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CONSTRUCTION &MATERIALS CONCRETE. GÖKTUĞ TANRIVERDİ NURCAN DOĞAN CEREN BİRÖZ ZEYNEP EYLÜL ERDEM MİNE BEŞOĞUL. Outline. What is concrete ? Composition of concrete Concrete production Types of concrete Precast concrete wall panels Application proccess Design flexibility
Outline • What is concrete? • Composition of concrete • Concreteproduction • Types of concrete • Precastconcretewallpanels • Application proccess • Design flexibility • Benbefits of precast
outline • Transparentandtranslucentconcretewall • How topaint a concretewall? • Wallsthatlooklikeconcrete • Concretecountertops • Concretefloors • Acid-staining • Painting • Polishing • Radiantfloorsystems
CONCRETE WHAT IS CONCRETE? • Construction material • Mixture of portland cement, water, aggregates,and in some cases, admixtures. • The cement and water form a paste that hardens and bonds the aggregates together. • Often looked upon as “man made rock”. • Versatile construction material, adaptable to a wide variety of agricultural and residential uses. • Strong, durable, versatile, and economical.
Composition of concrete • Water • Aggregates • Chemicaladmixtures • Cement
Concreteproduction • Thisprocessdevelopsphysicalandchemicalpropertieslikemechanicalstrength, lowmoisturepermeability, andchemicalandvolumetricstability. A properly proportioned concrete mix will provide • Mixingconcrete • Workability • Curing
Mixingconcrete • Essentialfor • The production of uniform concrete, • Highqualityconcrete. • Equipmentandmethodsshould be capable of effectivelymixing
Workability • The ease with which freshly mixed concrete can be placed and finished without segregation. • Difficult to measure but ready-mix companies usually have experience in determining the proper mix. • Important to accurately describe what the concrete is to be used for, and how it will be placed.
Curing • Concrete that has been specified, batched, mixed, placed, and finished "letter-perfect" can still be a failure if improperly or inadequately cured. • Usually the last step in a concreteproject and, unfortunately,is often neglected even by professionals.
Curing • Curing has a major influence on the properties of hardened concrete such as durability, strength, water-tightness, wear resistance, volume stability, and resistance to freezing and thawing. • Proper concrete curing for agricultural and residential applications involves keeping newly placed concrete moist and avoiding temperature extremes (above 90°F or below 50°F) for at least three days. • A seven-day (or longer) curing time is recommended.
Curing • The best curing method depends on: • Cost, • Application equipment required, • Materials available, • Size and shape of the concrete surface. • Prevent the loss of the mixing water from concrete by sealing the surface. • Can be done by: • Covering the concrete with impervious paper or plastic sheets, • Applying membrane-forming curing compounds.
Curing • Begin the curing as soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently to avoid erosion or other damage to the freshly finished surface. • Usually within one to two hours after placement and finishing.
Types of concrete • Regularconcrete • High-strengthconcrete • Stampedconcrete • High-performanceconcrete • Self-consolidatingconcretes • Vacuumconcretes • Shotcrete • Perviousconcrete • Cellular concrete, • Cork-cementcomposites • Roller-compactedconcrete • Glass concrete • Asphalt concrete • Rapid strength concrete • Rubberized concrete • Polymer concrete • Geopolymer or green concrete • Limecrete • Refractory Cement • Concrete cloth • Innovativemixtures • Gypsumconcrete
INTRODUCTION • Introductions • Design Flexibilityof Wall Panels • Benefits ofPrecast • Conclusion
Carbon Fiber Grid Reinforced Precast Concrete • The problem of corrosion in precast concrete is often attributed to the steel rebar reinforcement; steel being a corrodible material, it is especially vulnerable during the curing and drying process, when it is locked into an environment that is very wet. AltusGroup, a national organization composed of 13 precast companies, and Chomarat, a producer of carbon fiber grids, answered by replacing the steel rebar in concrete with a carbon fiber grid. The grid is thinner and lighter than the steel, and it requires less concrete to cover it. The result: thinner, lighter panels (up to 75 percent lighter architectural wall panels) and increased insulation, because the carbon fiber doesn't conduct heat or cold. This new material already has been used in architectural and insulated sandwich wall panels. • The jury wished that the submission had included more information on testing done during the product-development process, as well as on the lifecycle benefits. Ultimately, they decided to cite the product because of its potential for revolutionizing the use of concrete, one of the most ubiquitous materials in construction today. • “From an engineering standpoint, a structural standpoint,” said Blaine Brownell, “the fact that you can use less material makes it part of the trajectory of doing more with less, which has an environmental aspect to it as well as a trend of hybridization—of using different types of materials to make a sum that's greater than the parts.” The jury also appreciated the product's simplicity. “I found it pretty interesting as a new technology, and one which might be really very helpful,” said Andres Lepik. “Somebody had a very simple, basic, and strong idea.”
