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EcoPlasBrick Innovative recycled plastic based panels for building field. AGREEMENT NUMBER: ECO/10/277233. 24 Months Meeting - Tirane , October 1 st , 2013. Agenda. Interim Report approval-Technical. Interim Report approval-Financial.
EcoPlasBrick Innovative recycled plastic based panels for building field AGREEMENT NUMBER: ECO/10/277233 24 Months Meeting - Tirane, October 1st, 2013
Interim Report approval-Financial It was mentioned that the equipment costs budgeted in Annex II will not be used or partially only, however MOTULAB has spent more on consumables. Please note, that you may adjust the estimated budget by budget transfers between items of eligible costs and between partners in accordance with the following conditions set in Article I.4.4. of the Grant Agreement: 1. Transfer between items does not exceed 20 % of the total eligible costs of the action. 2. Transfer between partners does not exceed 20 % of the total eligible costs of the recipient beneficiary. 3. Transfer between partners does not exceed 50 % of the total eligible costs of the giving beneficiary. Please request change regarding the Grant Agreement not later than 1 month before the end of the project, or/and send us your budget transfer request together with the Final Report at the latest. • Please note that the approval of Interim report does not mean the approval of costs.
Work programme: schedule 2° Progress Report (onlytechnical) tobedeliveredto EACI within the end ofNovember
EcoPlasBrick Innovative recycled plastic based panels for building field AGREEMENT NUMBER – ECO/10/277233 Tasks 2.3 – 2.4 Purchase, installation, and start-up of a new industrial line; Scaling up of the manufacturing process
Activities at Cetmalaboratories Tensile tests ASTM C273 Shear Properties of Sandwich Core Materials START END
Activities at Cetmalaboratories Tensile tests ASTM C273 Shear Properties of Sandwich Core Materials
Activities at Cetmalaboratories Tensile tests ASTM C273 Shear Properties of Sandwich Core Materials comparison: february 2013 vs september 2013
EcoPlasBrick Innovative recycled plastic based panels for building field AGREEMENT NUMBER – ECO/10/277233 Task 3.2 Validation of vertical solution
EcoPlasBrick Innovative recycled plastic based panels for building field AGREEMENT NUMBER – ECO/10/277233 Task 3.4 Validation of horizontal solution
EcoPlasBrick Innovative recycled plastic based panels for building field AGREEMENT NUMBER – ECO/10/277233 Task 4.2 LCA – phase I and 2
EcoPlasBrick Innovative recycled plastic based panels for building field AGREEMENT NUMBER – ECO/10/277233 Task 5.2 Exploitation Activities
CETMA Exploitationactivities • March 2013: presentation of EPB at JEC exhibition at CETMA’s stand - Paris • - July 2013: Promotion ofEcoplasbricksolutionduring a technical meeting withthreeApuliancompaniesinterested in plastic recycling (Dalena Ecologia, Schinplast, Eco Ambiente sud) • July 2013: Promotion ofEcoplasbricksolution at DIDA (DepartmentofArchitecture, FlorenceUniversity) for Green Up project • August 2013: face to face meeting withEcoplan, Italianproducerofpanelsmadeofrecycled plastic and olive husk • ThesedaysCetma staff isgoingtopromote EPB at Made Expo in Milan • Next week CETMA willbepresent at ISWA World Congress in Wien
ACCIONA Disseminationactivities • 2-5 July 2013 -MatComp (National Composites Conference) Cadiz
EcoPlasBrick Innovative recycled plastic based panels for building field AGREEMENT NUMBER – ECO/10/277233 Task 5.3 Business plan – Work Progress
Price Marketing Mix The strategic goal is to have products on a profit margin of 30%; The criterion used for determining the price for the market is that of cost-based, equal to the sum of variable costs and a share of fixed costs, the so-called full cost, plus a margin to be defined. Costbased
Marketing Mix Place
Marketing Mix Promotion Publicity Advertising Internet Alliances
Segmentation & Positioning • Indicators Dealersof building panelsshowing interest in GPP • Attitude of a country towards energy recovery vs. recycling; • Country’s activity and attitude towards Ecolabel • Total identified manufacturers and dealers; • Number of certified “Green” Buildings in Europe; • Building stock in Europe Top countries with most favourable market conditions for selling ECOPLASBRICK
Positioning Positioning Map
Financial Plan Projected Cash Flow
Financial Plan Sales growth is expected to be aggressive from 6,000 m2 of year 1 to 31,000 at year 5. In the last 3 years a 10% unsold goods is foreseen
Financial Plan Break-even point Business Ratios
Financial Plan Retail sales typically show increasing sales from March through July, according to a warm or mild weather and declining sales from October through February.
EcoPlasBrick Innovative recycled plastic based panels for building field AGREEMENT NUMBER – ECO/10/277233 Task 6.7,6.8,6.9 Results on presentation of the project, fairs, promotion of contacts
Planning of Next Activities • NextPanelstobeproducedby Motulab • ForAcciona 30 panels (500*500*50?core mm) formechanicaltests (within 11 October) • Other panels for fire resistance tests (if needed to be requested by Acciona within 18 October) • For TRE …. • For CETMA n. 10 panels 200*200*20core mm to be shipped to potential investors and customers (within end of November)
Information sharing / Decision making • Fireproperties • Panel’s thickness Fireresistance and mechanicalvalidation Demonstrator good Notgood Mechanicalvalidation? ? New ANSYS simulation?
Planning of Next Activities Nextmeeting? When: January/February 2014 Where: ACCIONA premises (Madrid)