Scheid, now at OACC, is following up with DEI ABLE programs for data • We want to continue to track these DEI-related students in ABLELink along with other Bridge students
ABLE/Community College Partnerships/Developmental Ed • Elements of the most successful DEI partnerships include: • Relationship often predated pilot partners • Strong referral commitment by the college and clear referral procedures between partners • Agreements have been adapted as needed, based on changing needs • Support for agreement extends beyond immediate participants to partner organizations and leadership • Willingness of ABLE program(s) to serve the referred students
ABLE/Community College Partnerships/Developmental Ed • Capacity to serve referred students • Sense of joint ownership of referred student • Agreed upon curriculum • Sharing of student data
Bridges to Work Grants • ABLE and AWE outcomes of: • increased numbers of adults completing a GED • enrolling in collaborative bridge/transition/career technical programs • attaining industry-recognized credentials • moving successfully through the University System of Ohio to degree attainment • During FY 2012, 14 programs received grants
Bridges to Work Grants • Lessons Learned (from final report) • ABLE and AWE partners worked to establish clear lines of communication resulting in an understanding of the opportunities for students • Joint planning resulted in streamlining some processes such as orientation and testing • Understanding of the requirements for each program resulted in better planning for the next steps
Bridge Programming • FY 2013 Grant Requirement - All programs have at least one Bridge program in operation or planned for implementation • Continued emphasis on collaboration, partnerships, formal relationships that better serve students in transitioning to postsecondary education and/or careers
Bridge Programming OPAS Definition: A class or series of classes specifically intended to prepare students to enter and succeed in a postsecondary degree or certificate program. The core elements of such a course would include: contextualized instruction, career development, and transition services. Students who are so referred to an ABLE program should be noted on the Registration form in the Type of program where student is placed area.
ABLELink • ABLELink2013 is operational • Internet-based enhancement was a requirement of OVAE as part of the state’s review in 2011. Ohio ABLE was already moving toward this • OLRC Tech Support team and local programs are to be commended for working so well and quickly to build programs’ capacity to use new system and enter data
ABLELink • OBR will integrate ABLELink into the larger agency’s MIS with support continuing to be provided by KSU/OLRC. This level of integration will not happen until OBR formally builds it into their IT work plan – perhaps 2014-2015
GED2014 • Pearson VUE is in collaboration with GEDTS, offering new national assessment of HS equivalency, aligned with Common Core and college-readiness standards, and preparation program • Available January 1, 2014 • Cost $120 for all four computer-based tests • ODE GED office will maintain the authority to approve Ohio Pearson VUE GED Test Centers. Statewide access is a goal
GED2014 • Ohio will not pursue an alternative to the GED2014 • GED2014 is good for students and the credential(s) provide(s) a better assessment of students’ readiness for 21st century careers and postsecondary success • www.yourged.org for current info on GED2014. ABLE RCs are preparing useful GED support resources as they become known. Publishers of GED2014 support materials are working hard to provide quality instructional resources.
PPDP Pilot • Purpose: to review the process of the local program administrator, RC staff and state ABLE program manager and state leadership manager collaborating to identify prioritized program needs and coordinated resources to meet the need(s). • Eight pilots – Hamilton CS, Springfield CS, Upper Valley CC, Ohio Hi-Point CC, Pickaway-Ross JVS, Pike County JVS, Ashtabula CTC, Painesville City Schools
State ABLE Office • ABLE regional Program Manager position will be filled. Interviews are being set up. • Team members’ strengths/interests to be better aligned with needed functions • OBR planning to move to ODE building – winter 2012-2013. Relocation info will be provided to programs when available.
The state ABLE team thanks you for what you are doing to support the USO and help students achieve their goals