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Enhancing Performance Achievement through Quality Conversations

Explore the importance of performance achievement in engaging and developing personnel, leading to improved outcomes and organizational success. Discover the correlation between feedback, employee engagement, and overall performance to drive productivity and satisfaction.

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Enhancing Performance Achievement through Quality Conversations

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  1. Performance Achievement • People Strategy 2015 – 2018 • Leaders in People Services • Connecting with our people –through Quality Conversations

  2. Why is performance achievement a priority?

  3. Value, develop and engage our people ….. Studies conclude that there is a direct link between feedback and outcomes. If you give people performance feedback it raises levels of engagement with, better outcomes and for and improved overall performance (Michael West , Professor of Organisational Psychology 2012)

  4. Desirable behaviours Outputs for staff Outputsfor the organisation Overall performance • Levels of innovation amongst staff (Gallup 2007) • Willingness to advocate the organisation to others (Gallup 2006) • Higher job satisfaction – lower levels of stress • More involvement in ones role • Positive feelings towards the organisation • Lower staff sickness absence (Gallup 2006) • Lower staff turnover (Gallup 2006) • Fewer accidents at work (Gallup 2006) • Lower infection rates in hospitals (West 2012) • Lower staff sickness absence (Gallup 2006) • Lower staff turnover (Gallup 2006 • Greater customer satisfaction or patient experience (IES, Salanova, West) • Increased operating income (Towers Perrin 2006) • Increased productivity (Gallup 2006) • Increased profitability (Gallup 2006) … There is overwhelming evidence linking high staff engagement with beneficial behaviours, better outcomes and improved performance

  5. HRM practices account for 33% of hospital variance in mortality No. 1. Appraisal (Staff feedback) No. 2. Training No. 3. Percentage of staff working in teams Example : A significant improvement in appraisal is associated with 12.3% fewer deaths following hip fracture (Michael West , Professor of Organisational Psychology 2012)

  6. Several government reports and national agreements recommend Performance Achievement

  7. In fulfilment of the terms of the Public Sector Agreement 2010-2014 HSE is required to introduce a formal Performance Management System for all grades and disciplines The Public Service Stability Agreement 2013 – 2016 (Haddington Road Agreement) restated the commitment to Performance management The Public Service Stability Agreement 2013-2018 (Landsdowne Road Agreement) – implementing up-to-date HR policies, including Performance Management All underpinned by implementation of Performance Accountability Framework and National Service Plans 2015 and 2016 HIQA National Standards for Safer Better Health Care Theme 6 – Workforce. 6.4.5. Monitoring, management and development of performance of workforce….taking action to address identified areas for improvement

  8. HSE Corporate Plan 2015 – 2017 and People Strategy 2015 – 2018

  9. People strategy 2015 - 2018 Provides a clear framework to shape how we improve people services and support the service delivery system Based on engagement and evidence of the key people management activities Performance Priority 6: Outcome: Staff and teams are clear about roles, relationships , reporting and professional responsibilities so that they can channel their energy and maximise performance to meet organisational targets. • Performance Management: 6.4 Implement and roll-out revised, redesigned performance management system that is supportive and developmentally based • Performance Capacity: 6.8 Support managers in recognising good and poor performance and provide them with the skills to give feedback in real time /on the job on a consistent basis at individual and team levels

  10. What is Performance Achievement?

  11. ….. Communication and Engagement

  12. What is Performance Achievement? • Develops the capacity of people to achieve their potential to the benefit of themselves and the organisation • It is not an isolated event but a catalyst for greater engagement, a push for a different way of behaving not only for managers but also for employees. • Establishes a shared understanding about what is to be achieved and how it is to be achieved– (Weiss and Hartle (1997)) • Identifies and acknowledges good performance, and addresses underperformance in a supportive and structured way • Value based – Care, Compassion, Trust and Learning • It is good management practice and good employee practice.

  13. Performance Achievement Framework

  14. International trends 2015-2016 • Performance Achievement has a new focus on managing strengths, not weaknesses, is emerging • People perform best when they receive objective practical feedback about their development that leverages their personal strengths and aspirations • Performance achievement process is becoming more integrated with strategies for employee engagement • Performance achievement is future focused that improves employee engagement and drives business results. • Today’s job market is highly dynamic and transparent. High-potential young employees want regular feedback and advice, not just “once and done” reviews • Deloitte – Human Capital Trends 2015 – Leading in the new world of work 15

  15. A successful Performance Achievement System

  16. What our people are saying…

  17. HSE 2004 Employee Engagement Research recommended Introduction of Performance Management and Developing Managers skills (ref Lk 2004) • Performance Management evaluation 2011 - 2013 from 4 former HSE regions and Corporate demonstrated • = positive for employee engagement & feedback to the line manager. “Protected time”. Felt valued and contribution recognised. Understood role – individual and as part of the team • X = No supports. Materials overly complex. Managers want skill training in giving and receiving feedback. • Succession Management Participants & HSCP 2011-to-date evidence to support this approach of getting feedback and giving feedback which forms part of their ongoing CPD. • HSE 2014 Employee Engagement survey staff want feedback on their performance (65% not satisfied) – see it as recognition.

  18. System implemented throughout the hospital All staff participated – nursing, multi-task attendants, administration, kitchen staff and grounds person Focus of implementation was performance coaching Commitment was given to evaluate the process

  19. Testing our approach… 20

  20. Steering Group to Oversee Performance Achievement Implementation and roll-out Membership to include: • Ms. Siobhan Patten, A/Asst. National Director of HR, Leadership, Education and Development; • Mr. John Delamere, Asst. National Director of HR, CERS • Mr. John Brehony, General Manager, National Performance Achievement Lead, L,E.D. • Ms. Mary Wynne, Interim Nursing and Midwifery Services Director or nominated DON • Ms. Sonia Shortt, Hospital Group HR Director (representing Hospital Groups) • Representative of CHOs • Mr. Seamus Treanor, HR PMO System Reform Programme • Dr. Julie McCarthy, Consultant Cytopathologist Cork. • Union representative from National Joint Council (7/8 members to be determined by NJC March / April 2016)

  21. How revised approach will be implemented • HSE HR Division, L, E.D. will support the implementation and national roll-out of Performance Achievement through a series engagement workshops across a number of service locations over the coming months by: • Providing skills training in Performance Achievement process • Providing support in giving feedback and having difficult conservations with emphasis on performance development. • Supporting individual and team performance achievement meetings. • Guiding materials explained to support rolling out Performance Achievement. • Uploading materials and provide e-learning module available on HSELand

  22. Guide Materials

  23. Some useful questions for Performance Achievement

  24. How can I access training supports?

  25. Workshops – Countrywide from July - December 2016

  26. Leadership, Education and Development Performance Achievement LEADS

  27. Leadership, Education & Development

  28. Additional Supports • Guidance Document and information on Dunmanway Community Hospital available on the HSE website at http://www.hse.ie/eng/staff/Resources/Performance_Management/ • Health Services People Strategy and Action Plan available at http://www.hse.ie/eng/staff/Resources/hrstrategiesreports/ • Communications Toolkit on Intranet www.hseland.ie • HSE Guide to Mentoring (quality conversations) available on www.hseland.ie • HSE Guide to Coaching (giving & receiving feedback)available on www.hseland.ie

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