proccess • 1)Carbon Fiber Grid Reinforced Precast Concrete Panel By using a carbon fiber grid instead of steel rebar as support for its precast panels, AltusGroup is able to manufacture a lighter and thinner panel than those made of traditional precast concrete.
proccess • 2)Insulated Wall Panel Theproduct has beenused in insulatedwallpanelsandallowsforthinnerwallsectionsandbetterthermalperformance, as thecarbon fiber griddoesn'tconductheatorcold.
process • 3)Thegrid is embedded in liquidconcreteliketraditionalsteelrebar. But instead of corroding on contactwiththeliquid, creatingthepotentialforcracksorbreaks, thegrid is nonreactive.
DESIGN FLEXIBILITY • Limited Only by YourImagination • Aesthetics, cost and speed of installation – pick anytwo.That’s the usual choice owners and architectsface whenconsidering building materials for theirconstruction projects. • Precast concrete wall panels, however, make all ofthese available by offering design flexibility, timesavings and improved profitability.
DESIGN FLEXIBILITY • Limited Only by YourImagination • Nearly everywhere you look, new office buildings,hospitals, schools, parking garages, shoppingcenters and apartments are taking shape as citiescontinue to expand. • These and other structures look fantastic clad inprecast concrete wall panels, which offer a limitlessvariety of shapes, styles and colors.
BENEFITS OF PRECAST • AestheticallyPleasing • Precast panelscan be producedin virtually anycolor and a widevariety of finishesto achieve thedesiredappearance.
BENEFITS OF PRECAST • AestheticallyPleasing • Finishescommonlyavailableare: Smooth-as-cast Textured form liner Exposed aggregate Sand blast
BENEFITS OF PRECAST • SuperiorStrengthandDurability • Strength gradually increases over time. • Exterior cladding panels can easily be designed tohandle structural building loads, thereby reducingthe need for otherstructural components. •Does not deteriorate, experience creep and stressrelaxation, lose strength and/or deflect over time.
BENEFITS OF PRECAST • SafetyandProtection • Precast concrete provides excellent protectionagainst impacts from explosions, vehicles andprojectiles. • Precast concrete wall panels have passedtornado/hurricane impact testing, giving owners anadded level of safety assurance in areas prone tosevere weather.
BENEFITS OF PRECAST • Ease of Installation • Precastconcretepanelshave a distinctadvantageover other materials such asbrick, concretemasonry, castin-placeconcreteand EIFS. • Becauseprecastpanelsaremanufactured well in advance of installation, they areready for transportation to the job site at a moment’snotice.
BENEFITS OF PRECAST • Ease of Installation • Most panels includeembedded connectionshardware so they can beerected onto a steel framequickly with a limitedinstallation crew. • Projects utilizing precast cansave weeks or months overother materials.
BENEFITS OF PRECAST • ConsistentQuality • Because precast concrete products are typicallyproduced in a controlled plant environment, theyexhibit high quality and uniformity. • Problems affecting quality typically found on a jobsite – temperature, curing conditions,craftsmanship and material quality – are nearlyeliminated in a plant environment.
BENEFITS OF PRECAST • ReducedWeatherDependency • Precast concrete increases operating efficiency,because weather will not delay production. • Weather conditions have a reduced effect on theschedule because precast requires less time toinstall than alternative methods such as cast-in-placeand EIFS.
BENEFITS OF PRECAST • EnvironmentallyFriendly • Besides water,concrete is the mostfrequently usedmaterial on earth. • It is nontoxic,environmentally safeand composed ofnatural materials.
BENEFITS OF PRECAST • Weatherand UV Resistance • Precast concrete is well-suited for all types ofweather conditions. • In regions with regular freeze-thaw cycles, themix can be designed to withstand damage. • Precast concrete does not degrade fromexposure to sunlight.
