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British Character

British Character. Британский характер.

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British Character

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  1. British Character Британский характер

  2. The British are citisens of the United Kingdom of the Isle of Main, one of the Channel Islands, or of one of the British overseas territories, and their descendants. International perceptions of the British broadly revolve around their politeness and reserved nature, but the British are a diverse, multicultural society, with "strong regional accents, expressions and identities" - the English, Scottish and Welsh-remain in many ways distinct peoples in cultural terms. Still there are common features.

  3. The English character is, on the one hand, hardly probable not the most inconsequent among the Europeans. Almost all its features have also opposite properties. But also it is very integral and certain Its features are thought to be such due to the island position of the country. Englishmen express one of the major vital principles through the following formula: « we came in this world not to take pleasure ». Many distinctive features of their character and a way of life are based on it.

  4. Conservatism • One of the key features of the Englishcharacter is deep attachment to traditions – conservatism. The aspiration to keeplifestyle and behaviour, rituals and the habits which are sometimes a bit strange and irrational - from the modern and not English point of view, - distinguishesEnglishmenfrom the majority of other people.Traditions really penetrate the most different sides of the English life. The major part of the English tradition is the monarchy. The monarchic authority, though decorative, is extremely important forEnglishmen, and mainly - for uniting the nation and maintenanceof nationalspirit. With the greatest respectEnglishmentreat their history. Museum business in this country is at the highest level.

  5. Restraint • Restraint, controlling one’s feelings, frequently taken for just coldness, are vital principles of this small, but very proud nation. The only thing that can get a trueEnglishman out of temper, is a noisy and defiant behaviour of others. The even greater and, probably, the strongest emotional indignation atEnglishmenis aroused by negligence towards queues , them being a subject of special worship. They, so to say, form a queue even out of one person!

  6. Extravagance • Together with this there is no more informal society, than the English one, in those cases, certainly, when it is supposed by tradition. You can wear the most inconceivable garnment, make a unimaginable hair-do, behave in the strangest way - and be sure, no Englishmanwill pay attention to you. First, because it is the country of odd fellows and “clowns”; second, here everyone is free to do what he wants (if it, certainly, does not contradict to traditional unwritten laws).

  7. Severity to children • Children are usually treated rather strictly, and the more upper in a society you are, the more intensive the strictness is. There is an ancient English saying – « children should be visible, but not audible ». Though this severity in a way gives quite good results.Englishmennot only have conquered half-world in due time, but also could survive and get fixed in this half. Travellers, seafarers, adventurers the Englishmen are , able to challenge destiny and to not be afraid of difficulties. And the challenge sometimes is more important for them than a victory, they are not afraid to lose.

  8. Politeness • Scrupulousness in relations, strict decency of manners to each other is inherent in all intelligent Englishmen without exception, but even "working class" in communication with people shows evident politeness.

  9. Childishness • Being already adult, Englishmen do not cease to possess some naive childishness which is shown through reading children's adventure books, eagerness to play ball with children in the street or to play mini-golf. And such children's pleasure grown-ups , grandmothers playing darts and bowling or helping the child tosolve puzzles, forming of those a completed picture!...

  10. Punctuality • The average Englishman is rather punctual . Though the public transport in the country is characterized to be very bad, and cars are not luxury, but means of transportation, Englishmen try to come to the planned meeting in time and not to be late.

  11. Sense of humour • Serious Englishmen also are well-known humorists. To laugh at itself and others is naturally enough for an Englishman. This feature has been cultivated for centuries, considered to be the major advantage of the person. The English ancient books of good manners assert, that « the sense of humour is possible and necessary to cultivate», and « the ideal man by all means should have sense of humour, otherwise he will be far from perfect ».

  12. Honesty Ordinary Englishmen are fairly honest with each other. Nobody tries to deceive you and cheat you to get your money ( though it happens sometimes, but is rather rare). Englishmen are highly loyal people. The respect for the law has became a natural part of their character and life, and in many cases even necessity of the strict control and punishment hasdisappeared!

  13. The conclusion • As well as it was told in the beginning, the English character is combined, various and full of contrasts and paradoxes. The small country due to force of this character could achieve the greatest respect of associates. Moreover, preservation of this character has became the important purpose of this nation.

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