BENEFITS OF PRECAST • EnergySavings • Precast concrete has excellent R-value insulationproperties, which can be enhanced withembedded Styrofoam (sandwich panels).
BENEFITS OF PRECAST • Modularity • Because of the modularnature of precast concreteproducts, buildings of nearlyany size can beaccommodated. • Precast products aredesigned and manufacturedfor simple connection toreduce installation time.
BENEFITS OF PRECAST • Availability • With hundreds of manufacturers throughout NorthAmerica, precast concrete wall panels can beordered from most cities and regions. • Products are made in advance and readilyavailable when needed at the job site. • Ensures a competitive market and a ready supply.
BENEFITS OF PRECAST • Efficiency • Precast products arrive at the job site ready to install. • No waste in the time schedule for cast-in-place work,laying of masonry products or EIFS installation.
BENEFITS OF PRECAST • LowMaintenance • Precast concrete requires little or no maintenance,which makes it the ideal choice for nearly anydesign solution. • Other products, such as EIFS, may require repairafter severe weather or impact.
BENEFITS OF PRECAST • Economical • Precast concrete wall panelsoffer lower long-term costs whencompared with other materials. • Ease of installation, reduction inoverall project timeline and totalflexibility in design make precastthe economical solution.
CONCLUSION • Precast concrete is the material of choice for thecladding of buildings and parking structures.
Step 1 • Choose paint for your project.Select paint appropriate for your outdoor project. You will need a paint that is resistant to moisture and sun exposure. Outdoor concrete paint is available for outdoor projects. However, an oil-based paint also may work for your needs. • Pick a paint for your indoor paint project. Basement concrete paint is available in many paint and home improvement stores, however you also can use an interior acrylic paint for the project.
Step 2 • Clean the concrete wall. For exterior projects, use a power washer to rid the wall of all dirt and dust. If your project is indoors, scrub the wall with soapy water and a scrub brush instead of using a power washer.
Step 3 • Repair any cracks or blemishes in your wall with concrete patch. Follow the directions to mix up the concrete patch mixture. Fill holes and use a trowel to smooth the patch to match the surface of the wall.
Step 4 • Check the wall for moisture. Paint applied to a wall that is not properly sealed will not adhere properly.Tape plastic sheeting to the wall. Attempt to get the sheeting as air-tight as possible. • Check the plastic after 24 hours. If moisture appears within the plastic, you will need to seal the wall. If no moisture is present, the wall is already sealed.
Step 5 • Seal the concrete wall. Roll on 1 coat of concrete sealer and allow it to dry overnight. Concrete sealer is available at most hardware or home improvement stores.
Step 6 • Apply 1 coat of concrete primer. You can use rollers or brushes to apply the paint. Ensure the primer is applied evenly, whichever technique you use. Let it dry for 24 hours. If you can see the wall through the primer, apply 1 more coat
Step 7 • Paint your wall with concrete paint. Paint should be applied in at least 3 thin layers. The paint may be sprayed on, rolled on or painted on with a brush. The paint should not be streaky or show brush strokes. Allow to dry for 24 hours.
Step 8 • Roll on concrete paint sealer. Cover with 2 coats, allowing it to dry between coats. Paint sealer helps the paint to adhere to the wall and last longer.
Wallsthatlooklikeconcrete • It has somanyadvantages.Firstly it does not loadtobuildingandthere is noearthquake risk thankstoit'slightweight.
Artificialconcretewall has waterresistanceso it is appliedoutdoorandinteriror.It has realtextureand view.130 cm (H) x 285 cm in size andconsists of plates can be cuttodesiredsize.Theplatethickness of only 3 mm.RawMaterial; Fiberglass, ConcretePowder, Mastic.VeryLight;Average 5 kg / m².
ADVANTAGES • Practice:It Is mountedwithscrewsdirectly. • Mutable: you can cutwith a diamondsaworjigsaw. • Functional: Unlimitedusagearea. • Charge: Maintenanceandcleaningdoes not want, can be washed. • Robust: Shockresistant. • Flexible: Oval androundsurfaces can be applied. • FlameResistant: Flammabilityandignitionfeaturetohave. • Impressive: a visuallystunning. • Healthy: Odorless, not carcinogenic.